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1. This Is My Street 我的街道
This is my street. I live in the house with the blue door. There are many houses on my street. This is my friend Becky’s street. Becky lives in the tall building. She lives in an apartment. There are many apartment buildings on Becky’s street.
This is where I play. I play in my yard. Sometimes my friends play in my yard with me. This is where Becky plays. She plays in the park. The park is near her apartment building. Her friends play in the park with her.
When I go shopping with my dad, we take the car. We go shopping at the mall. The mall is across town. When Becky goes shopping with her dad, they walk to the stores. The stores are close to their apartment building. There are many stores on Becky’s street. When my mom goes to work, she drives the car. Her office is across town. When Becky’s mom goes to work, she takes the subway. Her office is across town, too. Becky likes to visit my house in the suburbs. I like to visit Becky’s apartment in the city.

2. Our Town 我们的城市
Our town used to be very small. Now it is much bigger. Many people moved to the town. The town has grown and changed. There used to be lots of open space around our town. Now there are lots of houses. People built more houses as the town grew. There used to be dirt roads in our town. Now there are paved roads. People built the paved roads as the town grew. There used to be only a few stores in our town. Now there are many stores. People built more stores as the town grew. There used to be one small school in our town. Now there are many large schools. People built more schools as the town grew. Do you know how your town used to look?

3. Looking for a New House 寻找新房子
our family is too big for our house. Mom and dad say that we need to move. We look for a new home. We look at a house. It has two bedrooms. I like this house. Dad says we need a bigger house. We need a house that has three bedrooms. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. I like this house. Mom says we need a house that is closer to her work. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. I like this house. Dad says the house is too old. It will need too much work. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. It is not too old. I like this house. Mom says we need a house that has a place to park her car. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. It is not too old. It has a place to park mom’s car. I like this house. My sister says we need a house that has a yard to play in. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. It is not too old. It has a place to park mom’s car. It has a yard to play in. I like this house. Dad says this house is very new. It costs too much. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. It is not too old. It has a place to park mom’s

car. It has a yard to play in. It doesn’t cost too much. I like this house. We all like this house . This will be our new home.

4. The Car Wash 洗车房
We clean our dirty car at the car wash. We vacuum the inside of our car. Then we drive our car into the car wash. We stop our car when the stop sign lights up. Machines clean our car. A machine sprays water and soap on our car. Fluffy rollers clean the car. As the rollers spin around, they remove the dirt from our car. The rollers clean all over our car. This is how it looks from inside our car. Large round brushes clean the wheels. We dry our car. Our clean car is ready to go.

5. Can You See an Insect? 你能看见昆虫吗?
Most insects are very small. Most insects have enemies. Their enemies like to eat them. Some insects protect themselves from their enemies by hiding. Can you see an insect hiding here? Some insects protect themselves from their enemies by hiding. Can you see an insect hiding here? A grasshopper is hiding here. This grasshopper is the same color as the bark. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies. Can you see an insect hiding here? A walkingstick is hiding here. This walkingstick looks just like a twig. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies. Can you see an insect hiding here? An inchworm is hiding here. This inchworm looks just like the petals. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies. Can you see an insect hiding here? A caterpillar is hiding here. This caterpillar looks just like the leaves. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies. Can you see an insect hiding here? A katydid is hiding here. This katydid looks just like the leaf. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies.

6. From Field to Florist 从田野到花商
Look at all the flowers. They are for sale in a flower store. A person who sells flowers is called a florist. Where does the florist get all the flowers? In the morning , farmers cut the flowers they will sell at the market. They put the cut flowers in their truck. They take their flowers to the market. At the market the flowers are kept in buckets full of water. The water helps keep the flowers fresh. Florists visit the market. This is where they get the flowers to sell in their stores. The florist gets the flowers ready to sell at the store. Some of the flowers are made up into bunches. People buy flowers at the flower store.

