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1. Translate the following sentences into English according to the basic sentence patterns.
1. 这所大学授予文学、历史、语言学等硕士学位。
2. 他看透了她的心思。
3. 所有“非典”疑似病人都必须隔离。
4. 这个人发现该男孩偷苹果。
5. 一个人要有一个莫逆之交很难。
6. 关于这个问题存有不同意见。
7. 他们渴望获得一些社会技能,多挣些钱,这样免得过多依赖父母。
8. 培养儿童成为好公民是我们的责任。
9. 科学与技术将飞速发展,人类文明将步入一个新阶段。
10. 在放假期间,我们可以放松自己、尽情娱乐、享受爱好、交友和参加社会活动给我
2. Directions:Read the following sentences and write out the basic sentence patterns.
Model:Tomorrow’s weather will stay generally fine, though there will be occasiona l showers in the day.(SVC)
1. The United States has always been China’s third major trade partner.
2. They are raising a fund in support of this good cause.
3. The teacher gave that student a passing score.
4. He’s arriving tomorrow morning on the 3∶30 train.
5. We believe it important to make an early diagnosis of cancer.
6. Regular exercise helps people(to)achieve better health.
7. Should the couples split up or stay together for the sake of the kids?
8. We must act quickly and prevent violence on the streets, or the situation will become very
9. The boss accorded him a hearty reception in the new sales promotion campaign.
10. Since we had arrived late and were exhausted by the journey, we decided that we should
go to bed immediately.
3. Directions:Translate the following sentences into English according to the different types of sentences.
1. 在任何情况下我们都不应该诉诸武力。
2. 不要以貌取人。
3. 你为什么未经父母允许就做了这件事?
4. 凭这张优惠票,你可以坐头等舱旅行。
5. 你对克隆技术有何看法?
6. 这一切成果是多么令人鼓舞啊!
7. 请到我们的商店来看看,不一定要买东西。
8. 世界杯决赛现正向全世界实况转播。
9. 请把洋葱切碎。
10. 经理将文件交由他的秘书保管。
4. Directions:Use appropriate dependent words to combine the following pairs of simple sentences into complex sentences.
1. English is offered only in the morning.
Chemistry can be taken at night.
2. The movie disgusted the coach.
He walked out after fifteen minutes.
3. The house had been burglarized.
Smith couldn’t sleep soundly for several months.
4. His vision begins to fade.
He knows he’d better get some rest.
5. The storm hit the coast city.
We crisscrossed our windows with strong tape.
6. The boy was injured in a motorcycle accident.
The boy limps.
7. Joan is a champion weight lifter.
Joan is my neighbor.
8. The two screws were missing from the assembly kit.
The two screws held the bicycle frame together.
9. The letter is from my friend abroad.
The letter arrived today.
10. The tall hedge muffled the highway noise.
The hedge surrounded the house.
5. Directions:Read the following sentences and tell what kind of sentence each is(loose, periodic, or balanced):
1. It is a pleasure to read good books.
2. She missed the step and sprained her ankle.
3. Badly frightened by the explosion, the boy rushed out of the laboratory.
4. The Wang’s must have gone away for the summer holidays, for we have not seen them for
two or three weeks.
5. There were the translators in their booths, and the girl secretaries at the doors, and the
reporters grumbling and scribbling in their seats.
6. Our friends, who had started before us, promised that they would meet us, but when we
arrived at the bus stop, they were nowhere to be seen.
7. The new thing that happened to me in the town was that I was thrown into experiences that
finally seemed to cut my ties to the walled-world of my childhood.
8. In the speeches of politicians towards the close of 1919 and the spring of 1920, there
manifested an increasing recognition of the fact that what is called the capitalist system — the private ownership system that is, in which private profit is the working incentive — was on trial.
9. It will not be done by the Government; it cannot be done by Parliament.
10. There are still two widely different methods of getting what you want. One is to make
yourself so useful that others are glad to pay you, or give you what you want, in return for your service or your product; the other is to make yourself so dangerous that others will be afraid to refuse what you demand. The one appeals to good will; the other to fear. The one is constructive; the other is destructive. The one is the method of civilized men; the other is the method of savages.。