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2011 Inv estme nt Pro moti on Brochure of Huisha n Econo mice Devel opment Zone

catalog content

cover Jia ngsu Province Wuxi Huisha n Econo mic Devel opmnet Zone

Huisha n New City --------------- A city merged with ecology, reside nee,

scie nce,tech no logy and in dustry.

(First Part) Inv ati on vitality is flourish.


Creative motivity is en dless.

Imp licati on

Pion eeri ng sp irit is successive.

Wuxi is the cradle of Wu Culture that brings agriculture

civilizati on. As a birth place of moder n n ati onal in dustry and

commerce here brings current industry civilization. The

prosp erity of contemporary tow nship in dustry brings glory of

being No.1 in China. Wu Culture is successive for over three

thousa nd year, that is ino vati on, creativity and pion eeri ng.

• Cradle of Wu Culture

Three thousand year ago, TaiBo cameto Southern Yangtze River

area called Jia ngnan and brought with adva need cultivatio n

skill that is well merged with aborig inal culture of Jia ngnan

area. As the old saying said ” when in Romedo as the Romanado”

TaiBo cut hair, had tatto oin g, lead com mon people to build

irrigatio n p rojects and devel op agriculture, Jia ngnan area ste pped into res plendent

civilizati on.

• Birth place of moder n n ati onal in dustry and commerce

In the 1930s, lots of industrialists taking Rong

herefrom, agriculture

family for

representative emerged bringing the rising up of national

in dustry and commerce and maki ng Wuxi become the Birth place of

modern national industry and commerce. Wuxi is honored as little

Shan ghai in history.

• Cradle of contemporary tow nshi p in dustry

In the early of 1970s, the boo ming of tow nship in dustry made

south Jia ngsu model become the fresh force of country economy

development, played a leading role in promoting country economy devel opment and p roduced a great impact in n ati onal


Today, let us turn a new p age together.

Cities covered by two-hour-ec ono mic circle in Yan gtze River


Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Yangzhou,Zhenjiang , Taizhou,

Wuxi, Chan gzhou, Nantong, Han gzhou, Nin gbo, Huzhou, Jiax ing,

Zhousha n, Shaox ing, Taizhou …

Exp ressway: Sha nghai-Na njing highway, Wuxi-Jia ngyin highway, Wuxi-Yixi

ng highway

High-s peed railway: Beiji ng-Sha nghai high-s peed railway,

Shan ghai-Nanj ing high-s peed railway

s most econo mic devel oped

area — Yan gtze river delta, Jia ngsu Huisha


Econo mic

Devel op memt Zone is also betwee n Shan ghai and Nanjing, in the

core area of two-hour-economic circle in Yangtze River delta.

Overal planning area is 76 km2, including 36 km2 developed area. Its

population is 200 thousand. It is the center of Huishan district ' s administration, economy and culture. After ten year ' s development, it has become a new city combined with ecology, reside nee, tech no logy and in dustry.

gallery such as Xibei Can al, Xiche ng Canal and Jie River etc. have bee n ecosystem rehabilitaed though con struct ing

Transp orti on mea nss:

Located in the cen ter of Chi na (Second Ecologic new city

Part )

【gree n,

low-carb on, recycle economy, ecological

Four highs

rehabilitatio n



