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Original ContributionCyclooxygenase-2mediates hydrogen peroxide-induced wound repair in human endothelial cellsSonia Eligini a ,Izaskun Arenaz a ,1,Silvia S.Barbieri a ,Maurizio L.Faleri b ,Mauro Crisci a ,Elena Tremoli a ,c ,Susanna Colli a ,⁎a E.Grossi Paoletti Center,Department of Pharmacological Sciences,University of Milan,20133Milan,Italyb Divisione Anatomia Patologica,Ospedale Niguarda CàGranda,Milan,Italy cCentro Cardiologico Monzino IRCCS,University of Milan,20133Milan,Italya b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 29July 2008Revised 9February 2009Accepted 25February 2009Available online 6March 2009Keywords:Cyclooxygenase-2Endothelial wound Hydrogen peroxideReactive oxygen species sources Phosphatases p38MAPK Free radicalsCyclooxygenase-2(Cox-2)metabolites produced by endothelial cells,particularly prostacyclin and prostaglandin E 2,profoundly affect vascular tone,regional blood flow,and angiogenesis.We have previously shown that reactive oxygen species induce Cox-2expression in human endothelial cells (HUVEC),either on their own or as components of the signaling pathway triggered by TNF α,the prototypical in flammatory cytokine.Here we investigated the role of Cox-2induced by hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2),either exogenous or endogenously generated by TNF α,in the repair of a mechanically wounded HUVEC monolayer and probed the sources of H 2O 2that are involved in TNF αsignaling and the pathways through which H 2O 2modulates Cox-2expression.Results indicate that H 2O 2-induced Cox-2activity participates in the repair of wounded monolayers.Both NADPH oxidase and the mitochondrial electron transport chain are involved in H 2O 2generation.Signaling triggered by H 2O 2for Cox-2induction acts by increasing the protein tyrosine kinase phosphorylation that follows inhibition of protein phosphatase activity.The activation of p38MAPK and its interaction in the inhibition of serine/threonine phosphatase activity are both critical steps in this event.We conclude that Cox-2induced by H 2O 2plays an important role in promoting endothelial wound repair after injury,so that the cardioprotective effect of Cox-2is due at least in part to its power of healing damaged endothelium.©2009Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Endothelial cells are pivotal in the regulation of vascular functions,including cell adhesion,in flammatory responses,regulation of permeability,and vasoactivity.Regeneration of the endothelial surface after vascular damage requires cell activation,migration,and proliferation,all events that are critical for neovascularization and wound repair [1].Reactive oxygen species (ROS)also play a central role in vascular physiology,and their effects on vascular function depend critically onthe amounts produced.The principal mediator of ROS-dependent signaling is hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2),which is generated in response to receptor stimulation and is an ef ficient signal-transdu-cing molecule in endothelial cell migration [2].Its involvement as second messenger is based on two lines of evidence.First,H 2O 2accumulation follows the binding of growth factors and cytokines to their cognate receptors [3,4]and the downstream events are inhibited by scavenging enzymes or by antioxidants [5,6].Second,exposure of endothelial cells to H 2O 2induces the activation of signaling cascades [7,8].In particular,protein tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphatases are susceptible to H 2O 2-dependent inactiva-tion by oxidation or glutathionylation of a critical active-site-containing cysteine [9–11],with consequent phosphorylation-depen-dent activation of several signal transducers.Several sources of H 2O 2produced in response to receptor binding have been described in endothelial