


初三英语阅读理解(10篇) (一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of


收稿日期:2001-08-15。  3国家自然科学基金(30070259)和香港理工大学基金(CRG G -YC74))资助项目。 汉语发展性深层阅读障碍的个案研究 3 栾 辉 舒 华   黎程正家   林 薇 (北京师范大学心理学系,北京 100875) (香港理工大学护理与医疗科学系,香港) (北京金色雨林学习能力研究中心,北京100045) 摘 要 报告了一个发展性阅读障碍个案J ,J 的语音技能存在缺陷,音位、声调意识差,语音短时记忆能力弱,在汉字命名中产生大量语义错误、视觉错误和选择错误,表现出一系列深层阅读障碍症候群,是一例典型的深层阅读障碍个案。还讨论了汉语发展性阅读障碍亚类型的分类标准以及分布特点。关键词 发展性深层阅读障碍,生理年龄对照组,语音缺陷,语义错误。分类号 B842 1 引 言 汉语发展性阅读障碍的研究是目前活跃的崭新研究领域。研究者一系列的集体研究证实了汉语中阅读障碍的存在[1],发现阅读障碍儿童的心理词典中汉字的形、音、义表征及其联结都很弱[2],阅读障碍儿童的困难可能表现在字词水平,也可能表现在段落水平[3]。进一步的研究发现,阅读障碍儿童组内的个体差异极大[4],表现出不同的特点及缺陷。采用针对性强、深入细致的个案研究方法,对阅读障碍儿童进行区分与分类,开展汉语发展性阅读障碍的亚类型研究成为研究者面临的重要课题。 根据双通道信息加工理论,西方发展性阅读障碍主要分为语音阅读障碍和表层阅读障碍,它们分 别来源于亚词汇(语音)和词汇(视觉)通路受到损害。第三种阅读障碍—深层阅读障碍—的定义由Marshall 和Newcombe [5]首先提出,这种类型的病人 的亚词汇通路受到损伤,词汇通路也相对较弱,只能利用间接的正字法表征与语义表征的匹配,并从语义表征中提取语音,从而产生语义、视觉和构词错误,病人对词的可想象性和具体性非常敏感,他们在 阅读中出现语义错误(即读出与目标词有语义关系的词,如:city →town ,mother →daughter )、视觉错误(visual error ,如:chest →cheat )、词源错误(deriva 2tional error ,如:children →child )、功能词替换错误(function word substitutions ,如:them →us )。 西方发展性阅读障碍个案研究的发现以语音障 碍和表层障碍为主,深层障碍的个案较少[6~8]。1983年,Johnston [6]首次报告了一个个案C.R ,18 岁,女性,在382个单词的命名任务中,她错了85 个,并产生了5个语义错误,如,chair →table 。Siegel [7]检验了6个不同年龄的阅读障碍儿童的口语阅读,发现他们表现出深层语义障碍的症候群,产生语义错误(如:look →see ,cat →kitten )、视觉错误、功能词错误、词源错误。Temple [8]报告了一个个案K.S ,在他9岁时进行的一项单词命名任务中,共产生了77个错误,其中有4个语义错误,eye →blue 、mother →mummy 、Peter →pan 、Mary →Brenda 。这个深层语义障碍的个案也受到一些质疑,因为K.S 曾有过听觉损伤,并且早期使用的语言并非英语,而是祖鲁语。 在日语中,Yamada [9]报告了一个发展性深层阅读障碍个案,12岁的男孩T.S ,他的主要特征是在阅读中产生大量的视觉错误(2615%)、语义错误(1215%)、选择错误(selection error ,即产生目标字组成的双字词中的另外一个字,如将目标字“季 [ki ]”读作“[setsu ]节”,‘节’与‘季’构成词‘季节’)(2315%)以及一些混合性错误,研究者认为这些错 误是语音通路损害与较弱视觉通路相互作用的结果。 在汉语中,Lai [10]对40名智力正常的香港阅读障碍儿童分别进行了阅读(或命名)测验,发现他们产生大量的视觉、语义、选择以及混合错误,表现出深层阅读障碍的特点,从而证实汉语发展性阅读障  心 理 学 报 2002,34(4):338~343 Acta Psychologica Sinica 338


