越南战争 英文




美国发起越南战争英语作文The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, was a conflict that lasted from 1955 to 1975. It was a war between North Vietnam, which was supported by the Soviet Union and China, and South Vietnam, which was supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies. The United States played a major role in the war, and it was largely responsible for its escalation and eventual outcome.The United States became involved in the Vietnam War in the early 1960s, during the presidency of John F. Kennedy. At the time, South Vietnam was facing a communistinsurgency led by the Viet Cong, and the United States saw this as a threat to its interests in the region. The United States began to provide military aid and advisors to South Vietnam, and in 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin incident occurred, which led to the United States Congress passing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized the use of militaryforce in Vietnam.The United States gradually increased its involvementin the war, sending troops and equipment to Vietnam to support the South Vietnamese government. The war was fought using conventional military tactics, but the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces also used guerrilla warfare, which made it difficult for the United States to gain a decisive victory.The Vietnam War was a controversial conflict, and itwas opposed by many Americans. The anti-war movement grewin strength during the late 1960s and early 1970s, andthere were protests and demonstrations across the country. The war also had a significant impact on American society, with many soldiers returning home with physical and psychological injuries.Despite the efforts of the United States and its allies, the war ended in a victory for North Vietnam. In 1973, a peace agreement was signed between the United States and North Vietnam, which led to the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam. However, fighting continued between North and South Vietnam, and in 1975, North Vietnamcaptured Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, and the war ended with the reunification of Vietnam under communist rule.In conclusion, the Vietnam War was a complex and controversial conflict that had a significant impact on both the United States and Vietnam. While the United States was largely responsible for escalating the war, it ultimately failed to achieve its objectives and suffered significant losses. The Vietnam War remains a subject of debate and analysis, and its legacy continues to shape international relations and military strategy today.。


越南战争(英文:Vietnam War; 1955年—1975年),简称越战,美国 等资本主义阵营国家支持的南越(越南 共和国)对抗受中华人民共和国等共产 主义阵营国家支持的北越(越南民主共 和国)的一场战争。其发生在冷战时期 的越南(主战场)、老挝、柬埔寨。
越南在第二次世界大战爆发前是法国的殖民地,第二次世界大战进行中则被 日本占领。1945年第二次世界大战结束前后,胡志明领导的越南独立联盟(越南 共产党)在越南北方城市河内市建立越南民主共和国。法国则支持越南末代皇帝 保大皇帝在越南南方城市西贡市建国。
最先开始援助越南的美国总统是艾森豪 威尔;肯尼迪开始支持在越南作战;林登·约 翰逊将扩大。在尼克松执政时期,美国因国 内的反战浪潮,逐步将军队撤出越南。越南 人民军(北越军)和越共游击队最终打败了 越南共和国军(南越军),统一了全越南。
北越 南越
1961年5月美国在越南共和国发动特种战争。 1963年11月在美国策划的军事政变中,越南共和国总统吴廷琰被击毙;杨文明和阮庆先后当 选总统。 1964年8月美国制造北部湾事件,开始轰炸越南民主共和国。 1965年3月美国国防军在越南共和国岘港市登陆,把越南战争升级为以美国为主的局部战争; 6月越南共和国军人阮文绍发动政变上台,成立战时内阁,任越南共和国国家领导委员会主 席。 1967年4月越南共和国制宪议会通过新宪法;9月阮文绍当选越南共和国总统。 1968年3月美国被迫宣布部分停止轰炸越南民主共和国。5月越南民主共和国和美国在法国 首都巴黎开始举行会谈。10月美国全面停止轰炸越南民主共和国。 1969年1月越南民主共和国和美国的会谈扩大为越南南方民族解放阵线和越南共和国的四方 会谈。美国在越南共和国开始推行战争越南化政策。6月越南南方民族解放阵线宣布成立以 黄晋发为首的越南南方共和革命临时政府;9月越南民主共和国主席胡志明去世,孙德胜当 选主席。 1973年1月27日越南民主共和国、越南反政府武装·越南南方民族解放阵线、美国、越南共和 国签署《关于在越南战争结束、恢复和平的协定》;3月29日美国国防军完全从越南共和国 撤出。 越南战争历时30年,美国3.8万人死亡、30万人受伤,耗费4450亿美元;越南战争给美国人 民造成了无法估量的心灵创伤,美苏争霸的格局因此而向有利于苏联的转化。 1975年4月30日越南人民军解放越南共和国首都西贡市,越南共和国覆灭,越南战争结束。 1976年1月2日越南社会主义共和国 共和国和法国进行了长达10年的战争 (1945年—1955年),国际社会称为第一 次印度支那战争,越南称为抗法救国战争。


