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1. The kids are kept( ) tidying up the desk.

A. busy with

B. busying with

C. busy in

D. to busy in

答案为C。本题考查固定搭配。A项 be busy with 表示“忙于做某事”,但后接名词,不接动名词,所以被排除;B项中busying的表达是错误的;D项中多了介词to,也不对。只有C 才符合be (kept) busy (in) doing sth. 结构。第2题

2. The water is too hot ( ).

A. to drinking

B. to drink

C. to be drinked

D. for drink



3. --- Would you ( ) holding the umbrella for me for a while?

A. like

B. want

C. mind

D. please

答案为C。Would you mind…后接动名词短语;Would you like…要加带to 的不定式,故A 不对;Would you please…要加不带to的不定式,故D不对;没有Would you want to的句型,故B不对。


4. I don’t understand what she said ( ).

A. in all

B. after all

C. at all

D. all about

答案为C。at all一般用于否定句中,以加强语气,有“根本(不)”,“完全(不)”的意思。有时也用于肯定句,意思是“竟然”,“真的”等,用于加强语气。


5. We ( ) in the river near our village when we were little girls.

A. used to swim

B. used to swimming

C. are used to swimming

D. were used to swim

答案为A。本题考查判别形似的短语。used to do “过去常做”,仅此一种时态。be used to do“被用于做”,是use的被动语态,时态多变。be used to doing

“习惯于做”, to是介词,时态多变。因此可看出B是错误的搭配;C是时态错误;D错在介词to后没有用动名词形式,故A正确。


6. This sentence is ( ) difficult ( ) few of the students can understand it.

A. too…to

B. very, that

C. so, that

D. such, that

答案为C。too… to…结构中to 是不定式符号,后面不能接从句;B项两词不能搭配使用,故排除;D中such后应接名词,而difficult 是形容词,故排除;只有C才符合语法和题意。


7. Please fill the three baskets ( ) flowers.

A. of

B. by

C. for

D. with

答案为D。fill … with…为固定搭配, 意思是“用……将……装满。A、B、C 无法与fill搭配。


8. Why ( ) the dinosaurs first?

A. don’t visit

B. not you visit

C. not visit

D. you not visit

答案为C。这是考查固定搭配。Why not do something = Why don’t you do something. 表示建议、提议对方做某事。


9. She promises that she will ( ) to me in three days.

A. return the money

B. return back the money

C. get the money back

D. pay back the money

答案为D。本题考查固定搭配。英语中表示“还钱”一般用“pay/give back the money to sb.”,而不用“return money to sb.”。因为return强调的是归还“原物”。所以A、B、C 都被排除。


10. Have you finished your housework ( )? Yes. I have ( ) finished it.

A. yet, already

B. already, yet

C. ever, never

D. still, just




1. It is a bad habit to ( ) others.

A. make a fun of

B. make fun to

C. make up for

D. make fun of

答案为D。本题考固定搭配。make fun of 意为"取笑", fun 是不可数名词,所以A不对;B为错误表达;C项的make up for 意为"弥补,补偿",不符合句意,也排除。

2. You would always be ( ) two minds about so many things.

A. for

B. to

C. at

D. in

答案为D。本题考固定搭配。in two minds的意思是“三心二意”。其余三项使句子意思不通。


3. I ran ( ) an old friend of mine yesterday, whom I hadn’t seen for years.

A. across

B. cross
