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(-)文库:TAP 处理 (w)文库:Total RNA 链特异性文库
取材 建库
1. TSS 分析 2. 操纵子分析
Illumina HiSeq 2000 (+)/(-):SE100 (w):PE100
嗜冷产甲烷古菌不仅对地球寒冷区域潮湿土壤中的甲烷排放具有重要意义,同时,对低温沼气的发酵也 具有较大的影响。尽管已知嗜冷产甲烷古菌在低温环境中发挥着重要作用,但目前获得培养的嗜冷产甲烷古菌 却很少。嗜冷甲烷叶菌是一种重要的产甲烷古菌,其嗜寒性的分子机制尚不清楚。
研究对象:嗜冷甲烷叶菌 R15 期 刊: Scientific Reports 影响因子:5.578 合作单位:中国科学院微生物研究所 发表时间:2015 年 3 月
Psychrophilic methanogenic Archaea contribute significantly to global methane emissions, but archaeal cold adaptation mechanisms remain poorly understood. Hinted by that mRNA architecture determined secondary structure respond to cold more promptly than proteins, differential RNA-seq was used in this work to examine the genome-wide transcription start sites (TSSs) of the psychrophilic methanogen Methanolobus psychrophilus R15 and its response to cold. Unlike most prokaryotic mRNAs with short 5' untranslated regions (5' UTR, median lengths of 20–40 nt), 51% mRNAs of this methanogen have large 5' UTR (>50 nt). For 24% of the mRNAs, the 5' UTR is>150 nt. This implies that post-transcriptional regulation may be significance in the psychrophile. Remarkably, 219 (14%) genes possessed multiple gene TSSs (gTSSs), and 84 genes exhibited temperature-regulated gTSS selection to express alternative 5' UTR. Primer extension studies confirmed the temperature-dependent TSS selection and a stem-loop masking of ribosome binding sites was predicted from the longer 5' UTRs, suggesting alternative 5' UTRs-mediated translation regulation in the cold adaptation as well. In addition, 195 small RNAs (sRNAs) were detected, and Northern blots confirmed that many sRNAs were induced by cold. Thus, this study revealed an integrated transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation for cold adaptation in a psychrophilic methanogen.

weight of rex rabbits [J]. Scientific reports, 2015, 5: 9342

dRNA-seห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 技术全面系统地揭示嗜冷甲烷叶菌 在响应温度变化时转录起始位点的变化
Global mapping transcriptional start sites revealed both transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of cold adaptation in the methanogenic archaeon Methanolobus psychrophilus

图 2 18℃和 8℃检测到的 TSS 的维恩图

Li J, Qi L, Guo Y, et al. Global mapping transcriptional start sites revealed both transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of cold adaptation in the methanogenic archaeon Methanolobus psychrophilus [J]. Scientific reports, 2015, 5, 9209.
獭兔;肠道微生物;16S V4
獭兔是一种小型食草类哺乳动物, 因其皮毛及肉产品的实用价值而被广 泛饲养。獭兔有两种便型:硬型和软型。 已有研究表明硬粪和软粪包含的营养 物质存在差异,然而,对于其中微生 物群落组成还知之甚少。肠道微生物 在维持哺乳动物机体健康方面具有重 要作用。已有研究表明,肠道微生物 同宿主关键功能关系密切,例如肥胖、 肠道免疫成熟、营养限制等。因此, 我们推测肠道微生物因便型的不同而 存在差异,且与獭兔的生长有关。研 究目的包括:I. 展现并比较獭兔硬粪 和软粪中的微生物群落 II. 鉴定与獭兔 生长有关的细菌物种。
嗜冷甲烷叶菌 R15;dRNA-seq;TSS
1. 嗜冷甲烷叶菌 R15 ,8℃ 和 18℃,培养 于含有 20mM 三甲胺的矿物质介质中。 2. 收集对数中期的细胞,4℃培养。
1. Total RNA+spike-in control 2. Ribo-zero 去核糖体 3. (+)文库:TEX+TAP 处理
1、研究共鉴定出已注释 ORFs 中 48.4% 的 TSS 位点。作者发现同许多原核生物不同,嗜冷甲烷叶菌有 约 51% 的 mRNA 具有较长 5' UTR(>50nt),约 24% 的 mRNA 5' UTR 大于 150nt(图 1)。
2、14% 的基因拥有多重 TSSs(图 2),此外还有 84 个基因拥有低温响应的 gTSS 和启动子,在不 同的温度下会转录形成含有不同剪切形式 5' UTR 的转录本,这种转录后水平的调控协同转录中调控来影响 mRNA 的表达水平与稳定性,从而控制古菌的低温适应性。
Rex rabbit is an important small herbivore for fur and meat production. However, little is known about the gut microbiota in rex rabbit, especially regarding their relationship with different fecal types and growth of the hosts. We characterized the microbiota of both hard and soft feces from rex rabbits with high and low body weight by using the Illumina MiSeq platform targeting the V4 region of the 16S rDNA. High weight rex rabbits possess distinctive microbiota in hard feces, but not in soft feces, from the low weight group. We detected the overrepresentation of several genera such as YS2/Cyanobacteria, and Bacteroidales and underrepresentation of genera such as Anaeroplasma s pp. and Clostridiaceae in high weight hard feces. Between fecal types, several bacterial taxa such as Ruminococcaceae, and Akkermansia spp. were enriched in soft feces. PICRUSt analysis revealed that metabolic pathways such as 'stilbenoid, diarylheptanoid, gingerol biosynthesis' were enriched in high weight rabbits, and pathways related to 'xenobiotics biodegradation' and 'various types of N-glycan biosynthesis' were overrepresented in rabbit soft feces. Our study provides foundation to generate hypothesis aiming to test the roles that different bacterial taxa play in the growth and caecotrophy of rex rabbits.
2、在硬粪个体中高体重獭兔与低体重獭兔的微生物群落组成有差异,然而在软粪个体中未表现出体重相 关的差异。Ruminococcaceae 和 Akkermansia spp. 在软粪个体中为优势物种。
3、LEfSe 分析寻找显著性差异物种,獭兔硬粪个体显著性差异物种较软粪个体中多。

Zeng B, Han S, Wang P, et al. The bacterial communities associated with fecal types and body
取材 建库
选取不同雌兔同日产下的 80 只幼崽,并 区分硬粪和软粪类型,每个类型基于 70 天和 90 天的体重选取轻重各 10 只兔子, 取第 90 天的粪便进行后续研究
PowerFecal TM DNA isolation kit
Illumina MiSeq 16S V4 区
1. OTU 聚类和分析 2. α- 多样性分析 3. β- 多样性分析 4. LEfSe 分析
1、獭兔硬粪个体菌群在高低体重组间差异显著,而软粪个体菌群在高低体重组间差异却不显著 , 这一发 现刷新了人们对獭兔后肠菌群和体重关系的认识(图 1)。
图 1 不同体重獭兔细菌群落结构及相对丰度
The bacterial communities associated with fecal types and body weight of rex rabbits
研究对象:獭兔粪便 期 刊: Scientific Reports 影响因子:5.578 合作单位:四川农业大学 发表时间:2015 年 3 月
3、嗜冷甲烷叶菌的转录后调控较其它原核生物更为活跃。研究鉴定出 195 个 sRNAs,40% 的 sRNAs 在低温环境下差异表达,其中 8℃诱导组的 9 个 sRNAs 在启动子上游含有 cold box。以上发现表明 sRNAs 在古菌低温适应调控方面有着非常重要的作用。
图 1 18℃和 8℃条件下 5' UTR 的长度