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Passage 1

Mr. Wilson was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not satisfied with life. He did not sleep well and his food did not agree with him. This situation lasted for some time. Finally, after several sleepless nights, he decided to see his doctor. The doctor advised a change of surroundings. “Go abroad,” he said. “But I am not good at foreign languages”, said Mr. Wilson. “It doesn’t matter,” said the doctor. “It won’t hurt you to talk a little less. Go on a voyage. Take plenty of exercise, try to reduce your weight and avoid rich food.”威尔逊先生是一个富有的工业家,但他并不满足于生活。他睡得不太好,他的食物不同意他的意见。这种情况持续了一段时间。最后,经过了好几个失眠的夜晚,他决定去看他的医生。医生建议换个环境。“出国,”他说。“但我不擅长外语。威尔逊先生说“没关系,”医生说。“它不会伤害你说话少一点。去航行。带上足够的锻炼,应尽量减少你的体重,避免油腻的食物。

Mr. Wilson went to Switzerland. He did not know French or German, and had to communicate through gestures(手势). He attended a physical training course. The instructor made him bend his knees, swing his arms, stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly. He had to lie on ground and raise his right and left legs alternately(交替地). After a time his muscles grew hard and firm. He forgot the financial(财务的)crisis and the importance of raising the level of production. He even began to notice individual trees and individual birds.威尔逊先生去了瑞士。他不知道法语或德语沟通,并透过手势(手势)。他参加体育训练课程。老师让他弯曲膝盖上,摆动手臂、伸展他的脖子,摇头迅速。他不得不躺在地上,提高他的左、右两腿交替(交替地)。他生长在一段时间后肌肉坚硬牢固。他忘记了财政危机财务的)的重要性及生产水平的提高。他甚至开始注重个人的树木和鸟类个体。

Finally he returned home. But unfortunately his improvement was only temporary. Soon he was a normal businessman again, worried about his property, his profits, his savings, his advancement in a technological society, and things in general.最后他回家了。但不幸的是他的进步只是暂时的。很快,他是一个普通的商人再一次,担心他的财产,他的利润,他的储蓄,他在一个技术社会进步,事情在一般。

1. Mr. Wilson went to see his doctor because he ______.

A. had little to eat

B. didn’t feel well

C. had to sleep

D. was hurt on a voyage

2. The doctor advised Mr. Wilson to do well EXCEPT______.

A. eat rich food

B. talk less

C. change the surroundings

D. take plenty of exercise

3. He communicated with ______ when in Switzerland.

A. simple words

B. pens or pencils

C. gestures

D. handshakes

4. When he travelled abroad, Mr. Wilson ______.

A. learned boxing

B. raised the level of production

C. shock his head all the time

D. forgot all about his business

5. In the la st paragraph, the word “temporary” means ______.

A. not deep

B. unimportant

C. lasting for a short time

D. developing very slowly

Passage 2

County fairs in New England towns offer great entertainment. One popular event is the pie-eating contest. If you want to take part in the contest, it is a good idea to remember these tips: first, make sure your stomach is nearly empty of food. Eating a whole pie can be hard if you have just finished a meal. Next, it is helpful to choose the pie you like to eat. The cream types are a good choice. They slide down the throat more easily. Placing your hands in the right position adds to the chances of winning. To reach out your hand to help the eating process will result in being kicked out from the contest. Don’t just sit on your hands, if your hands are tied behind your back, you will not be tempted to make use of them.在新英格兰内地的小镇郡集市提供丰富的娱乐。一种流行的一项是吃派竞赛。如果你想要参加比赛,这是一个好主意,记住这些提示:首先,确定你的肚子几乎空了的食物。浸大吃一整个馅饼能努力,如果你刚刚结束了一顿饭。其次,它有助于选择你喜欢吃馅饼。奶油类型是一个不错的选择。他们滑下来的咽喉要容易得多。把你的手放在正确的位置,添加到获胜的机会。伸出你的手来,去帮助那些吃过程会导致从这种竞争中被淘汰。别整天在你的手上,如果你的手被绑在后面,你的时候,你不会被诱惑到利用他们。

Now you are ready to show your talent at eating pies. The object, of course, is to get the bottom of the pie plate before the other people. It is usually better to start at the outside and work toward the middle. This method gives you a goal to focus on. Try not to notice what the other people near you are doing. Let the cheers from the crowd cheer you up. But don’t look up. All you should think about is eating that pie.现在你已准备好,要表现出你的才华在吃馅饼。对象,当然,是让馅饼底之前,其他的人。它通常是更好的开始在外面和工作向中间。该方法为你提供了你一个目标,要关注的。尽量不注重什么其他的人靠近你正在做的事情。从人群中让欢声鼓舞你。但别抬头。所有你应该考虑的是吃那东西的馅饼。

1. Where is a pie-eating contest usually held?

A. In a fast food restaurant

B. At a shopping center

C. At a county fair.

D. In a bar.

2. What should a person do before entering into the pie-eating contest?

A. Show his talent in eating.

B. Prepare the right type of pie to eat.

C. Practice eating a pie quickly.

D. Avoid eating any food.

3. Where is a person advised to put his hands during the contest?

A. On the table.

B. Under his bottom.

C. Behind his back.

D. Over his head.

4. What suggestion is offered for eating up the pie quickly?

A. Swallowing the pie with water.

B. Eating from outside towards the center.

C. Making sure the crowd cheer you up.

D. Holding the pie in the right position.

5. It seems that people watching the contest are ______.

A. excited and noisy

B. angry and anxious

C. calm and quiet

D. busy and disturbing

Passage 3

Cross was what people call a mystery man. We had known him for over five years, ever since he became a member of our modest club, but he had a way of keeping his private life to himself: in all but unimportant details. We know his address, though he did not ever invite us to his home, and his age too, but only insignificantly(无关紧要的)matters of this kind. It appeared that he did not