今年上三年级的悦悦,家长反映他语文听写成绩很差,刚学过的字很快就忘记,读书速度很慢,阅读时老是漏字、读错字、跳行,读不成句子,而且读完之后不知道什么意思。不太记住。数学题方面家长讲题能理解,但自己做时容易出错。当爸爸带悦悦到美希儿童教育工作室经过综合的测试评估后,我们发现他有较严重阅读障碍,悦悦的阅读能力和识字量水平,仅相当于一年级孩子的水平。阅读障碍问题,是造成他学习困难的重要原因。 阅读障碍是学习障碍的最主要类型之一,占所有被诊断为学习障碍儿童的70%以上。据研究资料表明,英语国家中有阅读障碍的儿童高达10%-30%,汉语儿童中有阅读障碍的人约10%-50%左右。 阅读障碍儿童通常有如下表现: 1、认字与记字障碍重重,刚学过的字很快就忘记; 2、听写成绩很差; 3、朗读时增字、减字,读错字,跳行; 4、阅读速度很慢,逐字阅读或以手指协助; 5、语言表达能力不错,但写作文很枯燥; 6、阅读后回答问题有困难; 7、错别字连篇,写字经常多一划或少一笔; 8、经常搞混形近的字,如把视与祝弄混; 9、经常搞混音近的字; 10、学习拼音障碍,经常把Q看成O; 11、爱做数学计算题,不爱阅读和学习语文; 12、朗读尚佳,但对内容一知半解,不知所云。 儿童有六条以上的均存在阅读障碍,需要在美希儿童教育进行针对性的阅读障碍纠正或综合阅读能力提升训练。 造成阅读障碍的原因: 1、视知觉能力落后。例如:视觉分辨能力和视觉追踪能力落后,就会造成阅读时加字漏字,跳行,阅读速度很慢等现象; 2、听知觉能力落后,会造成读而不闻,读而不懂等现象;另外如失语症、智力迟钝和运动失调等大脑神经功能障碍也会造成阅读障碍。 3、心理、情绪因素造成的。有的孩子存在严重的胆小、自卑情绪,不敢在课堂上朗读,结果越不练就越有障碍,还有的孩子非常敏感,对别人的评价特别紧张,生怕读错了引起同学笑话,所以朗读时忧心忡忡,不能够轻松流畅地阅读。 4、教育方法问题。对于阅读障碍的孩子,家长和老师要学会用正确的态度看待孩子的问题,不要总是一味地逼着孩子练习阅读,而不是用科学的方法进行特殊训练,长时间不见成效,孩子就会产生很大的心理压力,对阅读更加有抵触情绪,甚至产生厌烦心理。 美希儿童教育中心老师在长期教育实践中,建议从以下几个方面帮助儿童的进行有效纠正阅读障碍的问题: 1、针对性视觉统合系列训练:如:准备一张白纸,家长在白纸上用彩色笔写数字1——100,注意数字在白纸上书写顺序逐渐排列混乱、顺序位置颠倒;让孩子按1—100数字顺序找寻连线;每日2—3张。 2、提升听知觉练习,培养儿童阅读兴趣,调整指导儿童阅读方法;如:每日晚饭后,陪儿童读一篇短小精典的美文或故事,陪同孩子一起有感情的朗读,可采取:扮角色朗读、分段朗读、指定朗读等不同形式;读后家长有意识的提问,


