《物流英语》课件 Unit 1 Overview of Logistics

logistics involves order management, packaging, transportation, warehousing, materials handling, etc.
Three Major Functions of Logistics
Creating time value. Creating location value. Distribution processing value.
2. A: I’m a little nervous about the interview. B: Please be relaxed . You are always very good! A: Will they recruit(招聘) only male staff? B: I don’t think so. Successful organizations are recruiting a variety of people for their logistics management positions because diversity gives them an edge in the highly competitive global marketplace.
【Learning Objectives】
1. To understand the definition of logistics. 2. To know the major functions of logistics. 3. To learn the main activities in logistics system.
有时,物流活动也能创造流通加工价值,这种流通加 工主要改变商品的长度、厚度和包装形态。
物流专业英语unit 1 Introduction to Logistics教材

Logistics is the physical flow of goods from point of
origin to point of consumption and the effective combination of such basic functions as transportation, warehousing and storage, load and unload, goods handling, packing, distribution processing, delivery, information management, and so on.
procurement, movement and storage of materials ,parts and finished inventory (and the related information flows) through the organization and its marketing channels in such a way that current and future profitability are maximized through the costeffective fulfillment of orders.
information technology
物流是关于时间的资源配置或总供应链的战略管理。供应 链是满足顾客的事件序列。包括相关联的运输、存储和信 息技术。
Logistics terminologies of the People’s Republic of
China National Standard(GB/T18354-2001):
Question: What are the reasons for the importance of logistics ?
origin to point of consumption and the effective combination of such basic functions as transportation, warehousing and storage, load and unload, goods handling, packing, distribution processing, delivery, information management, and so on.
procurement, movement and storage of materials ,parts and finished inventory (and the related information flows) through the organization and its marketing channels in such a way that current and future profitability are maximized through the costeffective fulfillment of orders.
information technology
物流是关于时间的资源配置或总供应链的战略管理。供应 链是满足顾客的事件序列。包括相关联的运输、存储和信 息技术。
Logistics terminologies of the People’s Republic of
China National Standard(GB/T18354-2001):
Question: What are the reasons for the importance of logistics ?

Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Figure 1 A typical supply chain
飞机在天上飞,供应链来支配,这就是物流; 流水线、各部件,准点到、守时间,这就是物流; 把成本来控制,好利润天天增,这就是物流; 碳足迹要缩减,树环保新观念,这就是物流; 将业务来拓展,让世界心相连,这就是物流; 该去哪就去哪,高科技来实现,这就是物流; 门铃响,响叮铛~响叮铛~响叮铛~这就是物流; 让烦恼都抛遍,全交给UPS,这就是物流。
• 特点:课文短,专业性强,视野广阔。 • 共32个单元,计划学习1-24单元,每个单元用
• 本课程分为形成性考核和终结性考核两部分
• 其中形成性考核占60% 包括:出勤10% 课堂表现10% 作业10% 笔记10% 小组PPT展示20%
• Bells will ring, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, that's logistics.
• There will be no more stress 'cause you've called UPS,

promote 提升,提高,升迁 promote economic growth 促进经济增长 promote his second solo album 推广他的第二张专辑
• How long would it take before I am appointed as a business development director?
• The definitions of Logistics(物流的定义)
• Logistics is an unique "pipeline" that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating(协调) the transport(运输) and delivery(递送) of products and service(服务) to the customers(顾客) the world wide.
Five Logistics Functions (物流的五个功能)
1.Design, development, acquisition, storage, movement.... of goods(商品).
2.Design, development, management and maintenance of passengers system(乘客 系统).
how long will it take? 它将花费多长时间? It takes about 10 minutes. 大概花10分钟。
• Generally speaking, it depends on how diligent you are and how good the business is.
promote 提升,提高,升迁 promote economic growth 促进经济增长 promote his second solo album 推广他的第二张专辑
• How long would it take before I am appointed as a business development director?
• The definitions of Logistics(物流的定义)
• Logistics is an unique "pipeline" that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating(协调) the transport(运输) and delivery(递送) of products and service(服务) to the customers(顾客) the world wide.
Five Logistics Functions (物流的五个功能)
1.Design, development, acquisition, storage, movement.... of goods(商品).
2.Design, development, management and maintenance of passengers system(乘客 系统).
how long will it take? 它将花费多长时间? It takes about 10 minutes. 大概花10分钟。
• Generally speaking, it depends on how diligent you are and how good the business is.