cells.The activation of nonin-flammatory NADPH oxidase family members,with subsequentspontaneous or enzymatic dismutation of superoxide anion (O 2U−)to H 2O 2,is the prime candidate for oxidant production in the plasma membrane microenvironment [12].H 2O 2can also be produced by mitochondria under physiological conditions and in response to receptor stimulation,as shown by the effects of inhibitors at speci ficFree Radical Biology &Medicine 46(2009)1428–1436Abbreviations:Cox-2,cyclooxygenase-2;Cox-1,cyclooxygenase-1;PGE 2,prosta-glandin E 2;HUVEC,human umbilical vein endothelial cells;ROS,reactive oxygen species;eNOS,NO synthase;TNF α,tumor necrosis factor-α;TTFA,thenoyltri fluor-oacetone;L-NAME,N ω-nitro-L -arginine methyl ester hydrochloride;AACOCF 3,arachi-donyl tri fluoromethyl ketone;SHP-2,protein tyrosine phosphatase containing Src homology domain 2;MTT,3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bro-mide;MAPK,mitogen-activated protein kinase;PCR,polymerase chain reaction;GAPDH,glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase;MnTMPyP,Mn(III)tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin pentachloride;PP1,protein phosphatase 1;PP2A,protein phosphatase 2A;NADPH,nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced form;VEGF,vascular endothelial growth factor;PTEN,phosphatase and tensin homolog.⁎Corresponding author.Fax:+390250318250.E-mail address:susanna.colli@unimi.it (S.Colli).1Current address:Unidad Mixta de Investigaciòn,University of Zaragoza,Spain.0891-5849/$–see front matter ©2009Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2009.02.026Contents lists available at ScienceDirectFree Radical Biology &Medicinej o u r n a l h o me p a g e :w w w.e l sev i e r.c o m /l oc a t e /fr e e ra d b i o me dmitochondrial sites in the electron transport chain upon oxygen sensing-related vascular signaling[13,14].In addition,other signifi-cant sources of endothelial ROS are cyclooxygenases(Cox's)and NO synthase(eNOS)[15,16,9].Arachidonic acid metabolites are important in the modulation of vascular homeostasis[17].The major rate-limiting enzymes involved in their synthesis are Cox's.Cox-1is constitutively expressed in most tissues and has general housekeeping functions,whereas Cox-2is responsible for high-level production of prostanoids in response to proinflammatory agents,tumor promoters,and growth factors[18]. Enzymatic Cox-2activity may serve as a compensatory mechanism to preserve the vasodilatory and antithrombotic properties of the vessel wall[19].Indeed,Cox-2metabolites produced by endothelial cells, particularly prostacyclin and prostaglandin E2(PGE2),have profound influences on vascular tone,regional bloodflow,vascular permeability and remodeling,angiogenesis,and wound repair[20,21].The balance between these autacoids is consequently critical in many pathophy-siological processes.We previously showed that ROS induce Cox-2expression in human endothelial cells,either on their own or as components of the inflammatory TNFαsignaling pathway[22].We therefore investi-gated whether Cox-2induced by H2O2affects the repair of a wounded endothelial monolayer and explored the signaling pathways whereby H2O2promotes Cox-2expression in endothelial cells.Materials and methodsMaterialsHuman recombinant tumor necrosis factor-α(TNFα)was from R and D Systems(Space Import–Export,Milan,Italy).PGE2,rote-none,thenoyltrifluoroacetone(TTFA),okadaic acid,calyculin A, H2O2,Nω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride(L-NAME), sodium orthovanadate,sodium pyruvate,apocynin(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyacetophenon),and crystal violet were from Sigma–Aldrich S.r.l.