诚信考试,考试作弊者将不授予学士学位! (详见学校学士学位授予细则文件) 《神经康复学》考试试卷(B卷) 专业班级学号姓名 考试日期:年月日考试时间:100分钟 一、名词解释(每题2.5分,共10分) 1、突触的可塑性: 2、亨特综合征: 3、神经康复学: 4、阿尔兹海默病: 二、判断题(每题1分,共8分,正确打√,错误打ㄨ) 1、在多发性硬化的影像学检查中,CT是诊断多发性硬化最有效的辅助手段。( ) 2、偏瘫急性期正确的体位摆放应该是将患侧肢体置于抗痉挛体位。() 3、吉兰-巴雷综合征是导致急性弛缓性瘫痪最常见的原因。()

4、脊髓炎急性期康复训练的主要目的是防止失用综合征为以后康复创造条件。() 5、静止性震颤常为帕金森病的首发症状。() 6、神经生长因子是影响中枢神经可塑性的外在因素。() 7、在诊断为AD的人群中,女性患病率低于男性。() 8、面神经炎的发病部位位于茎乳孔以上面神经管内。() 三、单选题(每题1分,共43分) 1、中枢神经的可塑性的核心是() A.对侧半球代偿 B.突触可塑性 C.神经轴突发芽 D.古旧脑代偿 2、急性脑出血首选的影像学检查是() A.CR B.DSA C.CT D.MR 3、在运动控制中主要起承上启下作用的神经中枢结构是() A.脊髓 B.脑干 C.基底神经节 D.小脑 4、下列神经促进技术的治疗方法中,强调患者认知能力在康复治疗中的重要作用的是( ) A.Baboth神经发育疗法

B.Brunnstrom运动疗法 C.运动再学习方法 D.神经肌肉本体感觉促进技术 5、动眼神经麻痹的临床表现中不包括( ) A.上睑下垂 B.复视 C.光反射消失 D.内斜视 6、脑卒中最常见的类型是() A.脑血栓形成 B.脑栓塞 C.脑出血 D.蛛网膜下腔出血 7、下列脑神经中属于混合神经的是() A.面神经 B.舌下神经 C.视神经 D.外展神经 8、失用症是指() A.偏瘫肢体运动功能障碍 B.偏瘫肢体感觉功能障碍 C.偏瘫患者的触觉障碍 D.偏瘫患者的认知障碍 9、颅脑损伤后记忆障碍的康复治疗方法中,不属于内部策略的是() A.背诵


最新中考英语阅读理解分类训练 环境保护类短文阅读 1. 阅读理解 It is reported that some developed counties have shipped broken parts of computes to China.Such a thing can be founded every day although it is against international laws. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones send from Japan. Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with is not an easy job because dangerous poison like mercury(汞)and lead (铅)can be found in them. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be deal with safely. But at present, broken computer parts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years before they are really goes in the earth. Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong province is one of them. This town is named as”the e-waste capital of the world”. It has to deal with 1.5mllion kilograms of e-waste each year, from which it makes 75 million years. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poison in e-waste find their way into the environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers, Greenpeace, an environmental group, has found the air, the earth and the rivers in G uiyu badly polluted. The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that doesn;t do harm to the environment life. This year,China presents a new protection law, the strictest one we have ever had. Computer and people’s complies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers. This is because the complies that make computers know best to deal with them safely. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be solved in near future. 61. The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from ________. A.France B.Japan C.Germany D. Aus tralia 62. The underlined word buried probably means _______ in the passage. A.焚烧 B.障碍 C.回收 D.掩埋 63. The town of Guiya in Guangdong Province _________. A.is the e-capital of the world B.has serious e-waste pollution C. Deals with e-waste safely D.speeds much money on e-waste 64. This year,the Chinese government __________.


