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1. People throughout the country are all faced with the same problem of the rising costs. 2. Though he is a great singer, few of his songs are familiar to me.
sb be familiar with sth sth be familiar to sb familiarity n.
n. 数字;(尤指)统计数字; (0 到 9 的)数字符号; 人影;身影;体形;身材 (绘画作品中的)人物;雕像;塑像 ; keep your figure 保持身材 lose your figure 身材走样 v. figure out 想出;理解;弄清 (a solution to a problem or the reason for something ) ; 计算 (数量或成本)+ wh~
v. face him/ the sea/ south 面向……
sb face sth sth face sb sb be faced with sth
某人面临……; 某人必须对付(某情况)
face the truth/ the fact that… 正视现实 face the music 接受批评 face up to sth 敢于面对
fill sth (with sth) (用……)填满…… have two teeth filled (让牙医)补两颗牙 fill a gap (in the market / field ) 填补了(……的)空白 be filled with (admiration / thankfulness/ …) 充满了(情 感) fill the need for… 满足对……的需求 fill in an application form 填写申请表格 full a. be full of… 充满 sb is full (up) 某人吃饱了
vi. fail in the exam/ experiment/… 在……中失败 fail to do sth 未能做…… the brakes failed 刹车失灵了 her eyesight is failing 视力在衰退 vt. fail his driving test 驾照考试不及格 fail half the candidates 评定半数考生不及格 fail the teacher/ her parents 有负于…… n. failure failure to do 未能做……
n. in the face of sth 面对 lose face 丢脸 to sb’s face 当着某人的面 face to face (with sb/ sth) (与某人)面对面;面对某种 处境 face up/ down 面朝上/朝下 She lay face down on the bed. make a face/ make faces 做鬼脸
n.帮助; 恩惠; 赞同; Could you do me a favour? 请你帮一个忙 May I ask a favour of you? 请你帮一个忙 He owes me a favour. 他欠我一个人情 [ find /win favour with sb 得到……的支持 lose favour with sb 不受……欢迎] Sb be in favour of sth 某人支持…… sth be in sb’s favour 某物对某人有利 vt.偏爱; 有利于; favour A over B 偏爱A胜过B sth favour sb 某物对某人(条件等)有利 favourable a.
Oct. 9 • 全国所有人都面临着花费上涨同样的问题。be faced with 2. 尽管他是个大歌星,他的歌没几首我熟悉。familiar 3. 你已算出整个暑假去旅游要花多少钱了吗?figure out 4. 我一见到他心中就充满着感激之情。be filled with
5. 他在实验中多次失败,但他相信失败是 成功之母。fail
3. Have you figured out how much the summer vacation will cost you for the trip?
4. My heart was filled with thankfulness/gratitude as soon as / the moment I saw him. 5. He has failed in his experiments many times, but he believes that failure is the mother of success.
fix your eyes on sth your eyes fix on sth 专注地看…… with your eyes fixed on… (作伴随状语)
sb focus on … sb’s attention is focused on… focus sb’s attention on… 集中注意力于…… the focus of (her life/ the controversy /…) ……的重点/焦点
Oct. 10 • • 我深深被这一景象吸引,不忍把目光移开。be fascinated by 事实上我不赞同母亲卖掉老房子。in favor of

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学生被要求把注意力集中在文章的理解上。focus--on 一般来说,诗人喜欢住在远离人群的自然风景中。 free from
a. free from /of 没有;免于;不受…影响的 set sb free 释放…… do sth for free 免费做…… be free to do sth 自由地做…… tax-free earnings 免税收入 a trouble-free / care-free life 无忧无虑的生活 vt. free sb from… 释放……自由;使摆脱…… a. free (of charge) 免费地
vt. vi. sth fascinate sb 某物迷住某人 sb be fascinated by sb 某人对……着迷 sb be fascinated to see/ learn 某人发现……,极感兴 趣 fascinated a. 感到着迷的 fascinating a. 迷人的