(Milan,Italy).Stigmatellin and p-nitrophenyl phosphate were from Fluka(Sigma–Aldrich S.r.l.).SB203580,MnTMPyP,and NS-398were from Biomol(Tebu-Bio,Milan,Italy).Arachidonic acid sodium salt and the stable prostacyclin analog iloprost were from Cayman Chemical(Spi-Bio,Montigny Le Bretonneux,France). Arachidonyl trifluoromethyl ketone(AACOCF3)was from Alexis (Vinci-Biochem,Vinci,Firenze,Italy).NSC-87877,a selective inhibitor of the protein tyrosine phosphatase containing the Src homology domain2(SHP-2)was from Acros Organics(Nova Chimica,Milan,Italy).Antibodies against Cox-2(Ab29)and Cox-1 were gifts from Aida Habib(American University of Beirut, Lebanon)and from Cayman Chemical,respectively.Antibody against SHP-2and protein A/G–agarose were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology(Tebu-Bio,Milan,Italy).Antibody against phospho-tyrosine was from Upstate Biotechnology(Millipore,Milan,Italy). Antibodies against phosphorylated and total p38MAPK were from Biosource(Prodotti Gianni S.p.A,Milan,Italy).Peroxidase-con-jugated anti-mouse IgG antibody was from Jackson Immuno-Research Labs(Li StarFISH,Milan,Italy).Antibody directed against β-actin was from Sigma–Aldrich.Cell culture and treatmentHuman umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVEC)were isolated from freshly acquired human umbilical veins,as described[22]. Informed consent was provided according to the Declaration of Helsinki.Cells were cultured in medium199(BioWhittaker Italia S.r.l., Bergamo,Italy)supplemented with10%heat-inactivated pooled human AB serum,1mM L-glutamine,50U/ml penicillin,50μg/ml streptomycin,0.1mg/ml neomycin,15μg/ml heparin,and50μg/ml crude extract of endothelial cell growth factor.Cells were used at the first passage.Heparin and endothelial cell growth supplement were omitted24h before stimulation.Incubations were carried out in M199medium supplemented with0.75%bovine serum albumin (fatty-acid-free and low in endotoxin;Sigma–Aldrich)and1%fetal calf serum.Inhibitors were added1h before stimulation.Cytotoxicity measurementCell viability was assayed with the use of either neutral red or MTT reduction assay and calculated as follows:relative viability= [(A e–A b)/(A c–A b)]×100,where A b is the background absorbance, A e is the experimental absorbance,and A c is the absorbance of controls.The various agents,at the concentrations tested,did not affect cell viability after either6or16h incubation.A slight reduction in viability,detected by MTT,was observed when HUVEC were incubated with stigmatellin and subsequently exposed to TNFα.Data (medians and ranges)were92.7%viable cells(76.5–100%),p=0.12, n=5,and84.5%viable cells(70–100%),p=0.25,n=4,vs cells incubated with TNFαfor6and16h,respectively.Prostanoid production assayCox-2activity was determined in HUVEC exposed to stimuli for6h. Cells were washed in Hanks'buffer,pH7.4,containing1mg/ml bovine serum albumin and incubated for30min with10μM arachidonic acid in the same buffer.Supernatants were collected and6-keto-PGF1αand PGE2levels were measured by enzyme immunoassay(Cayman Chemical).Western blotCells were harvested in lysis buffer,pH6.8,as described[22].Cell debris was removed by centrifugation(10,000g for5min)and protein concentration was determined by the micro-bicinchoninic acid assay. Equal amounts of lysates were subjected to SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on7%gels and were transferred onto nitrocellulose membrane by a semidry transfer unit(Hoefer Scientific Instruments). The blots were then incubated with primary antibodies directed against Cox-1(1:500),Cox-2(1:10,000),and phosphorylated and total p38MAPK(1/1000).In some experiments,membranes were stripped and phosphotyrosine was detected with an antibody against phosphotyrosine(1:5000).Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated sec-ondary antibody was used at1:5000dilution.