7. Ice Cream for You 为你制作冰激凌
We like to eat ice cream. Ice cream is sweat, smooth, and cold. Do you know how ice cream is made? Collecting milk: The main ingredient in ice cream is milk. Milk comes from cows. Milking machines collect the milk from the cows. The machines pump the milk into a tank. The tank keeps the milk cool until it can be collected from the farm. A large truck collects the milk from the farm. This refrigerated truck is called a tanker. The tanker keeps the milk cool on the way to the factory. Making ice cream: at the factory, milk i

s mixed with sugar to make an ice cream mixture. The mixture is quickly heated and cooled to kill any germs that are in the milk. Then the mixture is stirred to get rid of lumps. Flavors and colors are added. Fruits, nuts, and candy can be added, too. The ice cream is then put into tubs. The tubs of ice cream are put into a freezer to harden. Selling ice cream: A refrigerated truck picks up the ice cream tubs from the factory. The truck takes the ice cream to the store. The tubs go into a freezer in the store. You can choose from all the different flavors of ice cream in the freezer. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

8. Wind Power 风力
What makes waves crash onto the shore? When the wind blows hard, it makes big waves. What makes trees grow bent over? When trees grow in places where there is always a strong wind, the trees grow sideways. What scatters seeds far and wide? Wind blows the seeds of many plants. This helps plants to grow in new places. What moves sand dunes? Sand dunes are always moving. Wind blows sand to new places. What turns these big blades? Wind turns the blades of a windmill. The spinning blades make power for us to use .What fills the sails and blows this boat along? Wind power!

9. My Fish Tank 我的鱼缸
The water in my fish tank is dirty. I need to clean my fish tank. I use a net to take out my fish. I put them in a bowl of clean water. I take out the rocks and plants. How will I take out the dirty water? I can use a siphon. I fill a rubber tube with water. I pinch the ends of the tube. I put one end of the tube in the fish tank. Then I let go of that end. I make sure the tube stays under the water. I put the other end of the tube into an empty bucket. Then I stop pinching the end of the tube. The water flows out of the tank and into the bucket. My fish tank is now empty. I clean the rocks and plants. How will I put clean water in the tank? I can use a siphon to fill the tank. I fill the tube with water. I put clean water in a bucket. Then I put one end of the tube in the bucket. I put the other end of the tube into the tank. The water flows out of the bucket and into the tank. My fish tank fills with clean water. I put the rocks and plants in the tank. I put a new castle in the tank, too! What else do I need in my fish tank? My fish.

10. Corn 玉米
Do you like eating corn? Corn is grown from seeds. Corn can be used to make different things. How does corn become all these things? Gasoline, cornflakes, candy, tortillas. Farmers plant the corn seeds. They use a machine called a row planter to plant the seeds in row. This corn plant will take four to six months to grow. Farmers pick the corn with a machine called a corn combine. This machine picks the cobs from the corn plants and takes the corn kernels off the cobs. The corn is loaded into grain wagons. Then it is taken to factories. The corn is used to make different things. Some corn is ground up and used to make food for farm animals. Farmers giv

e this food to their pigs, cattle, and sheep. Some corn is ground up and used to make cornflakes. Some corn is made into cornstarch. Cornstarch is mixed with other things to make paper. Some corn is ground into cornmeal. Cornmeal is used to make tortillas. Some corn is made into corn syrup. Corn syrup is used to make candy. Some corn is used to make ethanol. Ethanol can be added to gasoline to make it work better. Corn is used for other things, too. Do you know what corn is used for? It’s used for popcorn.

11. Jack’s Boat 杰克的渔船
Jack is a fisherman. He has a big fishing boat. Every day Jack goes out to sea. He takes his boat out to sea to catch fish. People work on Jack’s fishing boat. They are called the crew. The crew help Jack catch fish. The crew throw the fishing nets into the water. The crew drag in the nets. Then they sort the fish. At the end of the trip, Jack takes the boat back to the dock. The crew unload the boat. They load the fish onto a truck . .The fish are ready to be sold. The fish are taken to the market. The buyer at the market checks the fish. When Jack sells his fish, he gets money. Jack uses some of the money to pay the crew. Jack uses some of the money to buy things he needs. Jack uses some of the money to buy things for his boat. One day Jack will use his money to buy a bigger boat. Then he can catch even more fish.

