英语语言学概论 Chapter 3phonetics

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• • • • • • •
High: Low: Front: Back: Rounded Tense: NOte: all vowels are voiced
Diphthongs and triphthongd
• Monothongs,pure vowels or simple vowels • Diphthong(双元音)(complex vowels) produced by moving from one vowel position to another: • Centering vowel: 3 个 • Closing vowels: 5 个 • Triphthongs: produced by a glide from one vowel to another and then rapidly to a third rapidly and continuously: 5 个
• aspirated(送气的): only when voiceless plosives occur initially in a word or initially in a stessed syllable, are they aspirated: • [p] [t] [k] • pin spin • take steak • car scar
• 3 the place of articulation(发音部位): the place in the mouth where obstruction take places or occurs • Bilabial(双唇音): [p],[b],[m],[w] • Labiodental(唇齿音) [f], [v] • Dental(齿音): [ three ] [with] • Alveolar(齿龈音):[t] [d] [s] [z] [n] [l] • Post-alveolar(后齿龈音): [r] [tr] [dr]
• 4. manner of articulation:how airstream is obstructed or blocked in the month • Stop: closure stage, hold stage, release stage: • Nasal stops: [m] [n] [sing] • Oral stops or plosives:[p][b][t][d][k] [g] • Fricatives:[f][v][three][with][s][z][wish] • [garage][h] ( 九个)
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Phonetic features
• voiced: P36 and P33 [h] is voiceless • Consonantal: [r] [l] + ; [j] [w] – • continuant:(连续音的):fricatives liquids glides • anterior(前部音的):bilabials labiodentals dentals and alveolars. • Coronal(舌尖音的 舌面音): dentals alveolars post-alveolars alveo-palatals and palatals
3.3.1 consonants
• 1 position of the soft palate: • When it is lowered, airstream escapes from nasal and oral cavities, nasal consonants; [m], [n], [sing ]. • Raised against the back of throat, airstream come out through oral cavity, oral cavity is produced.
• 2 the position of the tongue • The vertical distance between the upper surface of the tongue and the palate: high,mid,low vowels: • Which part of the tongue is raised: • front, central, back vowel:
Classification of vowels
• 1 the state of the velum when the velum is lowered, nasal vowels are produced: pin, pen, can am. Nasal vowels are marked by a diacritical mark(变音符号) when the velum is raised against the back of the throat, oral vowels is produced: pit,pet, cat at.
Speech organs
• Oral cavity: lips, teeth, teeth ridge(alveolar ridge)(齿龈), hard palate(硬腭), soft palate(velum), glottis(声门), vocal cords • lip: labial; • teeth:dental • teeth ridge: alveolar • palate: palatal • velum: velar; glottis: glottal
3.2 speech organs
• Other functions of speech organs like breathing and eating are biologically primary • Speech organs: glottis(声门) • vocal cords(声带) • vocal tracts(声道):oral cavity(口腔) • nasal cavity(鼻腔)
• 2 Vocal-cord vibration: • voiceless(清音的): [p] [f] [three] [t] [s][wish] [reach] [k] [tr] [?] • Voiced(浊音的): the rest consonants and all the vowels are voiced(其余的辅 音和元音都是浊音,声带都震动的)
Chapter Three
Phonetics The description and classification of speech sounds
3.1Phonetics and its subbranches
• Phonetics studies speech sounds: identifying them, their physical properties, classification and description • Not all the sounds made by human beings are speech sounds. • The production: articulatory phonetics • The transmisssion: acoustic phonetics • The reception: auditory phonetics
3.3 classification
• 1 consonants VS vowels: distinguished by whether there is any obstruction(阻 碍) in the airstream when a speech sound is produced • vowel: no obstruction, but with vocal cord vibration. • consonant: airstream is completely blocked, or partially blocked, or escapes with friction.
• affricative: [reach] [bridge] [tr] [dr] • Liquid: [r] which is alse called retroflex(卷舌音) or central liquid • [l] which is also called lateral or lateral liquid(旁流音) • Glide: [w],[j] which are also called semivowels(半元音)
3.4 coarticulation & IPA
• coarticulation(协调发音): the process of simultaneous and overlapping articulation of speech sounds. “pen’, • IPA: International Phonetic Alphabet(国 际音标) : one symbol stands for one sound and every symbol has a consistent value, 72 symbols for consonants, 25 for vowels. • IPA: International Phonetic Association(国际语音学协会)
• • • • •
3 the openness of the mouth: close vowels: semi-close vowels: semi-open vowel: open vowel:
• 4 the shape of lips rounded vowels VS unrounded vowels • 5 the length of vowels: • long vowels: ex, [a:] [u:] [i:] • Short vowels: ex, [i] [u] • 6 the tension of the muscles at pharynx(咽) • tense vowels: all the long vowels and [e] • lax vowels: the rest vowels
• Alveo-palatal(齿龈硬腭 音):[finish],[garage],[church] [bridge] • palatal: [j] • velar(软腭音): [k] [g] [ring] • Glottal(声门音): glottal stop [?] : bottle • glottal fricative [h]