Unit 1 What Is the Logistics?
1. Logistics is the management of the flow of the goods, information and other resources in a repair cycle between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of customers. 本句虽然很长,但为 简单句;句中in order to引导出目的状语。全句可译为:物流是从原产地到消费地之 间,在维修周期内对产品、信息和其他资源的一种管理流程,其目的是满足消费者 的需要。 2. Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer and legal requirements. 本句为定语从句; 由which引导的定语从句修饰supply chain。全句可译为:物流管理是供给链中负责 规划。执行和控制往返物品迅速有效地流动和储存,提供原产地及消费地之间的服 务及相关信息,以满足顾客需要并符合法律规定。
Part III

值得注意的是,人们,尤其是非专业人士,对物流有一种广泛 的误导性概念,即认为物流就是运输。的确,运输是物流 的核心构成部分,没有运输什么也动不起来。即使如此, 物流仍然比单独的运输所能传达的意义要深远得多。
一般来说,商品/产品的流转需遵循典型的供应链模式(见图 1)。
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Figure 1 A typical supply chain 图1 典型的供应链
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
What is logistics? 什么是物流?
Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.
狭义上讲,物流是商品 的高效流动与存储。
However, the Council of Logistics Management of USA has given an authoritative definition which is widely accepted by the logistics professionals.
物流 “
对产品、服务和相关信息从原产地 到消费地的高效率和高效力的流动 及存储进行规划、实施和控制,以
Step 1 单词领读
➢ 由教师当堂领读生词 ➢ 纠正学生的发音 ➢ 领读完之后给学生留出5分钟的
一般来说,商品/产品的流转需遵循典型的供应链模式(见图 1)。
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Figure 1 A typical supply chain 图1 典型的供应链
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
What is logistics? 什么是物流?
Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.
狭义上讲,物流是商品 的高效流动与存储。
However, the Council of Logistics Management of USA has given an authoritative definition which is widely accepted by the logistics professionals.
物流 “
对产品、服务和相关信息从原产地 到消费地的高效率和高效力的流动 及存储进行规划、实施和控制,以
Step 1 单词领读
➢ 由教师当堂领读生词 ➢ 纠正学生的发音 ➢ 领读完之后给学生留出5分钟的

Two purposes are served by packaging: promoting the product and protecting it.
Inventory refers to stocks of goods that are maintained for a variety of purposes, such as for resale to others, as well as to support manufacturing or assemblinrvice
Customer service involves an array of activities to keep existing customers satisfied.
Demand Forecasting
Demand forecasting refers to efforts to estimate product demand in a future time period.
No other area of business operations involves the complexity or spans the geography of logistics. All around the globe, 24 hours of every day, 7 days a week, during 52 weeks a year, logistics is concerned with getting products and services where they are needed at the precise time desired. It is difficult to visualize accomplishing any marketing, manufacturing, or international commerce without logistics. Most consumers in highly developed industrial nations take a high level of logistical competency for granted.
《物流专业英语》 PPT Unit Logistics packaging in

在再生产过程中,包装处于生产过程的末尾和物流过程的 开头,包装既是生产的终点,又是物流的始点。
Before modern logistics concepts were formulated, packaging had long been an activity in the production sector, and packaging designing focused on the requirements of end production. Therefore it often failed to meet the requirements of distribution. Logistics studies show that the packaging-logistics relationship is much closer than the packaging-production relationship. Packaging as the origin of logistics is far more significant than packaging as end of production. Consequently packaging should enter the logistics category, which is a new concept of modern logistics.
日本企业在包装、包装废弃物再利用、环境保护等方面有着最 前沿的技术和理念,值得中国同行学习和借鉴。
Sony’s New packaging for electronic products 索尼公司电子产品的新包装
Sony adopts four principles to promote product packaging. Not only do they follow the “3R principles” of reduction, reuse and recycle, but they also invent new approaches in replacing, making renovations in product packaging. The following are practical examples.
Before modern logistics concepts were formulated, packaging had long been an activity in the production sector, and packaging designing focused on the requirements of end production. Therefore it often failed to meet the requirements of distribution. Logistics studies show that the packaging-logistics relationship is much closer than the packaging-production relationship. Packaging as the origin of logistics is far more significant than packaging as end of production. Consequently packaging should enter the logistics category, which is a new concept of modern logistics.
日本企业在包装、包装废弃物再利用、环境保护等方面有着最 前沿的技术和理念,值得中国同行学习和借鉴。
Sony’s New packaging for electronic products 索尼公司电子产品的新包装
Sony adopts four principles to promote product packaging. Not only do they follow the “3R principles” of reduction, reuse and recycle, but they also invent new approaches in replacing, making renovations in product packaging. The following are practical examples.