β-Actin was used as internal standard for control of protein load.Bands were detected using enhanced chemiluminescence(Amersham Pharmacia Biotech.).SHP-2immunoprecipitation,Western blotting,and activityCells were scraped in lysis buffer(50mM Tris–HCl,pH7.4,1% Nonidet P-40,0.25%sodium deoxycholate,150mM NaCl,1mM EDTA)supplemented with1mM PMSF,1μg/ml aprotinin,1μg/ml leupeptin,1μg/ml pepstatin,1mM Na3VO4,1mM NaF.Protein concentration was determined.Cell lysates(500μg)were incubated with the antibody to SHP-2(1.5μg)for2h at4°C and with protein A/G Plus–agarose beads for18h at4°C.Beads were washed(three times)in phosphatase buffer(62mM Hepes,pH7,6.25mM EDTA). Immune complexes were resuspended in electrophoresis sample buffer,boiled for3min,and immunoblotted with the anti-SHP-2 antiserum(1:500),as described above.SHP-2phosphatase activity was detected as reported[23].Briefly,immunocomplexes were washed twice in phosphatase buffer and resuspended in100μl of the same buffer containing the substrate p-nitrophenyl phosphate (10mM).Incubation was carried out for30min at37°C and stopped with NaOH(200mM).Substrate dephosphorylation was quantified spectrophotometrically at410nm.1429S.Eligini et al./Free Radical Biology&Medicine46(2009)1428–1436RNA isolation and reverse-transcription PCR(RT-PCR)Total RNA(1μg)was extracted from cells with TRIzol reagent, treated with DNase I(Invitrogen,Milan,Italy),and reverse transcribed(37°C for50min)by M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen).The cDNA(1μl)was then subjected to22or30cycles of PCR for GAPDH and Cox-2,respectively(denaturation at94°C for 30s,annealing at55°C for30s,primer extension at72°C for60s), in a reaction mixture(50μl)containing 2.5U platinum Taq polymerase(Invitrogen)and200nM sense and antisense primers for Cox-2or GAPDH.The primers for Cox-2were as previously described[24].All reactions were performed in a Bio-Rad thermal cycler.PCR products were analyzed on2%agarose gel containing ethidium bromide(0.5μg/ml).GAPDH mRNA was used as a control for mRNA loading.Monolayer wound-healing migration assayThe wound-repair model employed confluent HUVEC monolayers maintained in M199supplemented with10%pooled human AB serum in35-mm dishes.The monolayer was wounded by dragging a1000-μl pipette tip along it[25,26],and HUVEC were cultured without (control)or with H2O2or TNFα.Just after wounding or after overnight incubation(16h),monolayers werefixed,stained with crystal violet, and photographed(50×magnification).Inhibitors were added1h before the stimuli.For the evaluation of wound closure undervariousFig.1.H2O2,either exogenously added or intracellularly generated by TNFα,induces closure of HUVEC monolayer wounds via a Cox-2-mediated mechanism.(A)Photomicrographs were taken just after wounding(prestimulation)or after16h incubation in medium alone(control)or in the presence of TNFα10ng/ml,H2O23μM,PGE210nM,or iloprost100nM. The inhibitor of Cox-2activity NS-398(5μM)was incubated with the cells for1h before the addition of TNFαor H2O2that lasted16h.Photomicrographs(50×original magnification)are representative of four individual experiments performed with HUVEC isolated from different cords.Boundaries of the wounds are indicated by lines.Insets represent enlarged regions of HUVEC monolayers.(B)For the evaluation of wound closure under various experimental conditions,the cells that migrated across the wound edge were counted in the regions of the premarked lines.Bar graph represents averaged data,expressed as cell number per threefields.Values are the means±SD for four independent experiments performed with HUVEC isolated from different cords.