beginning of the war)
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
►July 31, 1964 ►South troop retreated in defeat by Viet Cong ►American destroyer “Maddox” was attacked ►America counterattack ►Both though opposite side had a calculated
Vietnam after the war
Battle types
►Jungle warfare
Battle types
►Guerrilla war
Popular cultural after the war
►Vietnam war in film, TV, games, literature, video, musicians and songwriters
►North Vietnam fight with France for 9 years. ►North Vietnam won ►Geneva Conference, 1954
Beginning of Vietnam War
►Viet Cong in the south ►Cold War ►JFK dispatched a special troop (marked
America injured soldiers were
waiting for rescue
U.S helicopter spraying chemical defoliants in the jungle, south Vietnam

the Vietnam War

the Vietnam  War
as though :仿佛,好像

stare at:凝视,目不转睛地

glare at :怒目而视 注:glare:发出强光、闪耀
peep :一瞥,偷看,窥探 glance :扫视;瞥见;匆匆一看
glare at
stare at

她离开后,非常快乐的度过了这天 剩下的时光,因为这是他所希望的。
注意top: 超过(v); 优良的(adj); 陀螺(n)
at the top of …在…的上部 at the top of one’s voice高兴地 top up:装满 on top:处于优势 on top of :除……之外

~about: There is nothing particularly remarkable
about the landscape.

~for: Finland is remarkable for its number of lakes.
He did not sacrifice his life for his country or for a just or noble cause.

eg: If the stalk is damaged, the plant may die. vt.潜步跟踪,潜进
eg: They stalked an enemy patrol. vi.大踏步走,



3.America’s ambition
If Vietnam was conquered by America, it would be a threat to Soviet Union and China. It was America’s step to achieve global domination.
Basic information
1.Concept:The Vietnam War (the Second Indochina War)
2.Time: 1961—1973
3.Warring sides:
North Vietnam( Republic of Vietnam) ,supported by its communist allies,
Knowing little about the situation of Southeast Asia and lacking the experience and solution to the problem, the special warfare was raised in the south Vietnam This movement was to suppress the revolution of Vietnam people, protect the puppet government and restrain the expansion of communism in the world
From 1850s to World War II , Vietnam was colonized by France; During the WWII, it was under the control of Japan; From WWⅡ to 1955, France fought hard to regain their former territories in the region but was finally defeated in May 1954 by the communist Hu Chiming. The French troops withdrew, leaving a buffer zone separating the North and South