▪ systematic adj. 主系统的;体系的
▪ tangible adj. 切实的
▪ intangible adj. 难以明了的;无形的
▪ warehousing n.仓库费;入仓库;仓库贮存
▪ commodity n. 日用品
Questions 思考题
▪ 1.What is the logistics? ▪ 2.What does the term “logistics” originate
Chapter 2 Customer service
and logistics 客户服务与物流
▪ Introduction 引言 ▪ The components of customer service ▪ 客户服务的组成 ▪ Customer service policy ▪ 客户服务政策 ▪ Levels of customer service ▪ 客户服务水平 ▪ Measuring customer service ▪ 衡量客户服务 ▪ Summary 小结
from? ▪ 3.How do you comprehend “logistics”
encompasses much more than just the transport of goods? ▪ 4.What are included in the element of logistics? ▪ 5.In your opinion, what is the importance of logistics?
this segmentation; ▪ 在不同的细分市场里发掘客户需求; ▪ The determination of clearly defined and quantifiable standards of

processing, customer service must
execute together.
In this initial part a number of logistics definitions have been introduced. The important elements of logistics have been described, and these will be expanded in subsequent chapters of the book.
Chapter1 Logistics物流
Chapter1 Logistics物流
● Part1 The definition of Logistics物流的定义 Part2 7R theory of logistics 物流“7R”理论 Part3 Main activities of logistics system 物流 系统的主要活动 Summary本章小结 Exercises 习题
Case Study
How a bottle of Coca Cola coke moves to an end consumer?
Learning Objective【学习目标】
● To learn the definition of logistics. ● To learn the 7R theory of logistics. ● To learn the activities in logistics源自 True or False 判断对错
1.There are a variety of definition about the term "logistics", each have slightly different meaning.
物流英语 unit1

The typical supply chain model of movements of goods
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终顾客
Retailer 零售商
The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node(n.节点) in the supply chain.
Choice A is rarely the case because the total logistics cost of direct purchase from the manufacturer is too expensive for any individual(个人).
Choice B is the most popular for individual customers, in which the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for timeconsuming travel to the manufacturer.
A customer can show his inclination in many aspects: Brand, quality, size, colour, service and so on But his first inclination is
availability of goods
• 7.What are the four keys aspects of logistics? 什么是物流的四个关键方面?

Text 2
Activities in Logistical System
Components (functions) of logistics system
Components include but not limit to: demand forecasting order management procurement production planning packaging material handling transportation warehousing inventory control customer service returned products handling part and service support salvage and scrap disposal
③Logistics greatly impacts our quality of life. The logistics industry employs people worldwide,providing a cost-effective means of distributing goods locally and globally.The more affordable the goods,the higher the standard of living for you.
The U.S. military relies on logistics to determine the feasibility of a mission.Logistics also provides the flexibility to move personnel,equipment,and supplies wherever they are needed in the world.
物流英语课件:chapter 1 Overview of Logistics

这里我们要注意efficient and effective这两个词 的区别:
Efficient指的是效率高的,有能力的,而effective 强调的是有效的,有影响的。
3. First, logistics is a process of “plan,
implement, and control.” Of particular
it involves selection of the transport mode, routing of the shipment, compliance with regulation in the region of the country, and selection of carriers.
物流是一个中国乃至全世界的热门话题。虽然它 已经不是一个新生事物了,但是不少人对物流的 认识仍然有限。
1. Logistics is a hot topic in China and the whole world. Although it is anything but a newborn baby, lots of people still have limited awareness of, and knowledge about logistics.
Logistical activities:
Activities include: demand forecasting, transportation, warehousing, inventory control, material handling, packaging, information processing, procurement, production planning, customer service ……
Efficient指的是效率高的,有能力的,而effective 强调的是有效的,有影响的。
3. First, logistics is a process of “plan,
implement, and control.” Of particular
it involves selection of the transport mode, routing of the shipment, compliance with regulation in the region of the country, and selection of carriers.
物流是一个中国乃至全世界的热门话题。虽然它 已经不是一个新生事物了,但是不少人对物流的 认识仍然有限。
1. Logistics is a hot topic in China and the whole world. Although it is anything but a newborn baby, lots of people still have limited awareness of, and knowledge about logistics.
Logistical activities:
Activities include: demand forecasting, transportation, warehousing, inventory control, material handling, packaging, information processing, procurement, production planning, customer service ……
物流专业英语UNIT 1

