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Functions and principles of training

The role of training and development

Employee training, as the ability to directly raise the level of managers and staff skills, providing new ideas, knowledge, information, skills, competence and professional growth of employees, the fundamental spirit of innovation and an excellent way to approach is the most important human resources development, investment in physical capital than the more important investment in human capital. With China's accession to the WTO and the world economic integration, business has never been as great importance to training. In this paper, some personal views on the training to the training of innovative enterprises.

1. Training - business to take off

Effective training, in fact, is to enhance the competitiveness of our business process. In fact, the effect of training does not depend on the individual trainees, but the contrary, the business organization as a state of organisms, plays a crucial role. Good-to-business benefits of training four points:

(1), training to improve staff-to-business sense of responsibility sense of belonging and ownership. On businesses of employee training more fully, more attractive to employees, human resources can play a more high-value-added, so as to create more effective business. Data showed that Pepsi-Cola Company of Shenzhen's 270 employees 100 to conduct a survey, almost all of these people participated in the training. Of which 80% of the staff for their work expressed their satisfaction with 87% of employees are willing to remain in the company. Training not only improved the skills of workers and trade unions to raise awareness of their own values, goals for a better understanding.

(2), training to promote the business and employees, management and staff level of two-way communication, enhance cohesion and cohesiveness, excellent shape corporate culture. Many enterprises have taken training and commissioned their own training methods. Training to do so easily into the corporate culture, because culture is the soul, it is a core value for all employees of the education enterprise micro-cultural system. Enterprise management and staff agree that corporate culture will not only take the initiative to study scientific and technological knowledge and skills to master, but also would enhance a sense of ownership, quality awareness, sense of

innovation. So as to nurture their professionalism, innovation and social responsibility to develop all levels of scientific and technological knowledge self-consciously to create a favorable atmosphere for the invention, enterprise IT professionals will grow, enterprise technology development capacity will be increased. More papers in business management "Maoshan under the" Find.

(3), training can improve the overall quality of employees, increase productivity and service levels, establish a good image of enterprises, and enhance the profitability of the business. U.S. authorities monitoring, training return on investment of around 33% generally. The United States in the analysis of large-scale manufacturing companies, the company obtained from the training rate of return of up to about 20% -30%. Motorola annually to all employees with at least 40 hours of training. Survey: 1 U.S. dollars per Motorola training fees can be in 3 years to achieve the production efficiency of 40 U.S. dollars. Motorola believes that the quality of good corporate employees have been through technical innovation and economical operation of the company has created four billion U.S. dollars of wealth. Training Motorola's huge investment in training revenue shows the importance of the enterprise.

(4), to adapt to market changes, enhance the competitive edge of the reserve forces training enterprises, enterprises operating Yong-Ji vitality. To put it bluntly the competitiveness of enterprises is a competition of talents. Growing wise entrepreneurs realize that training can not be ignored is the development of the "people investment" is to enhance the "hematopoietic" a fundamental way. A study by the United States show that technological innovation is the best investment ratio 5:5, that is, "people investment" and 50% of hardware investment. People-oriented soft-technology investments, the role of the machinery and equipment investment in the hardware technology, doubled the effectiveness of output. Equipment in the same conditions, the increase in "people" to invest up to 1 vote in the middle of the input-output ratio of 8. Promote technological innovation in developed countries not only pay attention to the introduction of machinery and equipment upgrading of the hardware inputs and so on, and pay more attention to improve people's quality as a major objective in the soft technology. Facts have proved that talent is the primary resource, with first-rate talent, we can develop a first-class products, to create first-class performance, enterprises can be competitive in the market in an invincible position.

The principles of training and development