12. When a Storm Comes 暴风雨来临时
look at this field. There are no trees or bushes. There is no grass. What will happen when a storm comes? When a storm comes ,the wind can blow the soil away. The rain can wash the soil away. The wind and rain can move the soil to another place. This is called erosion. Sometimes people do things that cause erosion, too. Look at this field. A farmer is clearing the land to plant seeds in the soil. There are no trees or bushes in the field. There is no grass. What will happen when a storm comes? When a storm comes , the soil washes away. Without soil, the crops can’t grow. But farmers can stop erosion. Look at this field . The farmer has left some trees and bushes in the field. The trees and bushes will keep the soil from washing away. When a storm comes, the rain will soak into the earth. Only a little bit of soil will wash away. The field is safe and the crops will grow.

13. A Cat’s Whiskers 猫的胡须
Look at this cat. A cat is built to cake care of itself. A cat feels things with its whiskers. A cat’s whiskers help the cat know if it can fit through small spaces. Do you know that whiskers help a cat feel its way in the dark? A cat hears with its two ears. A cat’s ears can turn different ways at the same time. Did you know that a cat can turn just one ear towards a sound? This helps the cat hear without turning its head. A cat smells with its nose. A cat’s nose helps it recognize people and places. Did you know that a cat’s sense of smell is better than its eyesight? Its sense of smell helps the cat find safe places. A cat

sees with its two eyes. A cat can see well when it is almost dark. Did you know that a cat’s eyes can see very small movements? This helps the cat when it is hunting. A cat walks on its four paws. A cat’s paws have soft pads on the bottom. Did you know that the pads on a cat’s feet help the cat to move quietly? This helps the cat sneak up on prey. A cat has a long, thin tail. A cat’s tail helps the cat keep its balance. Did you know that if a cat falls, it moves its tail and twists its body? This helps the cat to land on its feet. What is this cat doing to take care of itself.

14. Work Vehicles 交通工具
How do people decide what kind of vehicle to drive? Many people choose a vehicle that is good for their work. I am a gardener. I mow lawns and take care of plants. Do you know which vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that can carry my lawn mower. I need a vehicle that can carry plants and tools. I drive a pick-up truck at work. I am a messenger. I deliver packages all over the city. Do you know which vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that is easy to park. I need a vehicle that can carry small packages. I drive a motorcycle at work. I am a nurse. I visit patients in their homes. Do you know which vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that can get me to places quickly. I need a vehicle that can carry my work bag. I drive a car at work. I am a electrician. I fix the wiring in people’s homes. Do you know which vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that has lots of space. I need a vehicle that can keep my tools dry. I drive a van at work. I am a chauffeur. I take people places. Do you know which vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that can seat many people. I need a vehicle that is comfortable to ride in. I drive a limousine at work.

15. Water Can Change 水能发生变化
Ice is hard and cold. Ice is a solid. A solid has its own shape. What happens when you put ice in the sun? The heat from the sun melts the ice. The hard ice changes. The ice becomes water. Water is a liquid. The heat changed the ice to water. The heat changed the solid to a liquid. A liquid is runny. It flows easily. A liquid takes the shape of its container. What happens when you heat water? The heat makes the water boil. The water changes. The water becomes steam. Steam is a gas. The heat changed the water to steam. The heat changed the liquid to a gas. It is hard to see most gases. A gas goes into the air. A gas spreads to fill any space. Heat can make things change.

16. More Places to Visit 旅游景点
There are many famous places to visit in the United States. Have you been to the Statue of Liberty? It is in New York City. The Statue of Liberty is one of the tallest statues ever built. It is a symbol of freedom. It is on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. Have you been to the Washington Monument? It is in Washington ,D.C.
The Washington Monument is named after the first president of the United States ,George Washington.

It was built to help people remember him. Have you been to the Gateway Arch? It is in Saint Louis, Missouri. The Gateway Arch stands next to the Mississippi River. It’s known as the gateway to the western half of the United States. Have you been to the Golden Gate Bridge? It is in San Francisco, California.
The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the largest suspension bridges in the world.
The bridge hangs from cables suspended between two towers.
The bridge connects San Francisco to northern California. Have you been to Mount Rushmore? It is in South Dakota. Mount Rushmore is a huge carving on a cliff.
The faces of four American presidents are carved into the cliff. they are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt ,and Abraham Lincoin.
Have you been to the Space Needle? It is in Seattle Washington.
The Space Needle is an observation tower. It was built for the 1962 World’s Fair.
Have you been to these famous places?

