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学术写作 Academic Writing


通过体验、参与、互动的方式,帮助学生了解英语写作研究前沿问题,拓宽学习者的认知视野,采用“以言行事”(How to do things with English)的哲学思想和“手脑并用”(a good combination of your hand and your mind)的教学原则,注重科学思维方式与实际动手能力的培养,并通过这种双重认知训练过程的探索,培养学生养成良好的英语写作习惯,促进其认知能力的发展、科学素养的提高,帮助学生完成从“痛苦写作”到“快乐写作”、从“快乐写作”到“学术写作”三级跨越式的能力发展。More exactly, we would like to get you well prepared for your “Thesis Writing” which you are going to take up after your first year course study if you want to have “that good piece of paper”.

We strongly suggest each of you go to the syllabus and preface parts in our suggested textbooks for more specific information concerning this innovative type of training in English writing.

教学计划(Teaching Planning)

1st Writing Assignment:

1.Writing Task: Free writing(自由写作);

2.Task Description: Choose what you want to write and write it in a joyful


3.Type of Writing: Free writing—Does free writing really mean free? (Unit


2nd Writing Assignment:

1.Writing Task: Guided writing(命题作文);

2.Suggested Title: All I want to say about information collection and

processing. This is a fairly general or umbrella title we would like you to

think about for this assignment. On the other hand, we suggest you choose a

unique perspective of your own and look at different roles of this huge

industry can play in a modern and digital society. Alternatively, you may

well examine our behavioral patterns in information collection and

processing. Some specific questions in this respect include:

1)How differently do people get and process information?

2)What are some effective ways for human beings to get and process


3)Is there such a thing as “information explosion”?

4)How can we make a digital survival?

5)What does Stanley Milgram’s “Small World Experiment”(namely, the

theory of six degrees of separation“六度分离”理论)tell us?

6)And you may add more potential titles here and then choose one that is

both attractive and feasible to you.

3.Type of Writing: Descriptive writing plus summary writing(叙述、综述


3rd Writing Assignment:

1.Writing Task: How to review a paper(如何评议);

2.Task Description: Try to say something about a text you would like to





3.Type of Writing: Review writing—How to review a paper? (Unit 6)

4th Assignment:

1.Writing Task: Problems in my field(问题研究);

2.Task Description: A case study of X issue in a Chinese context(中国语境

中的X问题). “X” stands for any subject-matter variable(学科专业变量)

you may have in your study. For instance, a student from “the Department of

Information & Communication Engineering” may take a critical perspect ive

and look at one of some heated issues in his/her field by writing a paper like

this. If you are lucky enough, you can further expand this paper into a term


3.Type of Writing: Argumentative writing—You may go to either “English

writing is my headache” (Unit 1) or “What is wrong with English Teaching

in China?” (Unit 4) for further reference.