the end of this unit, you should be able to have a good command of
– the definition of logistics – components of a logistics system – five key issues for logistics effectiveness
Key words: logiestics systematic mangement internally Integrated logistics externally integrated logistics global supply chain management
New Words
logistcs container disposition provision acquisition evacuation procurement implement n. n. n. n. n. n. n. vt. 后勤学,后勤 容器,集装箱 部署 供应 获得,采集 撤退,走开 获得,采购 贯彻,实现
The Definition of Logistics
The article introduces various definitions of different editions and the evolution of the logiesitics management concept.
agent unprecedented sophisticated commodity significantly linkage reshape framework MNC
n. 代理(商) adj. 空前的 adj. 诡辩的 n. 日用品 adv. 有意义地,重大地 n. 联接 vt. 改造,再成形 n. 构架,框架,结构 multi-national company / corporation 跨国公司
– the definition of logistics – components of a logistics system – five key issues for logistics effectiveness
Key words: logiestics systematic mangement internally Integrated logistics externally integrated logistics global supply chain management
New Words
logistcs container disposition provision acquisition evacuation procurement implement n. n. n. n. n. n. n. vt. 后勤学,后勤 容器,集装箱 部署 供应 获得,采集 撤退,走开 获得,采购 贯彻,实现
The Definition of Logistics
The article introduces various definitions of different editions and the evolution of the logiesitics management concept.
agent unprecedented sophisticated commodity significantly linkage reshape framework MNC
n. 代理(商) adj. 空前的 adj. 诡辩的 n. 日用品 adv. 有意义地,重大地 n. 联接 vt. 改造,再成形 n. 构架,框架,结构 multi-national company / corporation 跨国公司

Delivery schedule
Coordinate with customers and carriers to ensure timely delivery of products according to the delivery schedule
Return processing
Return receipt
Transport Terminology
Mastering transportation related terminology is the key to learning logistics English.
Transportation is the core link of logistics, involving terms such as "sea freight", "air freight", "land transportation", "multimodal transportation", "container transportation", etc. Understanding these terms helps to better understand the transportation methods and operations in the logistics process.
Improving competitiveness
By ensuring effective logistics operations, companies can gain a competitive edge over their competitors
Enhancing business operations
Coordinate with customers and carriers to ensure timely delivery of products according to the delivery schedule
Return processing
Return receipt
Transport Terminology
Mastering transportation related terminology is the key to learning logistics English.
Transportation is the core link of logistics, involving terms such as "sea freight", "air freight", "land transportation", "multimodal transportation", "container transportation", etc. Understanding these terms helps to better understand the transportation methods and operations in the logistics process.
Improving competitiveness
By ensuring effective logistics operations, companies can gain a competitive edge over their competitors
Enhancing business operations

What is Logistics? The importance of Logistics Development of Logistics Management
Logistics management has evolved over the last three decades from the narrowly defined distribution management to the integrated management and to the global supply chains.
What is Logistics? The importancห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ of Logistics Development of Logistics Management
What is Logistics?
The Definition of Logistics(物流的概念) There are various definitions of different
edition. But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.
1.In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the pgysical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receive point. Based on practical need, integrated organically (有机结合)the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, package, distribution and information management, etc.

