第八章 第五节鞋类测试英语

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Tests For Finished Footwear

測試項目(test items)

1)鞋底粘著強力Adhesion of stuck-on and moulded-on soles

2)鞋尖粘著力Toe band strength

3)鞋跟粘著力Heel bond strength

4)鞋尖護蓋粘著力Toe guard bond strength

5)邊條粘著力Foxing strength

6)接縫強力Seam strength

7)尺碼判定Determination of shoes size

8)真皮革占鞋在百分比率Percentage by area of leather in upper material

9)制成品儲藏后外觀Appearance after storage under moist and warm condition

10)高跟斷裂強度Breaking force of high heel

11)結構分析Construction analysis

12)洗滌試驗Wash test first 3 washes/each additional wash

13)鞋底防滑Sole skid resistance

鞋面物料試驗(tes t for upper materials)

一.紡織物料Textile Materials

1)布厚度Fabric thickness

2)經緯密度Threads per unit length(woven fabric)

3)紗支Counts of yarn(per yarn)

4)線圈密度Stitch density(knitted fabric)

5)抗張強度Tensile strength(Grab method)

6)撕裂強度Tear strength(Tongue tear method)

7)粘合強度Adhesion strength of laminate

8)破裂強度Bursting strength

9)耐磨試驗Abrasion resistance

10)水洗縮率Dimensional stability to washing(I wash)

11)耐水洗堅牢度Color fastness to washing

12)耐磨擦堅牢度Color fastness to rubbing(crocking)

13)耐汗液堅牢度Color fastness to perspiration

14)耐光堅牢度Color fastness to light

15)防水試驗Color fastness to water

16)防水試驗Water repellency

17)纖維成分Fabric composition

18)定性分析Qualitative analysis

19)定量分析Quantitative analysis





4.破裂強度Grain crack

5.撕裂強度Tear strength

6.吸水度與干燥后重量損耗率Free water absorption and percentage weight loss on


7.曲折試驗Ross Flexing

8.耐磨試驗Abrasion resistance

9.耐磨擦堅牢度Color fastness to circular rubbing(crocking)

10.耐溶劑試驗Color fastness to marking off

11.耐水堅牢度Color fastness to water BS 1006 UK-LD-AATCC 107

Color fastness to water BS 1006 UK-LD-AATCC 107

Color fastness to water BS 1006 UK-LD-AATCC 107

12.耐光堅牢度Color fastness to water BS 1006 UK-LD-AATCC 107

13.耐干洗堅牢度Color fastness to water BS 1006 UK-LD-AATCC 107

14.氧化鉻含量Chrome oxide content

三.人造皮革類(PVC/PU coated materials)

1.單位重量Total mass per unit

2.底部單位重量Mass of backing cloth per unit area

3.總厚度OVER all thickness

4.表層單位重量Mass of coating per unit area

5.抗張強度及伸長率Tensile strength and elongation at break

7.撕裂強度Tongue tear strength

8.表面粘合強度Coating adhesion strength

9.耐謇溫度試驗Cold crack temperature

10.曲折試驗Resistance to damage by flexing

11.老化試驗Aging test

12.抗滲水性試驗Resistance to penetration by water

13.耐磨試驗Abrasion resistance

Color fastness to rubbing

Color fastness to light

中底試驗(tests fo r insoles)

1.中底剝离強度Resistance to peeling insole board

2.硬紙板抗強度Tensile strength of fiber board

3.浸汗液后耐磨擦試驗Resistance of board finish to rubbing when damp with


4.浸水后耐磨擦試驗Resistance of board finish to rubbing when damp with


5.耐磨擦堅牢度Rubbing fastness of board finish

6.硬紙板耐磨度Scuff resistance of fiberboard

7.硬紙板耐曲折Flexing resistance of fiberboard

鞋底物料試驗(te sts for soling materials)

