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1. This is a charcoal stove

2. Using the charcoal stove to heat up water is amusing ,

and full of classic elegance .

3. This is an induction cooker

4. Using the induction cooker to heat up water is

clean ,convenient ,and quick ,

5. This is an instant electrical kettle

6. This instant electrical kettle is the most commonly used

heating utensil tea houses

7. This alcohol heating set has a alcohol burner , using for

heating up water ,and a pottery kettle , used as the water container

8. The alcohol heating set is pleasing to the eye and easy

to use , and thus is suitable for tea ceremony performance

9. This is a glass heater set

10. Glass heaters are transparent , allowing easy

observation of tea color change and best suited for

brewing dark tea , pu’er tea , and milk tea.

1. 这是炭炉

2. 用炭炉烧水古雅有趣

3. 这是电磁炉

4. 用电磁炉烧水卫生、方便、快捷

5. 这是电随手泡

6. 电随手泡是茶艺馆中普遍的烧水器

7. 这是酒精炉具组合,这是酒精灯,用于加热。这是陶壶用于装水

8. 酒精炉具组合美观、方便、使用于茶艺表演

9. 这是玻璃煮水器组合

10. 玻璃器皿晶莹剔透,便于观察其汤中的变化适合用于煮黑茶普洱茶奶茶



This is boccaro teapot

1. The boccaro teapots are roduce4d inYixing , Jiangsu


2. The boccaro te4apots have primitive elegance and

performance of temperature keeping . It is the choice making oolong tea dark tea. Or pu’re tea

3. The boccaro ceramic tea-wares are precious

handicrafts , which are worth collecting as objects of art

4. This is a porcelain teapot

5. The porcelain teapots are produced in Jingdezhen ,

Jiangxi province , and Dehua. Fujian province

6. The porcelain teapots are best suited for brewing black

tea or ordinary green tea

7. This is a glass

8. the glass bottle is most suitable for making high –grade

green tea.

9. This is a covered teacup

10. The tea-bowl with a lid allows easy observation of

tea making in progress or it can be used to make scented tea

11. This is a Piaoi teacup is very popular in office

12. The Piaoi teacup which, is quite convenient to use

13. This is glass concentric cup

14. The glass concentric cup is used in brewing all kinds

of tea

1. 这是紫砂壶

2. 紫砂壶产生于江苏宜兴

3. 紫砂壶古典典雅保温性能好、最适合于冲泡乌龙茶黑茶或普洱茶

4. 紫砂壶是珍贵的艺术品,有收藏价值

5. 这是瓷壶

6. 瓷壶产生于江西景德镇福建德化等

7. 瓷壶最适合用于冲泡红茶或普通绿茶

8. 这是玻璃杯

9. 玻璃杯最适合用于冲泡高等绿茶

10. 这是盖碗

11. 盖碗最适合于审评茶叶或用于冲泡花茶

12. 这是使用非常方便的飘逸杯

13. 飘逸杯最适合在办公室用

14. 这是玻璃同心杯

15. 同心杯用于冲泡各种茶类



1、This is the sniff-cup /fragrance-smelling cup.