17. Mighty Machines 重型机器
This machine is a bulldozer. It pushes away rocks and dirt. It clears the building site. This machine is a front-end loader. It scoops up rocks and dirt. This machine is a dump truck. It carries rocks and dirt. It dumps its load away from the building site. This machine is an excavator. It digs into the dirt. It makes big holes in the ground. This machine is a concrete mixer. It mixes concrete on the building site. Concrete is used to build tall buildings. This machine is a tower crane. It lifts heavy loads into the air. It helps build very tall buildings. Might machines made these tall buildings.

18. Magnets 磁铁
These magnets stick to a refrigerator door. What will stick to this magnet? The car and the screwdriver stick to the magnet. They are made from iron or steel. Magnets pull, or attract, things made from iron and steel. These are all magnets. Some parts of a magnet are strong. Some parts are weak. Which part of the magnet will the paper clips stick to? The paper clips stick to the ends. The ends of a magnet are called poles. The poles of a magnet are its strongest parts. These are bar magnets. The blue end is called the south pole. The red end is called the north pole. Will a red end attract a blue end? Yes. A red end will attract a blue end. The north pole and south pole are opposites. Opposite poles of a magnet attract each other. What if one magnet is turned the other way? Will two blue ends attract each other? No. the two blue ends repel, or push, each other. Poles of a magnet that are the same push each other away. Magnets are strong, but they don’t stick to paper. Will the toy car still stick to the magnet? Yes. The magnet’s power passes through the paper. A magnet’s power can pass through things it cannot stick to. You can test a magnet’s power to see what it will pass through. Use a plastic plate and some iron filings. Move the magnet under the plate. Use it to move the iron filings. You can make words with the iron filings.

19. The Key to

Maps 地图图例
Have you ever used a map? This is a map of a zoo. There are symbols on the map. The symbols are drawings that stand for real things. The map key tells you what the symbols stand for. This is a map of a museum. What can you do at the museum. Lift the flap. Look at the map key. The map key tells you stands for dinosaurs. Are the dinosaurs closer to the gems or the mummies? What else can you do at the museum? This is map of a state park. What can you do at the state park? Lift the flap. Look at the map key. The map key tells you stands for the campground. Is the campground closer to the hiking trail or the waterfall ? what else can you do at the state park? This is a map of a water park .What can you do at the water park? Lift the flap. Look at the map key. The map tells you stands for the giant slide. Is the giant slide closer to the wave pool or the lazy river? What else can you do at the water park? This is a map of an aquarium. What can you do at the aquarium? What would a map key for this map look like? Turn the page.

20. Peanuts 花生
Peanuts give us peanut butter…roasted peanuts… and peanut oil. Not all peanuts are made into these things. Some are kept as seeds. Farmers plant peanut seeds on long rows. Warm soil and water help the peanuts grow into leafy plants. Little flowers grow on the lower parts of the plants. When the petals die, a special stem grows down from the flower. This stem is called a peg. It pushes itself into the soil. The peanuts grow inside a pod at the end of the peg. When the peanuts are ripe, the farmer uses a machine to pull the plants from ground. The plants are turned upside down to dry in the sun. Another machine picks up the plants. It takes the peanuts off the plants. The peanuts are put into wagons and taken to factories. Peanuts are made into peanut butter.. roasted peanuts…and peanut oil.

21. Desert Rain 沙漠雨季
This is a dry lake bed in a desert. It hardly ever rains here. But when it does rain, this dry lake bed fills with water. After a week of rain, the dry lake bed becomes a lake. Wildflowers spring up around the lake. Their seeds have been in the ground, waiting for rain. Rivers run into the lake. Fish swim into the lake from the rivers. Pelicans come to the lake, happy to find fish to eat. More birds arrive. All the birds have come to lay their eggs. Desert shrubs burst into flower. Spiders spin their webs everywhere. They want to catch as many insects as they can. After a few weeks , the pelicans take their babies down to the shore. Soon the baby pelicans will learn to fly. Then the water in lake slowly starts to dry up. Without water, the fish die. The birds fly away in search of other food. Then, one day, the lake is gone. Without water, the flowers start to die. But first they drop their seeds for when the next rain comes. When the rain comes, this lake will fill up with water again. Then the fish and the birds will return, and this dry lake bed will be full

of life once more.