⁎p b0.05vs control.1430S.Eligini et al./Free Radical Biology&Medicine46(2009)1428–1436experimental conditions,the cells that migrated across the wound edge were counted in the regions of premarked lines(AxioVision4.7 software;Zeiss).Data are expressed as the average of cell number per threefields and the experiments were repeated at least three times using different umbilical cords.Statistical analysisResults are expressed as the mean±SD of the number of determinations indicated,performed with different umbilical cords. Means of two groups were compared using paired Student's t test. Grouped differences were compared with ANOVA(Dunn's and Dunnett's tests).Results from cytotoxicity experiments are expressed as medians and ranges.Medians were compared by Wilcoxon signed-rank test.A value of p b0.05was considered statistically different.ResultsH2O2and TNFαpromote the closure of a wound in a HUVEC monolayer via a Cox-2-mediated mechanismUsing a HUVEC wound repair assay that has been reported to be dependent on intracellular ROS production[25]as well as Cox-2 activity[26],we found that both TNFαand H2O2accelerate the closure of a wounded monolayer after mechanical disruption(Fig.1).NS-398, an inhibitor of Cox-2activity,opposed the entry of cells into denuded areas and wound closure,whereas addition of PGE2to the culture accelerated closure(Fig.1).A similar effect,albeit less pronounced, was observed after exposing monolayers to the prostacyclin analog iloprost(Fig.1).The data indicate that Cox-2activity is critical for H2O2-induced HUVEC monolayer repair.Woundedmonolayers Fig.2.H2O2,either exogenously added or intracellularly generated by TNFα,increases PGE2and6-keto-PGF1αlevels and induces Cox-2expression in HUVEC.(A)HUVEC wereleft unstimulated or were exposed to H2O2for6h.Medium was then replaced with Hanks'buffer containing10μM arachidonic acid and incubation was continued for30min. 6-Keto-PGF1αand PGE2levels were measured in the medium by enzyme immunoassays.The values shown are the means±SD of10independent experiments performed with HUVEC from different cords.⁎p b0.005vs untreated cells.Serum-starved HUVEC were incubated with H2O2or TNFα(B,C)for different times or(D)with increasing concentrations of H2O2for6h.Cox-1and Cox-2proteins were detected by Western analysis.β-Actin was used as a control for protein load.Blots are representative of four to six independent experiments performed with different HUVEC preparations.Densitometry is shown in the bar graphs.Signals were quantified relative toβ-actin.⁎p b0.05vs untreated cells.(E) Cox-2mRNA levels were measured by RT-PCR in HUVEC incubated with3μM H2O2or10ng/ml TNFαfor1h.GAPDH mRNA is shown as a control for RNA loading.Results are representative of six independent experiments.Densitometry is shown in the bar graph.Signals were quantified relative to GAPDH.⁎p b0.05vs untreated cells.1431S.Eligini et al./Free Radical Biology&Medicine46(2009)1428–1436exposed to H 2O 2or TNF αshowed morphologies similar to each other but different from the morphology of untreated cells (Fig.1A,insets).H 2O 2induces Cox-2in HUVECAs previously observed for TNF α[22],exogenous H 2O 2increased the levels of the Cox-2metabolites 6-keto-PGF 1αand PGE 2in the medium of HUVEC incubated with arachidonic acid (Fig.2A).Theincrease was attributable to augmented Cox-2protein levels induced by H 2O 2,either added as a bolus or endogenously generated by TNF α(Figs.2B and C ).Cox-2protein accumulation by H 2O 2was evident at 3h,persisted until 16h (Fig.2B),and was detectable at concentrations (b 10μM)that do not cause oxidative stress in cultured mammalian cells [9](Fig.2D).In contrast,Cox-1protein levels were unaffected (Figs.2B –D ).Cox-2mRNA levels,almost undetectable in unstimulated HUVEC,rose upon cell exposure to H 2O 2or TNF α(Fig.2E).Antioxidants prevent Cox-2induction by H 2O 2The redox status within the cell is critical for Cox-2induction by H 2O 2whether exogenous or endogenous.Alteration of the intracellular oxidant status by sodium pyruvate,which prevents H 2O 2-induced glutathione depletion in HUVEC [8],or by the membrane-permeative superoxide dismutase and catalase mimetic MnTMPyP [27]attenuated Cox-2induction by H 2O 2or TNF α(Fig.3).Different sources of H 2O 2mediate Cox-2induction by TNF αand regulate wound closure in HUVEC monolayersThe