• Logistics English Case Analysis
• Practical Application of Logistics English
Overview of Logistics
The Definition and Importance of Logistics English
Logistics English Courseware Chapter 1
• Overview of Logistics English • Basic Vocabulary of Logistics
English • Common Sentence Patterns
and Expressions in Logistics English
Data elements
order entry, inventory levels, shipping status
Communication tools
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN), Radio Frequency Identificatisulting and Education: Professionals in logistics consulting and education using Logistics English to advise clients on best practices, develop training materials, and teach courses on logistics related topics
• Answering about costs: "The estimated cost for transporting these goods is..." or "Here is a detailed cost breakdown for each transportation method."
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move v. movement n. distribute distributor wholesale wholesaler store v. storage n. authoritative adj. 权威的 authority n. 权力 profession n. professional adj. 专业的,n. 专业人士 source n. 来源,v. 找出来源 sourcing n. warehouse v. warehousing n. finance n. 资金,财务 v. 为…提供资金 -ing financing n. 融资,提供资金 consuming
Choice A is rarely the case because the total logistics cost of direct purchase from the manufacturer is prohibitive for any individual (2.6 times as much as the retail price in the above case), though its purchase price is much lower than the retail price.
1.What is the definition of logistics? 2. Will an individual consumer choose to go straight to a manufacturer and buy the items by himself ? Why not ? 3. Why do most individual consumers go to a retail outlet instead of going to the manufacturer if they want to buy something? 4. Why is the retail price higher than the ex-factory price? 5. What are the scopes of logistics activities?
It is worth noting that there is a wide-spread misleading concept about logistics, especially among amateurs, that logistics is transport. True, transport is the core component of logistics and without it nothing can move. Nevertheless logistics means far more than transport alone can convey. 值得注意的是,人们,尤其是非专业人士,对物流有一种广泛的 误导性概念,即认为物流就是运输。的确,运输是物流的 核心构成部分,没有运输什么也动不起来。即使如此,物 流仍然比单独的运输所能传达的意义要深远得多。
Sourcing 采办 Purchasing 采购 Transport 运输
Warehousing 仓储 Financing Support 融资支持
Logistics activities 物流活动
Inventory Management 库存管理 Customer Support 客户支持
Figure 3 Scope of logistics activities 图3 物流活动的范围
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Figure 1 A typical supply chain 图1 典型的供应链
The Coca Cola soft drink product moves by the typical supply chain. The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain (Figure 2). 可口可乐软饮料产品就是依照典型的供应链来移动的,其零售价更 高,是因为当产品经过供应链的每个节点时增加了价值(图 2)。
All facets of logistics 物流面面观 From a wider perspective, we can conclude that logistics is or is about: 从更加广泛的视角来看,我 们可以得出结论,物流 是或者是关于…
the flow and storage of goods, people, finance, services and related information physical distribution or distribution of physical goods an integral part of the supply chain 商品、人员、资金、服务和相关信息的流动与存储 实体配送或实体物资的配送 供应链的整体部分
直接到厂家以出厂价(如1.50元/瓶)购买,但要支付额外的公 共汽车费(如5元或更多),总计6.50元,还要另加时间成本 (数小时的巴士乘坐),或者
go to a supermarket and buy it at retail price (e.g. 2.50 Yuan) with minimal time cost
How a bottle of Coca Cola coke moves to an end consumer 一瓶可乐是如何到达最终消费者手中的 If a consumer wants to have a bottle of Coca Cola coke, he can choose to: 如果客户想买一瓶可口可乐,他可能选择:
-tion integrate integral integrated integration n. 整合,一体化最优化 reduce reduction cost reduction innovate innovative innovation
integration and optimization of resources a value-added process efficiency increase and cost reduction Innovation 资源的整合与优化 一个增值过程 提高效率与降低成本 创新
What are the scopes of logistics activities 物流活动的范围是什么? As shown in the Figure 3, logistics activities are extensive and consist of various components. 如图3所示,物流活动是广泛的并且包括了多种构成成份。
定语从句,修 饰definition
“Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.” “物流是供应链的一部分,它对产品、服务和相关信息从原产地 到消费地的高效率和高效力的流动及存储进行规划、实施和 控制,以满足客户的要求。”
A选择是极少出现的情况,因为从厂 家直接购买的总物流成本对于 个人而言是极其昂贵的(在上 述的情况中,达到了零售价的 2.6倍),虽然其采购价要比零 售价低得多。
Choice B is the most popular for individual consumers, in which the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for ease of shopping and exemption of the timeconsuming travel to the manufacturer, in addition to a lower total cost.
1.5 1.6 1.7
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Figure 2 A presumptive value-added model 图2 推定增值模型
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Module 1 物流基本概念及行业概述01
Unit 1
What is logistics? 什么是物流?
/ 物 流
manufacture manufacturer ex-factory price wholesale price 三种价格 retail price minimal 最小的 maximal 最大的 prohibitive expensive retail 加后缀 retailer consume consumer consuming