中考英语阅读理解100篇:中考英语阅读理解真题及答案(1) Edward rose early on the New-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet. When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore. He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family. “I wish you a Happy New Year.” said Edward, as he was passing on. The man shook his head. “You are not from this country.” said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language. But he pointed to his mouth and to the children shaking with cold, as if (好像) to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.” Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble. He took out his dollars and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife. They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, “We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time.” When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought. He hung his head a moment, but quickly looked up. “I have bought no books”, said he. “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry then.” He went on, “I think I can wait for my books till next New Year.” “My dear boy,” said his father, “here are some books for you, more as a prize for your goodness of heart than as a New-year gift” “I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family. It was nice for a little boy to do so. Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year.” 48. Edward expected to _________ with the money he got from his father. A. help the poor family B. buy something to eat C. buy some pretty books D. learn another language 49. Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him? A. He couldn’t understand the boy B. He wouldn’t accept the money C. He didn’t like the boy’s language D. He was too cold to say anything 50. How much did Edward give the poor family? A. One dollar B. Two dollars C. Three dollars D. Four dollars 51. We know that Edward_________ from the passage? A. got a prize for his kind heart B. had to buy his books next year C. bought the books at the bookstore D. got more money from his father 【参考答案】:48-51 CABA 【语篇解读】:本篇是一个记叙文。主要记叙了一个叫Edward的小男孩,用父母给自己的两美元去帮助更需要的穷人。最后小男孩不仅从爸爸那得到了喜欢的书作为新年礼物并且


中文发展性阅读障碍的认知 和神经机制研究 A Cognitive and neurophysiological study on developmental dyslexia in Chines 北大心理系王慈欣王珏 指导老师周晓林 摘要:本研究运用事件相关电位ERP技术,采取被动听觉怪球 范式,从认知和神经机制两个层面上,对阅读障碍儿童的语言 加工及听觉加工能力进行探讨,以深刻了解阅读障碍儿童阅读 障碍的实质及其神经机制。研究比较了阅读障碍儿童与正常儿 童在非注意条件下听纯音频率变化、复合音模式变化、声母、 韵母、声调变化时产生的失匹配负波(MMN),发现阅读障碍 儿童在听复合音模式差异、声母差异、韵母差异时,表现出显 著的更弱或者迟滞的MMN。而在听纯音频率差异和声调差异 时,两组被试间没有表现出显著差异。本研究结果显示发展性 阅读障碍者存在听觉时间加工能力以及语音加工(声母,韵母) 的缺陷,但是在简单的改变声音频率和音调的任务中没有发现 加工能力缺陷。由此预测可能是由于阅读障碍者对于声音时间 信息加工能力的缺陷影响了他们对于言语刺激的知觉并导致了 阅读障碍。 关键词:发展性阅读障碍事件相关电位(ERP)失匹配负 波(MMN)听觉怪球范式(Oddball) 一导言 发展性阅读障碍是指某些儿童具有正常的智力水平和接受教育的机会,没有明显的神经或器质上的损伤,却在标准阅读测验上的成绩低于正常读者约两个年级(孟祥芝,周晓林,2001)。研究表明,汉语儿童的阅读障碍发生率在4%-8%之间(Stevenson,1982;张承芬等,1998)。学龄儿童一旦产生阅读障碍,对其认知、情感、自我概念以及社会性发展都会产生重大影响,因而,发展性阅读障碍成为教育学、心理学、认知神经科学和行为遗传学等多门学科共同关注的课题。目前越来越多研究显示,发展性阅读障碍有一定的遗传和神经基础(Castles,1999,周晓林等,2002)。


