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孙 军


 刘东艳2 陈宗涛2 魏天迪



【摘要】 在不同氮磷比(N ∶P =1∶1,4:1,16∶1,80∶1,160∶1)条件下,对青岛大扁藻(Platymonas helgolandi 2

ca var.tsingtaoensis )、新月柱鞘藻(Cylindrotheca closterium )和米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi )3种浮游植物进行了培养,对其生长特性进行了比较研究.结果表明,不同氮磷比例对其生长有明显的影响,新月柱鞘藻在N ∶P =160∶1时细胞比生长速率最快,而青岛大扁藻和米氏凯伦藻分别在4∶1和80∶1长速率最快.单位水体中细胞丰度的多少主要受细胞体积大小和自身比生长速率的影响.细胞内叶绿素a 的合成浓度明显受氮的影响,高氮磷比例有利于叶绿素a 的合成.细胞内可溶性蛋白质含量对不同氮磷比例有明显反应,且其含量多少与细胞大小和生长周期密切相关.3种浮游植物相对来说,新月柱鞘藻属于生长快速的r 选择物种,而青岛大扁藻和米氏凯伦藻则为有较强适应环境能力的K 选择物种.关键词 氮磷比 浮游植物 叶绿素a 蛋白质 比生长率文章编号 1001-9332(2004)11-2122-05 中图分类号 Q94912 文献标识码 A

G row th of Platymonas helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis ,Cylindrotheca closterium and Ka renia mikimotoi and their survival strategies under different N /P ratios.SUN J un 1,L IU Dongyan 2,CHEN Z ongtao 2,WEI Tiandi 2(1Key L aboratory of M arine Ecology and Environmental Science ,Institute of Oceanology ,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao 266071,China ;2College of M arine L if e Science ,Ocean U niversity of China ,Qingdao 266003,China ).2Chin.J.A ppl.Ecol .,2004,15(11):2122~2126.

In this study ,laboratory culture experiments were carried out in a batch culture system ,with the focus on the ef 2fect of different N/P ratios (1∶1,4∶1,16∶1,80∶1and 160∶1)on the growth of Platymonas helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis ,Cylindrotheca closterium and Karenia mikimotoi .The cell abundance ,growth rate ,and chloro 2phyll a and protein contents were measured every 24h for one week.The results showed that N/P ratio signifi 2cantly affected the growth of three kinds of algae.Cylindrotheca closterium grew fastest under 160∶1N/P ratio ,while Platymonas helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis and Karenia mikimotoi grew fastest under 4∶1and 80∶1N/P ratio ,respectively.The maximum cell density of the phytoplankton was mainly influenced by cell size and specific growth rate ,the synthesis of chlorophyll a was mainly affected by nitrogen ,and high N/P ratio benefited the in 2crease of chlorophyll a content.The protein concentration in cells correlated significantly with N/P ratio ,cell size and cell period.As for survival strategy ,Cylindrotheca closterium showed obvious features of fast 2reproductioned r 2selective species ,whereas Platymonas helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis and Karenia mikimotoi were most likely to be the more competitive K 2selected species.

K ey w ords N/P ratio ,Phytoplankton ,Chlorophyll a ,Protein ,Specific growth rate.



1 引 言


(如氮和磷的大量排放),不仅导致赤潮频频发生[33~34],也影响了浮游植物群落结构的多样性和稳定性[13,14,16,20,35].在海洋中,氮和磷的作用常常是相互的.Redfield [17]提出海水中平均N/P 比是15∶1,而浮游植物在生长时N ∶P 比15∶1的比例被消耗.但后来实验室统计分析结果表明,浮游植物N/P 比的组成为16∶1,很多学者的研究进一步支持了


游植物生长的最适氮磷比例.统计的方法忽略了不同物种的浮游植物在其生长过程中,对营养盐有各自不同的需求,正是这种对资源不同的需求在某种程度上决定了浮游植物不同物种之间的竞争和共存,保持了生物的多样性基础[6,7,27~31].后来,很多学者通过对单种的Monod 型培养方式来揭示不同物种营养特征的分类趋势,如蓝藻、绿藻对磷有较高

应用生态学报 2004年11月 第15卷 第11期

CHIN ESE JOURNAL OF APPL IED ECOLO GY ,Nov.2004,15(11)∶2122~2126