原创2:第2课 越南战争

原创2:第2课 越南战争
1.范围 中南半岛三个国家:越南、老挝、柬埔寨。
印度支那问题: 主要涉及国家: 越南、老挝、柬埔寨 法国、美国 产生: 法国欲恢复在印度之那的 殖民统治。 解决:1954年签署 《日内瓦协议》,越南一 分为二。
2.印支问题的产生和演变 (1)曾为法国殖民地。二战中,被日本占领。二战后, 法国发动对印度支那的侵略。经长期斗争,独立、主权得 到国际社会承认(1954《日内瓦协定》)
1955年2月19日条约生效时成立了东南亚条约组织。 1977年6月该组织宣布解散。
东南亚条约组织: 旨在镇压东南亚地区民族解放运动的军事政治集
团 。1954年9月8日美国、英国、法国、澳大利亚、新西 兰、泰国、菲律宾和巴基斯坦,在马尼拉签订东南亚集 体防御条约,成立东南亚条约组织。美国是这个组织的 积极推动者。
美国、英国、法国、澳大利亚、新西兰、菲律宾、泰 国和巴基斯坦于1954.9.8在菲律宾首都马尼拉签订的军事 同盟条约。
条约称,要用“自助和互助的办法”“抵抗武装进 攻”。条约附有美国提出的“谅解”,对“侵略和武装进 攻的意义”解释为“只适用于共产党的侵略”。条约还以 议定书的形式,把柬埔寨、老挝和南越划为它的“保护地 区”。
朝鲜战争后,半岛南北仍处于分裂状态;越南战争后, 越南实现统一。
思考:越南战争的爆发与整个冷战的大背景在什么关系? 其结果又对冷战格局产生了什么影响? 1.背景 (1)二战后,美国在全球实行争夺世界霸权、遏制共产 主义的政策。 (2)为配合对苏联等社会主义国家实施的冷战政策,在 亚洲发动了侵略越南的战争。
第五单元 烽火连绵的局部战争
第2课 越南战争艾森豪威尔课程标:肯尼迪约翰逊
第一次印度支那战争是法国企图重建殖民制度所引 发的,首先是法国殖民主义者与印度支那三国人民之间的 民族矛盾激化的产物,但它又不仅是法国与越、老、柬之 间的冲突,而是一场各种力量参与的国际斗争。大国的卷 入,特别是美国的插手和干涉是这场战争延续和扩大的一 个至关重要外部因素。



Let’s see how much you know before we start!!! Write down your answers to the following 10 questions and find out how you did during the presentation.

– – –
Ends first Vietnam war and “temporarily” divides the country at the 17th parallel North Vietnam controlled by Ho Chi Minh and communist supporters South Vietnam controlled by Ngo Kinh Diem and democratic supporters (US)
1. Which country fought a war in Vietnam just before the United States?
A. B. C. D. England Germany Japan France
2. Which of the following countries IS NOT located in Southeast Asia?
A. B. C. D.
Mao Tse-Tung Tu Thong Ho Chi Minh Ngo Dinh Diem
4. Who was president in 1955 when the US began acting as an advisor to the government and military of South Vietnam? A. B. C. D. Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Richard M. Nixon


越南战争(英文:Vietnam War; 1955年—1975年),简称越战,美国 等资本主义阵营国家支持的南越(越南 共和国)对抗受中华人民共和国等共产 主义阵营国家支持的北越(越场)、老挝、柬埔寨。
越南在第二次世界大战爆发前是法国的殖民地,第二次世界大战进行中则被 日本占领。1945年第二次世界大战结束前后,胡志明领导的越南独立联盟(越南 共产党)在越南北方城市河内市建立越南民主共和国。法国则支持越南末代皇帝 保大皇帝在越南南方城市西贡市建国。
最先开始援助越南的美国总统是艾森豪 威尔;肯尼迪开始支持在越南作战;林登·约 翰逊将扩大。在尼克松执政时期,美国因国 内的反战浪潮,逐步将军队撤出越南。越南 人民军(北越军)和越共游击队最终打败了 越南共和国军(南越军),统一了全越南。
北越 南越
1961年5月美国在越南共和国发动特种战争。 1963年11月在美国策划的军事政变中,越南共和国总统吴廷琰被击毙;杨文明和阮庆先后当 选总统。 1964年8月美国制造北部湾事件,开始轰炸越南民主共和国。 1965年3月美国国防军在越南共和国岘港市登陆,把越南战争升级为以美国为主的局部战争; 6月越南共和国军人阮文绍发动政变上台,成立战时内阁,任越南共和国国家领导委员会主 席。 1967年4月越南共和国制宪议会通过新宪法;9月阮文绍当选越南共和国总统。 1968年3月美国被迫宣布部分停止轰炸越南民主共和国。5月越南民主共和国和美国在法国 首都巴黎开始举行会谈。10月美国全面停止轰炸越南民主共和国。 1969年1月越南民主共和国和美国的会谈扩大为越南南方民族解放阵线和越南共和国的四方 会谈。美国在越南共和国开始推行战争越南化政策。6月越南南方民族解放阵线宣布成立以 黄晋发为首的越南南方共和革命临时政府;9月越南民主共和国主席胡志明去世,孙德胜当 选主席。 1973年1月27日越南民主共和国、越南反政府武装·越南南方民族解放阵线、美国、越南共和 国签署《关于在越南战争结束、恢复和平的协定》;3月29日美国国防军完全从越南共和国 撤出。 越南战争历时30年,美国3.8万人死亡、30万人受伤,耗费4450亿美元;越南战争给美国人 民造成了无法估量的心灵创伤,美苏争霸的格局因此而向有利于苏联的转化。 1975年4月30日越南人民军解放越南共和国首都西贡市,越南共和国覆灭,越南战争结束。 1976年1月2日越南社会主义共和国成立,越南统一。