contribution of distinct sources of H 2O 2that coexist in endothelial cells was examined in HUVEC exposed to TNF α.First,the role of NADPH oxidase-derived H 2O 2was investigated by use of the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin,which markedly prevented Cox-2induction (Fig.4A).Then the contribution of mitochondrial H 2O 2production was investigated in HUVEC incubated with inhibitors of the various complexes within the electron transport chain.Stigmatellin,which prevents electron transfer by complex III from ubiquinol to both iron –sulfur protein and heme b 566(Qo site)[28],reduced Cox-2levels (Fig.4B),which,conversely,were unaffectedbyFig.3.The intracellular redox status affects Cox-2expression in HUVEC.HUVEC were exposed to sodium pyruvate or to the superoxide dismutase mimetic MnTMPyP for 30min.TNF αor H 2O 2was then added and incubation was continued for 6h.Cox-2was detected by Western analysis.β-Actin was used as a control for protein load.Blots are representative of five or six independent experiments performed with different HUVEC cultures.Densitometry is shown in the bar graphs.Signals were quanti fied relative to β-actin.⁎p b 0.05vs TNF α-or H 2O 2-stimulatedcells.Fig.4.Different sources of ROS mediate Cox-2induction by TNF αand regulate wound closure in HUVEC monolayers.HUVEC were incubated for 1h (A)with apocynin or (B)with the inhibitors of mitochondrial electron transport complexes I,II,and III (rotenone,TTFA,and stigmatellin,respectively).TNF αwas then added and incubation was continued for 6h.Cox-2was detected by Western analysis.β-Actin was used as a control for protein load.Blots are representative of four or five independent experiments performed with different cell cultures.Densitometry is shown in the bar graphs.Signals were quanti fied relative to β-actin.⁎p b 0.05vs TNF α-treated HUVEC;#p b 0.05vs untreated cells.(C)Photomicrographs (50×original magni fication)of wounded HUVEC monolayers incubated with medium alone or with apocynin or stigmatellin for 1h and then exposed to TNF αfor 16h.Photomicrographs are representative of three or four individual experiments performed with HUVEC isolated from different cords.(D)Wound closure under the different experimental conditions was quanti fied by counting the cells that migrated across the wound edge in the regions of the premarked lines.Bar graph represents averaged data,expressed as cell number per three fields.Values are the means ±SD for three independent experiments performed with HUVEC isolated from different cords.⁎p b 0.05vs TNF α-treated HUVEC.1432S.Eligini et al./Free Radical Biology &Medicine 46(2009)1428–1436TTFA,an inhibitor of the electron transport from complex II to ubiquinone [14](Fig.4B).In contrast,rotenone,a complex I inhibitor [29],increased Cox-2levels in HUVEC whether the cells were resting or stimulated (Fig.4B).Finally,the respective contributions of H 2O 2generation by Cox's,lipoxygenases,and uncoupled eNOS were investigated in cells exposed to AACOCF 3(10–20μM)or L-NAME (1mM),which inhibit phospholipase A 2and eNOS activity,respectively.The results obtained exclude a role for H 2O 2from these sources in Cox-2induction (data not shown).The functional role of H 2O 2generated by either NADPH oxidase or mitochondrial complex III was de fined by a series of experiments performed in mechanically wounded HUVEC mono-layers.As shown in Fig.4C,both apocynin and stigmatellin retarded the closure of a wound promoted by TNF α.H 2O 2-mediated Cox-2induction:role of protein phosphatasesIn HUVEC,oxidants like H 2O 2produce biological effects by decreasing total cellular phosphatase activity,which facilitates a compensatory increase in cellular phosphotyrosine residues [30].As shown in Fig.5A,blocking protein tyrosine phosphatase activity by the general inhibitor orthovanadate resulted in Cox-2induction that went hand in