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1. Where were you educated? 你在哪里受的教育?

2. They were given a warm send-off at the airport. 他们在机场受到热烈欢送。

3. The result will be announced until 6 o’clock. 结果六点钟才会宣布。

4. The road is being repaired. 道路正在维修。

5. The case is being investigated. 这个案子正在调查之中。

6. The troops were being inspected by the president. 部队正受到总统检阅。

7. The little island was occupied in a few hours by the invaders. 侵略者几小时就占领了小岛。

8. He is suspected of taking bribery. 有人怀疑他受贿。

9. This sort of advertisement is seen everywhere. 这种广告到处都可以看到。

10. You are requested to give us a talk on Japanese culture. 敬请您给我们作一个有关日本文化的讲座。

11. New buildings can be seen everywhere in this area. 新建的大楼在这一地区随处可见。

12. This idea was clearly put forward in the early stage of reform and opening-up, and though some progress has been made in this regard, the total result is not so obvious. 这一思想,早在改革开放之初就已明确提出,虽然取得了一定发展,但总体效果还不明显。

13. Efforts should be made to firmly carry out the basic State policy of family planning. 应当坚定不移地执行计划生育的基本国策。

14. It should be pointed out that the accusations are groundless. 应当指出,这些指控是毫无根据的。

15. It is know to all that these islands have always been under Chinese jurisdiction. 众所周知,这些岛屿向来归中国管辖。

16. The agreement has been widely praised by other Governments, in international organizations and in financial and economic circles. 这一协议受到了其他国家的政府、国际组织以及金融界和经济界的广泛赞扬。

17. I don’t think it necessary to discuss the details here---that can be done by officials of both our governments. 我想不必在这里讨论细节,细节可以由我们两国政府的官员去商谈。

18. What we say here will not be long remembered. 我们在这里所讲的话,人们不会长久地记住。

19. We both believe that through vigilance and strength, in your words, a war can be postponed, and in our words, war can be avoided. 我们都认为,有了警惕和实力,用你们的话来说,可以推迟战争;用我们的话来说,可以避免战争。

20. In this manner nitrogen can be changed into oxygen. 用这种方法可以把氮变成氧。

21. Many basins were formed by the subsidence of the earth’s crust. 许多盆地都是因地壳陷落而形成的。

22. Yet, only a part of this energy is used by man. 然而,人类只利用了这种能的一部分。

23. The temperature is lowered so that water may be turned into ice. 把温度降低以便使水变成冰。

24. We are brought freedom and happiness by socialism. 社会主义给我们带来了自由和幸福。

25. Products of the factory are well received by the wide customers. 该厂的产品受到广大顾客的欢迎。

26. He was dismissed for being too lazy. 他太懒了,结果给/被开除了。

27. The lecture is considered very important for beginners. 大家认为这个讲座对初学者来说很重要。

28. The new building having been installed, my work there was done. 新的房子建好后,我的任务也就完成了。

29. To explore the moon’s surface, rockets were launched again and again. 为了探测月球表面,人们一次又一次发射火箭。

30. If you are asked personal questions, you need not answer them. 如果有人向你提出有关私事的问题,你尽可不答。