美国发起越南战争英语作文Title: The United States' Involvement in the Vietnam War。

Introduction:The Vietnam War, which lasted from 1955 to 1975, was a long and controversial conflict that pitted the communist forces of North Vietnam and their allies against the United States and South Vietnam. The United States' involvement in the war was a complex and multifaceted decision influenced by various factors, including the Cold War context, containment policy, and the domino theory. This essay aims to explore the reasons behind the United States' decision to initiate the Vietnam War.1. Cold War Context:The Cold War, a period of heightened tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, greatly influencedAmerican foreign policy during the 1950s and 1960s. The United States saw itself as the leader of the free world, responsible for containing the spread of communism. The fear of communism and the desire to prevent the domino effect became key factors in the decision to engage in the Vietnam War. The United States believed that if South Vietnam fell to communism, it would have a domino effect, leading to the spread of communism throughout Southeast Asia.2. Containment Policy:The United States' containment policy aimed to prevent the spread of communism and maintain a balance of power in the world. The policy was based on the belief that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would follow suit. In this context, the United States viewed the situation in Vietnam as an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to containing communism. By intervening in Vietnam, the United States hoped to prevent the spread of communism and protect its strategic interests in Southeast Asia.3. Domino Theory:The domino theory was a widely accepted belief among American policymakers during the Cold War era. It posited that if one country in a region came under communist control, neighboring countries would also fall like a row of dominoes. This theory greatly influenced American policymakers' perception of the Vietnam War. They feared that if South Vietnam fell to communism, it would embolden communist movements in other countries in the region, such as Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. To prevent this perceived domino effect, the United States felt compelled to intervene militarily in Vietnam.4. Geopolitical Interests:Besides the ideological motivations, the United States also had geopolitical interests in Vietnam. Southeast Asia, with its valuable resources and strategic location, held significant importance for American policymakers. The region was seen as a gateway to the vast markets of Asiaand a crucial area for containing communism. Additionally, the United States had established military bases in the region, including the Philippines and Thailand, which further reinforced its interest in maintaining stability and preventing the spread of communism.5. Gulf of Tonkin Incident:The Gulf of Tonkin incident in August 1964 played a crucial role in escalating American involvement in Vietnam. The incident involved alleged attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. The United States used these attacks as a justification to escalate its military presence and involvement in Vietnam. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, passed by the U.S. Congress, granted President Lyndon B. Johnson broad authority to take military action in Vietnam without a formal declaration of war.6. Political Considerations:Political considerations also played a significant rolein the United States' decision to initiate the Vietnam War. The fear of being perceived as weak on communism and the desire to maintain credibility as a superpower influenced American policymakers. The United States had previously supported France in its colonial war against the communist forces in Vietnam. To withdraw from Vietnam without achieving its objectives would have been seen as a defeat and a blow to its global reputation.Conclusion:The United States' decision to initiate the Vietnam War was influenced by a combination of factors, including the Cold War context, containment policy, the domino theory, geopolitical interests, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and political considerations. While the motivations behind the war were complex, the fear of communism and the desire to contain its spread played a central role. The Vietnam War remains a contentious chapter in American history, marked by protests, loss of lives, and a reevaluation of U.S. foreign policy.。