帕金森病 概念:帕金森病(PD):是一种常见的中老年人神经系统变性疾病。 临床特征:静止性震颤;运动迟缓;肌强直;姿势步态异常 病理特征:黑质多巴胺(DA)能神经元变性缺失;路易体(Lewy body)形成 帕金森病是由什么原因引起的? 迄今为止,PD 的病因仍不清楚。目前的研究倾向于与年龄老化、遗传易感性和环境毒素的接触等综合因素有关。 1) 年龄老化:帕金森主要发生于中老年人,40 岁以前发病少见,提示老龄与发病有关。研究发现,自30 岁以后,黑质多巴胺能神经元、酪氨酸氧化酶和多巴脱羧酶活力,纹状体多巴胺递质水平随年龄增长逐渐减少。然而,仅少数老年人患此病,说明生理性多巴胺能神经元蜕变不足以致病,年龄老化只是本病发病的促发因素。 2) 环境因素:流行病学调查结果发现,帕金森病的患病率存在地区差异,所以人们怀疑环境中可能存在一些有毒的物质,损伤了大脑的神经元。 3) 遗传易患性。近年在家族性帕金森病患者中曾发现a 共同核素基因的 Alα53THr 突变。但以后多次未被证实。 4) 家族遗传性:医学家们在长期的实践中发现帕金森病似乎有家族聚集的倾向,有帕金森病患者的家族其亲属的发病率较正常人群高一些。 目前普遍认为,帕金森并非单一因素,多种因素可能参于其中。遗传因素可使患病易感性增加,只有与环境因素及衰老的相互作用下,通过氧化应激、线粒体功能衰竭、钙超载、兴奋性氨基酸毒性作用、细胞凋亡、免疫异常等机制才导致黑质多巴胺能神经元大量变性丢失而发病。 【病理】 胞浆内出现特征性嗜酸性包涵体--Lewy小体,a-突触核蛋白基因是Lewy小体中重要成分类似改变也见于蓝斑、中缝核、迷走神经背核等,程度较轻, 总之,典型病理特点是: ●进行性黑质和蓝斑核含黑色素多巴胺神经元大量丧失(50%~70%) ●残留的黑质DA能神经元胞浆内出现嗜酸性包涵体Lewy体(路易(Lewy)小 体有a-突触核蛋白沉积)


【英语】中考英语阅读理解点+例题_全面解析1 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 The Folk Art Show The best chance to learn about local art and culture. Open: October 20-25 Organizer: City Museum Address: 110 Century Road Telephone: 72314431 Scan the QR code (扫描二维码)to get more information and book tickets. The City Flower Show Open: October 8-17 Price: ¥50 for each adult; ¥25 for each child; free under the age of 10; 20% off for groups over 10. Address: 112 New Town Road, Moonlight City Telephone: 53418899 Visit www. https://www.360docs.net/doc/919377148.html, for more information. Camp of Folk Art Would you like to learn paper cutting, Huangmei opera or to make paper flowers? Come to Camp of Folk Art at the Youth Center! Age: 13 to 18 Time: December 13-20 For more information, call the Youth Center at (010)11062107. Pop Music Week Bands from home and abroad will give performances in Sunshine Park. Local bands and DJs from the local radio station are waiting to share music with fans. It is a good chance for you to make friends with similar hobbies. Price: ¥30-¥50 Time: 9: 00 a. m. -9: 00 p. m. , December 21-27 A. an e-mail from City Museum B. more information about the Folk Art Show C. a ticket to the museum for free D. a gift from the City Museum (2)Tommy is a 9-year-old boy. He wants to visit the City Flower Show with his parents. How much will they pay? A. ¥25. B. ¥100. C. ¥125. D. ¥150.(3)If Jane wants to learn to make paper flowers, she should go to ____. A. Century Road B. New Town Road C. the Youth Center D. Sunshine Park (4)Phillip, 20 years old, is NOT allowed to go to ____. A. the City Flower Show B. Camp of Folk Art C. the Folk Art Show D. Pop Music Week (5)____ lasts for the fewest days. A. The City Flower Show B. Camp of Folk Art C. The Folk Art Show D. Pop Music Week 【答案】(1)B (2)B


