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南京航空航天大学 飞行器结构力学与控制教育部重点实验室,南京210016

摘要为了研究群时延对受控机械系统稳定性的影响,本文以受控二级倒立摆为对象,通过理论和实验方法,分析了LQ 控制下,Butterworth低通数字滤波器群时延引起的闭环系统稳定性切换现象。在该系统中,低通滤波器用来去除控制输入信号中的强高频噪声,在理论分析中它们被简化为纯滞后环节。结果表明,若滤波器指标设置得合适,它可以改善系统的控制效果,节省主动控制的能量消耗;若指标设置过高,滤波器群时延将会超过临界时滞,引起平衡点失稳。实验结果和理论分析结果的一致性肯定了在稳定性分析时将滤波器简化为纯滞后环节的合理性。论文最后就如何避免数字滤波器群时延引起的系统失稳提出了一些建议。


Effects of Group Delay on Stability of a Controlled Double Pendulum

Liu Bo, Hu Haiyan

MOE Key Lab of Structure Mechanics and Control for Aircraft,

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China

Abstract In order to gain an insight into the effects of group delay on controlled mechanical systems, this paper investigates the group delay of filters induced stability switch of a double pendulum system under the LQ control, where the Butterworth low pass digital filters are used to remove the heavy noise embedded in the control input signal. The filters are simplified as pure delay components in the analytical model, since their amplitude response in the pass band is almost constant at 1, and the phase response in the pass band is nearly linear to the frequency. The conclusion of this research is that if the parameters are set properly, digital filters can not only enhance the performance of control system, but also reduce the cost of energy; however, when the specifications of the filters are set too high, the group delay will exceed the critical value and cause the instability of the closed loop system. The experimental results are well coincide with the theory analysis. This positively confirms the rationality of simplifying the filters as delay components. Finally, some suggestions are given on avoiding the group delay induced instability. Key words Time delay, Group delay, Digital filter, Double inverted pendulum, Stability switch

1 引言

近年来,DSP技术,传感器和作动器技术的进步促成了机械系统主动控制技术的飞速发展。随着人们对控制效果和工作频段的要求日益提高,测控回路中不可避免的时滞成为一个不容忽视的问题[1, 2]。这些时滞主要包括测控信号采集过程、控制器运算时间、作动器输出建立时间和滤波器群时延等。一方面这些时滞通常会降低控制系统性能,甚至导致系统失稳;另一方面时滞不仅会使系统表现出非常丰富的动力学行为,而且合理巧妙地利用时滞可以设计出性能优良的控制器。比如,Pyragas开创性地提出有意识地利用时滞状态反馈来控制混沌,获得了极大的成功[3]。鉴于此,国内外学者对时滞系统的稳定性和动力学现象的研究◆基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(10532050 & 10702024)★E-mail: liubo@ 十分活跃,取得了丰硕的成果[4,5],但是相对于理论和数值研究,实验研究较少,而且大多数实验集中在激光和电路系统中,机械系统的实验研究报道极少[6]。


2 基于力控制的二级倒立摆的稳定

第 821 页