known as Viet Cong ► is an organization of North Vietnam ► guerrilla warfare in Southern Vietnam ► various people: students, normal people, exsouthern soldiers ► various weapons: captured from american soldiers, supported by Soviet Union, also sword, spear, bow and arrow.
Affect on America
► The
longest war ► Anti-war sentiment ► Change America’s position in cold war ► Cooperate with China ► Racial problems and human rights issues’ discuss
End of Vietnam War
Easter Offensive ► 1974, North army occupied most southern villages

► United
States absorb lessons of the military intervention, great financial cost, great causalities, ► Chemical defoliation defoliate countryside, change landscape, cause disease, poison the food chain ► Casualties Both the US and Vietnam had casualties



Operational survey:On February 17, 1979 China invaded, the war started, to seize Mengguan town.On February 18 seizes the clear water, the Vietnamese troops to the gallery resists stubbornly in the Gaoping front, forgives area the mountain, Dongdang's guided missile position is destroyed, the Laokay fierce combat, the Lai continent Vietnamese troops retreat Heihe Nanan. On February 19 attacks and seizes river County Magistrate Lu the snow-capped mountain, the air force bombing the coast defense.On February 20 captures Laokay, Dongdang, a package of happy fierce combat, the Vietnamese air force attacks west of the river mouth the reinforcing unit.On February 21 captures the Gaoping.On February 22 seizes a package of unhappiness, the Vietnamese troops reassigns in Cambodian and Laos's army returns to guards against, 2 teachers which defends Hanoi attempts to the Gaoping, the Laichau aspect China army to launch the counter-attack, the idle work.On February 23 forgives nearby the mountain the high horse hill eruption intense attack and defense war, captures the river river. Reenforce two teachers under air protection, attack awn street, Locbinh.On February 24 the Vietnamese troops counter-attack, with the Chinese army in the Gaoping, Laokay had the street fighting Vietnamese troops once to attempt to seep enters within the boundaries of China, but all suffered routs. Captures the citrus reticulata the pond. On February 25 gets up the combat situation rubber, the Vietnamese troops cling to tenaciously border defense important place to forgive the mountain. On March 1 forgives the mountain fierce combat, the Vietnamese troops reenforces sharpest 308th Shi Xiang from Hanoi to forgive the mountain to launch counter-attack, and use chemical weapon. On March 4 308 teachers suffer China to repel, forgive the mountain downcast.On March 5 China announced achieved "punishes Viet Nam" the goal, starts to withdraw troops. Vietnam announces the national general mobilization command, the pledge resistance. On March 7 gets up China officially to withdraw troops, and plundering commodity, when use military supplies vehicles return trip carries within the boundaries of China. Many place Vietnamese industry and mining industry equipment suffers the destruction. On March 13 continues to withdraw troops, China lays down the land mine in the route of withdrawal, shields the withdrawal of troops by the rocket and the long distance fire. Vietnamese troops not large-scale pursuit motion.On March 16 China announced completes the withdrawal of troops motion, the war ended.◎作战概况:1979年2月17日中国入侵,战争开始,占领孟关镇。



-Gulf of Tonkin (1964) US destroyer Maddox was fired on by North Vietnamese torpedo boats Gave broad congressional approval for the expansion of the Vietnam War -Tet Offensive (1968) Consisted of a series of sharp attacks on urban and rural areas in South Vietnam by the Vietcong -Paris Peace Agreement (January 1973) United States and North Vietnam signed which provided the withdrawal of all remaining U.S. forces from Vietnam -The Fall of Saigon (April 30, 1975) Capture of Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam by North Vietnamese Army; event marked the end of the Vietnam War
Timeline of Key Events
-Battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954) Starts US Evolvement in Vietnam War
Wounded soldier being taken off the battlefield



