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·take effect[见效]


·take……for granted[认为……理所当然的]

·take in [吸收]

·take……into account(consideration)[考虑到]

·take part in [参加]

·take place[发生]

·take precaution against[预防]

·take shape [成形]

·take steps [采取措施]

·take medicine[服药]

·take the place of[代替]

·take turns[轮流(换班)]

·ten to one[很有可能]

·tend to(towards)[倾向于]

·thanks to[幸亏]

·that is to say[就是说(即)]

·the former……the latter[前者……后者]

·think light(little)of[认为……不重要]

·think much of[重视]

·to and fro[往复,来回]

·to be short[简言之]

·to date[至今]

·to our knowledge[据我们所知]

·to the contrary[相反]

·to the disaldvantage of[对……不利]

·to the end (last) [到底]

·to the point[中肯]

·turn back[折回]

·turn into[变成]

·under consideration[在考虑之中的]

·under development[正在研制]

·under discussion[在讨论中]

·under observation[在观察中]

·used to[习惯于]

·void of[没有……的]

·warm up [兴奋]

·wash well[耐洗]

·watch out[注意]

·wear and tear[耗损]

·wear out[用坏(变旧)]

·wipe out[擦去]

·with the purpose that[为的是(为了)]

·without avail[无益]

·without doubt[毫无疑问]

·without effct[无效]

·without reserve[无保留地]

·work in with[和……协调]

·work on (away)[继续工作]

·work on (upon)[影响]

·work out[制订(做出)]

·year after(by) year[一年一年地]

·year in and year out [一年到头]

·yield to[听从于(让步于)]

·zealous for[热望]

·zealous in[热心于]


·abdominal delivery[剖腹产]

·active stage [活动期]

·advanced stage[晚期]

·air tube [呼吸道]

·alarm reaction[紧急反应]

·alimentary anemia[营养性贫血]

·alimentary toxicosis[食物中毒]

·angina pectoris[心绞痛] ·ardent fever[高热]

·artificial labor[引产]

·attending physician[主治医师]

·bad breath[口臭]

·birth injury[产伤]

·blood group[血型]

·bottle feeding[人工喂养]

·breast pump[吸乳器]

·bronchic cell[肺泡]

·bypass technique[分流术]

·cesarean section[剖腹产术]

·clinical jaundice[显性黄疸]

·closed (open) fracture[闭合性(开放性)骨折]

·coated tablet[包衣片]

·cold injury[冻伤]

·coutrast medium[造影剂]

·culture medium[培养基]

·dead time[失效期]

·differential diagnosis[鉴别诊断]

·dominant heredity[显性遗传]

·emergency tracheotomy[紧急气管切开术]

·emergency room[急诊室]

·emergency theory [应急学说]

·equivalent weight[当量]

·exertion dyspnea[活动性呼吸困难]

·family planning[计划生育]

·first finger[拇指]

·first-aid station[急救站]

·focal lesion[局灶性损损害]

·full diet[普通饮食]

·general immunity[全身免疫]

·gross lesion[肉眼损害]

·heart failure[心衰]

·horizontal position[平卧位]

·hunger edema[营养不良性水肿]

·indirect hernia[斜疝]

·internal organs[内脏]

·life insurance[人寿保险]

·life span[寿命]

·lung field[肺野]

·pigeon chest[鸡胸]

·plain film[平片]

·primary anesthesia[基础麻醉]

·primary cancer[原发癌]

·primary(second) sex characters[第一(二)性特征] ·preclinical medicine[基础医学]

·prolonged labor[滞产]

·remote infarct[陈旧性心梗]

·sensible (insensible) perspiration[显性(隐性)出汗] ·specific gravity[比重]

·still birth[死产]

·subtotal gastrectomy[胃大部切除术]

·surgical abdomen[急腹症]

·table salt[食盐]

·theatre nurse[手术室护士]

·threatened abortion[先兆流产]

·vital sign[生命体征]

·wet brain[脑水肿]

·wet lung[肺水肿]

附5 英语问诊常用句子

·Hello.may (can) I help you?[您好,我可以帮您吗?] ·What seems to be bothering you?[您觉得哪儿不舒服?] ·Do you have a record?[您有病历吗?]

·I`ll transfer you to the surgery department.[我给您转到外科去]
