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Yearly produces 5,000 tons12o beer plant design

Saccharification and fermentation


This paper mainly introduces the annual 5,000 tons beer saccharification and fermentation process design workshop of a kind of idea, design for manufacturing processes, including 12 degrees of beer formula and process and equipment, material and the selection of the design and calculation, adopts advanced process for production process, materials, energy saving and on and on the selection of equipment do units were analyzed in this paper. At the same time, the flexibility of the system safety, environmental protection, economy and the request, and reduce the chances of cross contamination.

According to the characteristics of beer production structure layout is reasonable design, makes the production workshop as far as possible compact, materials and energy to shorten the distance transportation, thus effectively save resources, reduce the production cost. Based on beer saccharification and fermentation characteristics of material, the brewery saccharification and fermentation workshop on the workshop of heat balance of production, make each link can effectively combine, easy to improve energy efficiency.

The design results mainly adopts form for process flow diagram (1), workshop layout (1), workshop sections (1) locally, and detailed data sheets.

Key word:Process、glycated、Fermentation、design


摘要................................................................ I ABSTRACT ............................................................... II 前言. (1)

第1章绪论 (2)

1.1啤酒的起源 (2)

1.2我国啤酒工业发展简况 (3)

1.3厂址的选择 (4)

1.4市场预测 (5)

1.5项目实施的意义 (5)

第2章设计规模及生产方案 (6)

2.1设计规模 (6)

2.2产品方案 (7)

2.2.1 生产规模及建设时间 (7)

2.2.2 产品质量及标准 (7)

2.2.3 水质标准及啤酒质量控制 (7)

第3章工艺流程及生产方法 (9)

3.1啤酒酿造的工艺流程 (9)

3.2啤酒酿造的原料 (10)

3.3糖化车间的工艺要点 (10)

3.4发酵车间的工艺要点 (12)

3.5啤酒过滤 (14)

第4章工艺计算 (15)

4.1工艺技术指标及基础数据 (15)

4.1.1 100kg原料(70%麦芽,30%大米)生产12°淡色啤酒的物料衡算 (15)

4.1.2 生产100L12°淡色啤酒的物料衡算 (16)

4.1.3 5000t/a 12°淡色啤酒糖化车间额定量物料衡算表 (16)