越南战争读后感英文The Vietnam War, which lasted from 1955 to 1975, was a conflict that deeply impacted not only the countries directly involved, but also the world as a whole. After reading about the Vietnam War, I was struck by the complexity of the issues at play, the human cost of the conflict, and the lasting legacy it has left on the region.One of the most striking aspects of the Vietnam War was the sheer scale of human suffering it caused. Millions of people were killed, wounded, or displaced during the conflict, and the toll on civilians was particularly devastating. The use of tactics such as chemical warfare, including the widespread spraying of Agent Orange, further added to the suffering of the Vietnamese people, causing long-term health problems and environmental damage that are still being felt today.The Vietnam War also highlighted the deep divisions within American society at the time. The war was deeply unpopular among many Americans, leading to widespread protests and demonstrations. The images of young men being drafted to fight in a war that many saw as unjust sparked a national debate about the role of the United States in the world and the morality of military intervention.Furthermore, the Vietnam War also had a profound impact on the countries of Southeast Asia. The conflict spilled over into neighboring countries such as Cambodia and Laos, leading to further bloodshed and instability in the region. The legacy of the war continues to shape politics and society in these countries, with issues such as landmines, unexploded ordnance, and the long-term effects of Agent Orange still posing challenges to development and reconciliation.In conclusion, the Vietnam War was a tragic and complex conflict that had far-reaching consequences for the countries involved and the world at large. The human cost of the war, the divisions it caused within American society, and its impact on the region are all important aspects to consider when reflecting on this period of history. As we continue to grapple with the legacy of the Vietnam War, it is crucial to remember thelessons learned from this conflict and work towards a more peaceful and just world for future generations.。

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French Rule in Vietnam:

In 1950, the US sent $15 million in aid to the French to help them defeat the Vietminh The French eventually surrendered at Dien Bien Phu – French outpost France, Great Britain, Soviet Union, USA, China, Laos, and Cambodia all met with the Vietminh to set up a peace plan – Geneva Accords This peace plan divided Vietnam into: North Vietnam – Communist South Vietnam – Anticommunist

World: 1966 – Mao Zedong begins cultural revolution in China 1975 – Communists capture Saigon and South Vietnamese surrender
SECTION 1 Moving Toward Conflict

Key Terms: Ngo Dinh Diem Vietcong Ho Chi Minh Trail Tonkin Gulf Resolution
French Rule in Vietnam:

Since the late 1800’s, the French ruled Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia After WWII, France tried to regain control of these territories USA supported France with over 1 billion dollars…and military support (fear of communism)
The Vietnam War:
Chapter 22
Timeline: What’s Happening?

United States: 1965 – first major US combat units arrive in Vietnam 1968 – RFK and MLK are assassinated 1970 – Kent State Massacre 1973 – US signs ceasefire with North Vietnam and Vietcong

Why it Matters Now: The United States support role in Vietnam began what would become America’s longest and most controversial war in its history.

Key Terms: Ho Chi Minh Vietminh Domino Theory Dien Bien Phu Geneva Accords
French Rule in Vietnam

The Vietnamese fled to China to escape the harsh French rule A communist party was formed underneath Ho Chi Minh In 1940, the Japanese took over Vietnam Ho Chi Minh formed the Vietminh – goal was to gain independence from all foreign rule
Section One: Moving Toward Conflict

Main Idea: To stop the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, the Untied States used its military to support South Vietnam.

By the end of this lesson, I will be able to:
2. 3.
Summarize Vietnam's history as a French colony and its struggle for independence. Examine how the United States became involved in the Vietnam conflict. Describe the expansion of U.S. military involvement under President Johnson.
The United States Steps In:

After the French defeat, the United Statee spread of communism Ho Chi Minh became a national hero despite his tough leadership South Vietnam’s president – Ngo Dinh Diem refused to take part in a countrywide election (he would lose) The USA (Eisenhower) promised Diem aid and training to build a strong government in South Vietnam