hand with increased tyrosine phosphorylation (espe-cially within 97-and 116-kDa fractions).Additional experiments assessed the effect of H 2O 2or TNF αon the activity of cytosolic SHP-2,a protein tyrosine phosphatase that is critical for cell motility and is rapidly inactivated by oxidants [31,32].Both TNF αand H 2O 2signi ficantly reduced the activity of immunopuri fied SHP-2(Fig.5B),leaving protein levels unaltered (data not shown).However,the selective inhibition of SHP-2activity by NSC-87877(10–50μM)[33]did not affect Cox-2expression in HUVEC,either unstimulated or incubated with TNF αor H 2O 2(data not shown).Both calyculin A,a cell-permeative inhibitor of both serine/threonine phosphatases PP1and PP2A,and okadaic acid,a selective inhibitor of PP2A at 1nM [34],increased Cox-2levels in HUVEC,similar to H 2O 2or TNF α(Fig.5C).The increase in Cox-2levels paralleled the increase in phosphoty-rosine residues (particularly within the 66-and 116-kDa fractions).Moreover,the effect of calyculin A or okadaic acid was additive to that of H 2O 2or TNF α,in terms of both Cox-2up-regulation and protein tyrosine phosphorylation.Overall,serine/threonine phosphatase inhibition seems to be a candidate mechanism for Cox-2induction by H 2O 2in HUVEC.Involvement of p38MAP kinase in Cox-2induction by H 2O 2p38MAPK activation is among the signaling pathways involved in protein phosphatase inhibition [35].The role of p38MAPK activation as part of signal transduction driven by H 2O 2,either intracellularly generated or exogenously added,was therefore explored.Under our conditions,either H 2O 2or TNF αincreased the extent of p38MAPK phosphorylation,which peaked at 15min and returned to basal levels within 60min (Fig.6A).In addition,the p38MAPK inhibitor SB203580abrogated Cox-2induction by either H 2O 2or TNF αalmost completely (Fig.6B)and reduced the accumulation of Cox-2in HUVEC treated with calyculin A or okadaic acid (Fig.6C).Collectively,the data indicate that activation of p38MAPK and its interaction with serine/threonine phosphatase inhibition represent an essential step for Cox-2induction by H 2O 2in HUVEC.A diagram that illustrates the proposed signaling pathways through which Cox-2participates in H 2O 2-mediated endothelial wound repair is depicted in Fig.7.DiscussionOur results show that Cox-2up-regulation by H 2O 2increases cell migration to a wound made in a con fluent HUVEC monolayer.The H 2O 2can be either exogenously added or produced by the NADPH oxidase or mitochondrial chain in response to TNF α.The relevant pathways involve inhibition of serine/threonine phosphatases,acti-vation of p38MAPK,and theirinteraction.Fig.5.Inhibition of protein phosphatase activity results in Cox-2induction in HUVEC.(A)HUVEC were exposed to orthovanadate,a general protein phosphatase inhibitor,for 6h.Protein tyrosine phosphorylation and Cox-2expression were detected by Western analysis.β-Actin was used as a control for protein load.Blots are representative of three separate experiments performed on different cell cultures.(B)Effect of either H 2O 2or TNF αon the activity of the tyrosine phosphatases containing SHP-2.SHP-2activity was measured on immunopuri fied protein (see Materials and methods ).(C)HUVEC were exposed to TNF α,H 2O 2,okadaic acid (a speci fic inhibitor of PP2A at 1nM),or calyculin A (which inhibits both serine/threonine phosphatases PP1and PP2A)for 6h.Protein tyrosine phosphorylation and Cox-2expression were detected by Western analysis.β-Actin was used as a control for protein load.Blots are representative of three independent experiments performed with different cell cultures.The values shown for SHP-2activity are the means ±SD of seven independent experiments performed with HUVEC from different cords.