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The consequence of all this has been to change existing museums and to encourage the building of new ones .In the US and Canada alone, there are now more than 6,000 museums, almost twice as many as there were 25 years age. About half of them are devoted to history, and the rest are evenly divided between the arts and science e. The number of visitors, according to the American Association of museums, has risen to more than 700 million a year.

In reality, the crowds of visitors at some museums are creating a major problem. Admission to museums has always been either free or very inexpensive, but now some museums are charging entrance fees for the first time or raising their prices. Even when raised, however, entrance fees are generally too low to finance a museum, with its usually large building and its highly trained staff.

Some people go to yard sales to find special things that they want to assemble .It may be old toy trains, for example, or paintings of dogs. Experts say that now that maybe more Americans are always recalling the old days, they are collecting special things than ever before.

Most people who go to yard sales, however, are not looking for anything special. They might buy an object simply because it cost so little. They enjoy bargaining prices, even if they really do not need the object. Later, they may embrace their own yard sale to sell the entire thing they have bought. Who knows?

●Insomnia is a symptom of any of several sleep disorders, characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Millions of people suffer from the difficulty. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services in the year 2007, approximately 64 million Americans regularly suffer from insomnia each year. Insomnia is 1.4 times more common in women than in men.

Recent studies of patients at sleep clinics have revealed significant facts about the causes of insomnia as the methods for dealing with It’s no supervise that stress and grief (over family, health, job, or other problem) are linked to insomnia . Insomnia also may be caused by physical discomfort.

❍Yelena Isinbayeva had the worldwide fame after the competition in Athens Olympics. She was so popular that nobody could match her in Russia, where talented people came out in succession. Even the president Putin had ever received her and said to her, “I really enjoyed your match.”Volgograd would not mold a status for her but for her achievements. In July, 2005, she rendered a service to Russian Railway Corps Club and was conferred the military rank of Captain. This was a formation for her outstanding achievements in sports. “She is a rare and excellent athlete and we are very proud of her achievements.” was their evaluation.

⏹This was also the time when the middle period stared. From now up until 1813, Beethoven developed and enhanced the high classical style into a more dynamic and individualistic style. It was now that he wrote symphonies No.38, piano concerto No.5 and a lot of chamber music. But as he learned to control his craft and develop the music into new undiscovered grounds, he also suffered the pains of real life . He had early in life discovered that his hearing wasn’t what it should be, and the disorder got worse as time went by. It got to the point where Beethoven was thinking of ending his life as he saw no way out of his despair. Tha t fact was documented in the letter he wrote to his brothers in 1802.

☐Washington was chosen for the vision and courage he contributed to the birth of the nation, Jefferson for his dreams of a greater, more perfect nation, first expressed in the words of the Declaration of Independence and later through the expansion brought about by the Louisiana Purchase. Abraham Lincoln was given a place in the pantheon for his efforts to preserve the union and to transform it into a place where all men were free and equal. It was decided that Theodore Roosevelt would also be hewn from stone for his vision of the United States as a great nation, a leader on the world stage. The strength of the granite they were carved in would represent the strength of the convictions these presidents held and which they relied on to build, expand and sustain a new country.

这些艺术家The artists devoted all their life to art, and made great contributions to the artistic field.

与我相比Your losses in trade this year are nothing compared with mine.

每当麦克违反Mark often attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

我从未见I‘ve never seen the man, much less spoken to him.

尽管有拼写In spite of some spelling mistakes, this is a good composition.

从童年起Since my childhood I have found that nothing is more attractive to me than music.

他们是否想Whether they will want to meet him remains to be seen in a few weeks