我是如何做到让上中班的宝宝,识字过千,能基本做到无障碍阅读,其实很简单,只需做到这7点 前几天在朋友圈发了孩子在家念绘本的小视频,有朋友留言问怎么教孩子识字,刚好悟空问答也有人问“如何教孩子识字?”我家孩子9月才要上中班,已经可以自主阅读,除了偶尔遇到少数不认识的字问一下我,普通的绘本基本能无障碍通读。而对于文字的敏感,让他自发形成看到广告牌之类的文字,自己就主动念字,有时就站定在宣传栏前,要求我们一起认读……以下分享实用七招:一、发挥象形文字的优势,用想象力找出记忆点孩子擅长右脑图像记忆,汉字又是象形文字,很多字本身就自带记忆点,只要家长发挥想象力,那些方块字就可以变成有趣的图形甚至故事,让孩子在趣味中笑呵呵地把字记住。印象特别深刻的就是我教孩子认识“亮”字,我说,最上面那个点像不像开关呀?开关一按,灯就亮了……教孩子“灭”字,我说下面是一个火字,着火的时候,拿东西盖在火上面,火就灭掉了……这个办法需要家长有点童心和想象力,如果想不出来,可以借助一套书《四五快读》,后面我再补充介绍。值得注意的是,现在市面上有很多把字和卡通画结合的图,不确定过度卡通化是否会反而给孩子造成干扰,我个人还是更倾向于在汉字本身找记忆点。二、用朗朗上口的节奏感帮助记忆认识“左右”

两字时,汐仔总是分不清,我灵机一动,随口编了两句“左边有个工人左左左,右边有个嘴巴右右右。”就这样念着,汐仔就记牢了。可别小看节奏的作用,有研究表明“节奏,是语言的固有频率,它可以给大脑一种刺激,使思维与这种频率共振,从而加强记忆。如演员在背歌词、台词、诗文等时,节奏感就起着重要作用。”记得某次学校让孩子准备小节目,汐仔想介绍变形金刚玩具,我们帮他想了介绍语,教来教去总是记不住,弄得一家三口都很懊恼生气。幸好我突然想到节奏可以帮助孩子记忆,于是把一段句子全部改成三个字儿歌,大概是“擎天柱,汽车人,来地球,救人类……”等等,孩子很快就记住,而且还自己加词,念得不亦乐乎。 二、把孤立单字放到词组中,用“有逻辑”记忆“无逻辑”有段时间,我买过汉字卡,拿着独立的一个个单字让孩子记,结果发现效率很低,孩子总是分不太清,然后我试着用字卡组词,拼凑出一些有意义的词语,一个词一个词去记,孩子记得快多了。尤其当孩子已经认识一些字了,再搭配生字组词,效果就更好。当然,必须承认词组记忆也可能会让孩子把一个词里的两个字记混,所以在有一定基础后,可以再用独立字卡复习巩固。三、先掌握高频词,结合绘本阅读扩展比较传统的方法有两种,一是先简单后复杂,二是先名词后其他。但受《四五快读》启发,我们家先教常用的高频词,比如“这、那、在、的、是、来、去、我、你、他、这儿、


初三英语阅读理解(10篇)(一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of


发展性阅读障碍相关研究概览 摘要:本文从发展性阅读障碍的检出率,阅读障碍儿童所面临的困难、心理机制、筛查、干预等方面对国内外相关研究做了系统的概述,提出国内应该加大普及对阅读障碍相关知识推广的力度,以更好地帮助阅读障碍儿童的成长。 关键词:阅读障碍;检出率;心理机制;筛查;干预 阅读障碍分为获得性阅读障碍和发展性阅读障碍。前者是指后天脑损伤造成的阅读困难,后者是指在发展过程中没有明显的神经或器质性损伤、智力正常儿童的阅读水平显著落后于智力或年龄相应的阅读水平[1]。自从1896年詹姆斯•克尔(James Kerr)第一次报告了一个智力正常的儿童可以拼出每一个单独的字母,但却是字词盲(word blindness)以来,国外研究者们在过去的一百多年中,对儿童发展性阅读障碍的发病率、表现形式、病因、筛查、干预等方面的研究取得了丰硕的成果。与此同时,许多国家积极采取措施,从基础教育阶段开始,对患有阅读障碍的儿童开展筛查、治疗等工作。国内相关研究从20世纪90年代起步,也逐渐取得了一定的成果,但是与国际研究相比,尤其是干预治疗方面,存在着较大的差距,相关的筛查和干预工作更

