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One of the earliest properties investigated in the laboratories at Leiden was the resistance of metal wires. It was measured by finding the voltage, or potential difference, between the ends of a wire when a known current was flowing through it. Whenever the current is doubled, the voltage is also doubled according to Ohm's law, and the resistance is voltage over current (R=v/c). With some metals such as copper, iron and platinum, the resistance dropped smoothly down with falling temperature, until at 40°K it was only perhaps a hundredth of its value at 0℃. With others, notably lead, mercury and tin, there was a temperature, different for each one but well below 20°K, at which the resistance dropped to nothing at all. A hundredth of a degree above this critical temperature the resistance was normal, like those of copper, iron and platinum; but a hundredth of a degree below, it was zero or too small to measure.


参考译文:在莱顿实验室研究的最早的一个特性是金属线电阻。根据已知电流流经电线两端的电压和电位差来测量电阻。当电流加倍时,根据欧姆定律,电压也加倍。电阻值等于电压除以电流(R=v/c)。铜、铁和铂等金属的电阻随温度的下降而稳定下降,直到40 °K。其值在0℃时为百分之一。特别是铅、汞和锡等其他金属,在同一温度下,电阻值是各不相同的。但在20ºK以下时,在这一温度下,电阻力完全消失。若在这个临界温度以上的百分之一度时,电阻正常,


参考译文:金属线的电阻是莱顿实验室最早的研究对象之一,而通过测量电流流经导线始端和未端的电压差或电位差就可以计算该金属线的电阻值。根据欧姆定律,电压除以电流即等于电阻(R = v / c),如果电流量翻倍,电压也随之翻倍。对于某些金属,如铜、铁和铂,电阻随着温度的降低而平稳下降,在400K 时,这些金属的电阻值仅为其在0℃时的百分之一。其他金属,特别是铅、汞和锡,在不同温度下电阻值各不相同,但如果温度低到200K时,这些金属的电阻值几乎为零。在温度高于临界温度的百分之一度时,铜、铁和铂这些金属的电阻呈现正常值;但是低于临界温度百分之一度时,电阻值几乎为零或者小到无法测量。

The excitement, agitation and checking of instruments in these sober Dutch laboratories can only be imagined, but eventually everyone was satisfied and the superconductivity (of mercury) was published as an observed fact in 1912. This result was no freak. It was small as 10^-17 ohms would have been detected, but it was not there. Nor were tin, lead and mercury freak metals. Twenty-two super conducting metals are now known, as well as numerous alloys and compounds such as certain nitrides and carbides.


