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but always think of what we miss.
Don ' t cry because it ' s over now, laugh because it happened.
The more precisely you plan, the harder destiny will hit you .
What happens, happens for a reason.
Don't make an effort because
the best things happen, when you
least expect them
The greatest events, aren't the loudest, but the most quiet
Training does not started yet. As you like. You can enjoy the beautiful English.
hope you will never forget this moment.
It is seldom that we have the chance to sit down and think about the way we taught our students, when we are finally together, please peace your mind and enjoy the song
I hope you enjoy it and have a nice day !
For you Aug. 31th 2006
AK.38.Lee ☺
For you Sep. 9th
The one who takes your hand but touches
your heart is a true Friend .
We seldom think of what we have,
He who would like to have something he never had, will have to do something well, that he hasn’t done yet
Perhaps God would want you to become acquainted with many different people in the
course of your life, so that when you meet the right ones,
you can appreciate and be grateful for them.
Plan for tomorrow but Live for today.
Love doesn't require two people look at each other,
but that they look together in the same direction.
Life is drawing without an eraser
I wish you always:
Air to breath, Fire to warm you, Water to drink and The earth to live in.
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The most difficult lesson to learn is:
Which bridge in life to use or which one to break off .
Everybody sees how you seem, however, only some know who you are.