22The river’s Journey
Have you ever seen a river?
A river is a large stream of flowing water.
This river is the Mississippi River.
It flows through the United States.
Look at this map of the United States.
It shows where the Mississippi River begins and ends.
Let’s follow the Mississippi River on its long journey.
Where a river begins is called its source.
The Mississippi River begins in a lake in Minnesota.It starts out as a small,clear stream.
Other small streams flow into the Mississippi River.The river gets bigger and faster.At the Falls of St.Anthony,the river flows through locks.Locks raise or lower the water,helping boats to travel on the river.
The Mississippi River flows down to lower land.It
Flows more slowly over the flat land.It begins to
Wind back and forth .The flat land around the river is called its floodplain.
The river slows near the end of its journey.
It drops the mud and soil that it collected further upstream.
The mud and soil form new land called a delta.
The Mississippi Delta is very large.
The end of a river is called its mouth.
A river’s mouth empties into another body of water.The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.
The river’s long journey has ended.

23. The Rain Forest 热带雨林
A tropical rain forest is like an apartment building. Just as an apartment building has many floors., a rain forest has many levels. Different creatures live at each level of the rain forest. The ground level is the forest floor. Leaves litter the ground. Many insects live here. Ants look for food under the leaves. Tapirs walk among the trees. They lift up the leaves looking for food. Armadillos scurry around. The next level is the understory. Tarantulas spin their webs to catch insects and birds. Anteaters use their long snouts to sniff out ants. Iguanas hunt for flies. Big snakes like boa constrictors wind around branches. Jaguars climb the lowest branches of the trees and wait for food. Sometimes they catch fish and crocodiles. The next level is the canopy. Macaws feast on fruit and berries. Sloths hang upside down, munching on leaves. Black spider monkeys swing on vines, chasing each other. The top of the rain forest is called the emergent level. Lots of birds live up here. The harpy eagle sits at the top of the tree and watches. It’s looking for a bird or monkey to eat.

24. Soil 土壤
What is soil? The land is covered with a layer of dirt. This dirt is called soil. Soil can be sandy. Soil can be rocky. Soil can be like clay. Do you know how soil is made? How is soil made? It takes a very long time for soil to be made. Soil is made from pieces of rock. The pieces of rock are mixed with animals and plants that have died and rotted. Some rocks lie on top of the ground. Rain falls on them. Snow and ice cover them. The wind blows them. After a long time, the water, the cold, and the wind help break the rocks into pieces. These pieces of rock then break into smal

ler and smaller pieces. After thousands of years, the tiny pieces of rock become soil. Rocks get smaller and smaller over time. Plants and animal also help make soil. Fallen leaves and dead plants lie on the ground. When animal die, their bodies also lie on the ground. Hot sun shines on them. Cold rain falls on them. Snow and ice cover them. After a long time, the heat, the water, and the cold help make the leaves and bodies rot into the ground. The rotting leaves and bodies help make the soil rich with nutrients. When the soil is rich with nutrients, plants can grow there. Leaves and bodies rot into the ground. Who needs soil? Most plants need soil to live. Plants have roots that reach down into the soil. The roots spread out. The soil helps plants stand up. The roots reach down into the soil. Plants get some of their food and water from the soil. Their roots collect the food and water that help the plants grow. Without soil, most plants could not grow. Plants need soil. Animals need soil to live, too. Some animals eat plants. Other animals eat the animal that eat plants. Without soil, most plants could not grow. Without plants, animals would have nothing to eat. Animals need soil . people need soil to live, too. We use the soil to grow plants that we can eat. We feed plants to animals that we can eat . Without soil, most plants could not grow. Without plants, animals would have nothing to eat. Without plants and animals, people would have nothing to eat. People need soil. Clay: stiff, sticky dirt; nutrients: food necessary for things to grow; rich: full of good things; roots: parts of a plant that grows under the ground; rot: break down into smaller pieces.
