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Better, healthier and decent lives 实质,活力和公信力 More than ever, achieving the Milห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ennium Development Goals – and, indeed, all the internationally agreed development targets – depends fundamentally on the substance, vitality and credibility of our global partnership 实现千年发展目标,根本取决于我们全球伙伴关系的实质,活力和公信力。这比 以往任何时候都更是如此。 Share responsibility and honor our commitments 分担责任和履行承诺 Mixed blessing 喜忧参半 The sustained increase required to meet targets agreed, and reiterated in 2001 and 2005, have not materialized. 我们需要持续增长来实现目标,这些目标在 2002 年和 2005 年都被予以重申 Closing this funding gap 消除这一缺口 Alleviate extreme poverty, fight disease 减轻贫困,抗击疾病 Huge and growing economic divergence 巨大且不断增长的经济差距 Channel more resources through national budgets 通过国际预算,提供更多资金 Aid effectiveness 援助效力 Debt relief 减免债务 But have too, much more is needed 同样需要付出更多的努力 On a sustainable path of debt repayment 可持续发展的偿债道路 Increase the voice and participation 增加声音和参与 International decision-making 国际政策决定 Legitimacy, credibility and effectiveness of these institutions 合法性,公信力和有效性 At the national level, implementation poses its own challenges 在国家层面上,执行也存在挑战 Prudent macroeconomic management and increased social spending
The International Conference on Financing for Development 发展筹资问题国际会议 Quest for economic and social [rogress 寻求经济和社会发展问题 Alike came together 共聚一堂 Under UN auspices 在联合国资助下 Make clear their determination to end poverty once and for all 表明了彻底消除贫困的决心 Take primary responsibility for their development, and for mobilizing domestic resource 自身发展和调集国内资源的主要责任 Promote an enabling international environment for development 促成有利于发展的国际环境 A landmark agreement 里程碑使得协定 Poor and economically distressed people 贫穷和经济落后地区的人民 The importance of substantially increased and predictable official development assistance 大幅度增加官方发展援助并使其有所指望十分必要 Just past the midpoint 这一进程感刚过半 This should worry every single one of us 每个人都应该为此感到担忧
Undo much of the investment made to achieve the Millennium Development Goals 抵消为千年发展目标所作出的大量投入 A zero-sum game 零和游戏 We can reduce emissions while promoting economic growth 我们可以减少排放量,同时推进发展 Integrate climate change risks into national policies and practices inaction now will prove the costliest action of all in the long term 从长远来看,现在的不作为会让我们为将来的行动付出最高的代价 At the center of our response 应对的核心措施 Per capita emission 人均排放量 Support for adaptation by poor countries has fallen well short of what is required 减少到远低于实际远低于实际需要的水平 All sectors of society 社会各个部门 From civil society and business, to regional, and local government 民间社会和工商业以及各地区地方政府 This is precisely the kind of global chanllenge that the United nations is best suited to address 联合国最适应应对的去阿牛挑战 Universal recognition that… 普遍接受的 The UN climate process is the appropriate forum for negotiating global action 联合国气候进程就是全球行动进行谈判的合适论坛 I share the dismay of many at the slow progress of these negotiations 我和许多人一样,为这些谈判的缓慢进展感到祖桑 Infuse this process with political momentum 注入更多的政治势头 Set the stage 做好准备 Adaptation, mitigation, deforestation, resource mobilization 适应,减缓,伐林,资源调集 A global policy is in place 全球政策并付诸实施 Be nothing short of a real breakthrough 取得真正突破性的进展
审慎的宏观经济管理和增长的社会支出 Generated the results required to achieve the Millennium Development Goals 千年发展目标所需要的结果 Decent employment 正当就业 More inclusive multilateral coordination 更为广泛的多边协调 This is particularly urgent in the face of te large global imbalance, volatile international capital flows and the threats to sustaining development posed by financial turmoil 面对去啊你去发展的的严重失衡,动荡的国际资本流动以及金融风暴对可持续发 展的威胁,这种做法显得尤为紧迫 Significant challenges remain in realizing the development dimension 在发展方面仍然存在着巨大的挑战 Concluding the talks quickly, with meaningful and equitable development implication 尽快结束谈判,实现有意义的的公平发展 Principal focus of the negotiations 主要关注点 Operational 行之有效的 Review 后续的 All stakeholders 利益攸关方 Rekindle 重振 Free our fellow human being from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of poverty and inequality 把我们的同胞从悲惨和非人道的贫困和不平等中解救出来 See fresh ideas on specific actions 献计献策 Examining appropriate ways 对适当方法予以审议
Excellences 各位阁下 Surface on the world’s political agenda 出现在世界政治议程上 Evocative The protection of global climate for present and future generation of mankind 为全人类的今世后代保护全球气候 Even more pressing 甚至更有压力 Define us, our era, and ultimately the global legacy we leave for future generation 决定我们,我们这个时代,以及最终我们留给子孙后代的全球遗产 The time for doubt has passed 怀疑已成为过去 The United nations Intergovernmental panel on climate change 联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会 Outline the severity of the problem 概括这一问题的严重性 We know enough to act 我们十分清楚必须采取行动 What we do not have is time, the time for action is now 时间不等人,行动就在此刻 Unprecedented challenge 空前的挑战 You share my concern 怀有同样的关切 The effects of climate change are being felt around the world 全世界都能感受到气候变化所带来的影响 They are being felt most be those who are least able to cope 所受影响最大的是那些最为无力应对的人 Terrible irony 最具有讽刺意味的可怕现象 They have contributed the least to the process of climate chage they are the ones most at risk form its consequences 虽然他们在气候变化中责任最小,但他们受影响的风险最大 A matter of survival 生死攸关 The moral imperative could not be closer 道义上紧迫感再清楚不过了
Transform our common concern into a new consensus on the way forward 将我们的共同关切转化为未来发展的共识 it will succeed or fail based on the strength of the leadership and commitment displayed by the people 成败取决于与会者所展现的了那个领导力和决心 Fulfilling lives in a healthy and productive environment 在健康和高效的环境中满意的生活 Destined to share the custodianship of planet earth 责无旁贷分担保护地球的责任 Hold the future in our hand 未来在我们的手中