是一片空白,甚至教师和家长几乎对此一无所知。 一、阅读障碍的检出率 在目前的文献中,各研究对儿童阅读障碍检出率的报告不尽相同。美国的儿童阅读障碍检出率为5%~17.5%[2];英国为3%~6%[3]或者4%~8%[4],研究表明一般适龄儿童中有7%会存在阅读障碍[5]。 当有关拼音文字系统的阅读障碍日益受到重视的时候,许多人却认为表意文字系统(中文、日文等)不会存在阅读困难。1982年,Stevenson进行的跨语言研究结果显示,日本、中国台湾、美国五年级学生的阅读障碍检出率分别为5.4%,7.5%和6.3%[6]。这表明在表意文字系统中也存在阅读障碍,并且其发生率并不低于拼音文字体系。这个研究结果得到了后继研究的证实[7]。张承芬使用不一致定义和低成就定义法,阅读障碍儿童的检出率分别是7.96%和4.55%[8]。舒华等采用调查与个案研究的方法也发现汉语儿童存在阅读困难[9]。彭红等对汉语阅读障碍高危儿童首次进行筛选,从309 名儿童中筛选出了25 名阅读障碍高危儿童,筛出比例为8%[10]。综合以往的研究结果,可以得出我国阅读障碍儿童的发生率大致在 4.5%~8%之间[11]。 二、阅读障碍儿童的困难 研究表明阅读障碍儿童在读、写、工作记忆等方面存在很多问题,直接导致其学习出现困难[12]。根据美国华盛


【英语】中考英语阅读理解真题 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 As far back as he could remember, Larry had wanted to go to Hollywood and become a film star. The young man's hopes for success were broken again and again. However, Hollywood was just everything to him. When he first came to California? Larry had decided never to give up and return home without success. Therefore, he kept on trying. "Some day," he told himself, "my big chance would come." Larry found a job—parking cars at one of Hollywood's big restaurants. His pay was low, but since the guests were kind enough to give him more money, he managed to make a living. One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot and getting out of his car. Larry had recently heard that the man was ready to make a new picture. Larry got into the car and prepared to drive it on into the lot and park it. Then he stopped, jumped out, and ran over to the director. "Excuse me, sir, but I think it's only fair to tell you that it's now or never if you want me in your next picture. A lot of big companies are after me." Instead of pushing away the boy, the director laughed, then wrote something on a card and handed it to the young man. "Come and see me tomorrow." Larry got a small part in the director's next film. He was on his way! (1)It's clear that Larry's job—parking cars ________. A. helped him make a lot of money B. brought him the hope to be a film star C. made him fail again and again in getting into Hollywood D. gave him few chances to meet stars (2)The film director asked Larry to meet him the next day because _______. A. he needed a driver very much B. Larry would become a star C. some big companies would give him a job D. Larry expressed his hope in a wise way (3)We can learn from the story that _______. A. the film director knew Larry's hard experience before B. Larry managed to be a part in the new film C. the job parking cars could bring young people everything D. the new film was not so important for the director (4)"He was on his Way" refers to the fact that _______. A. he gave up and returned home B. he began to work towards success C. he drove the director's car to Hollywood D. he had a long way to go to be in the film (5)The story mainly wants to tell us _______. A. it was hard for Larry, to find a job in a restaurant in Hollywood B. Larry was so lucky to meet the director in the parking lot C. why Larry could remember many things before D. how Larry succeeded- in his new life in Hollywood 【答案】(1)B