⁎p b 0.05vs untreated cells.1433S.Eligini et al./Free Radical Biology &Medicine 46(2009)1428–1436The proangiogenic effects of Cox-derived products have been clearly established in malignancies [36].Their roles,particularly that of PGE 2,in endothelial cell migration and wound healing have recently been appreciated both in vitro and in vivo [37,38]in variousexperimental models of healing [39,40]and de novo vascularization [38].The ability of PGE 2to directly stimulate angiogenesis in HUVEC,separate from VEGF signaling,has been recently reported [41].ROS have long been known to play a role in many diseases and have also emerged as ef ficient signaling molecules.The principal mediator of ROS-dependent signaling is H 2O 2.Endothelial cell migration within the wound is dependent upon H 2O 2production,which contributes to cytoskeleton reorganization required for the migratory phenotype and for density-dependent inhibition of cell growth [25,42].Low concentrations of H 2O 2support the healing process in vivo [43],and endogenous H 2O 2exerts a cardioprotective effect during ischemia –reperfusion injury in an animal model of coronary microcirculation [44].Previous studies have recognized the important role of NADPH oxidase-derived ROS in HUVEC migration and proliferation [45,46],and this enzyme is a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of angiogenesis-dependent diseases [47].In line with these observations,our data indicate that inhibition of NADPH oxidase prevents Cox-2induction and retards the closure of wounded HUVEC monolayers promoted by TNF α.In addition,we show that H 2O 2derived from mitochondrial complex III takes part in wound healing via Cox-2induction,as documented by the reduced Cox-2levels detected upon complex III inhibition.This finding fits well with the recent observation of a crucial role of mitochondria-derived H 2O 2in the regulation of the angiogenic switch via PTEN oxidation in redox-engineered cell lines [48]and is in support of the crucial role of complex III in ROS generation observed in HUVEC [49].The inhibition of electron transport from complex I to ubiquinone by rotenone increased Cox-2levels in resting or stimulated HUVEC.As in othercellFig.7.Proposed role for Cox-2in H 2O 2-induced wound repair in human endothelialcells.Fig.6.Involvement of p38MAP kinase in Cox-2induction by H 2O 2either exogenously added or intracellularly generated by TNF α.(A)Time course of p38MAPK phosphorylation by TNF αor H 2O 2.Cell lysates were subjected to Western analysis for phosphorylated p38(phospho-p38)or total p38(p38MAPK).Densitometry (means ±SD,n =5)is shown in the bar graphs.Signals were quanti fied relative to total p38MAPK.⁎p b 0.05vs untreated HUVEC.(B,C)HUVEC were incubated with the p38MAPK inhibitor SB203580for 1h before the addition of (B)TNF αor H 2O 2or (C)calyculin A or okadaic acid.Incubation was continued for 6h.Cox-2was detected by Western analysis.β-Actin was used as a control for protein load.Blots are representative of four to six separate experiments performed with different cell cultures.Densitometry is shown in the bar graphs.Signals were quanti fied relative to β-actin.⁎p b 0.05vs TNF α-or H 2O 2-stimulated cells (B)or vs okadaic acid-or calyculin-treated HUVEC (C).1434S.Eligini et al./Free Radical Biology &Medicine 46(2009)1428–1436。
A:错B:对答案:B第二章测试1.下列药物哪个是褪黑素受体激动剂A:他美替胺B:扎来普隆C:氯巴占D:扑米酮答案:A2.下列药物哪个不是GABA受体激动剂A:非尔氨脂B:氨己烯酸C:普罗加比D:加巴喷丁答案:A3.下列药物哪个不是乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂A:他克林B:奥卡西平C:加兰他敏D:卡巴斯汀答案:B4.芬太尼属于的化学结构类型是A:苯吗喃类B:哌啶类C:吗啡喃类D:氨基酮类答案:B5.甲氧氯普胺是中枢及外周性多巴胺D2受体拮抗剂,具有A:止吐作用B:促动力作用C:抗精神病作D:催吐作用答案:ABC6.作用于阿片k受体的镇痛药是A:非那佐辛B:氟痛新C:阿尼利定D:喷他佐辛答案:ABD7.吗啡在体内代谢时,去甲基的一步发生在7位N 上。
特异性环氧化酶[摘要]目的:探讨特异性环氧化酶(COX)2抑制剂rofecoxib 对MRL/lpr小鼠狼疮性肾炎的医治作用及其机制。
方式:将12只3月龄MRL/lpr自发狼疮小鼠随机均分为rofecoxib组和无药物干与的对照组,rofecoxib组予以rofecoxib 10mg・kg-1・d-1。
结果: 12周后,rofecoxib组尿蛋白排泄量、血肌酐水平降低(P<005);肾小球细胞外基质明显减少(P<005);免疫组化结果说明,rofecoxib 组肾组织内COX二、TGFβ1表达较对照组减少 (P<005)。
rofecoxib 组尿TXB2及血AngⅡ水平较对照组明显降低(P<),但两组血清抗dsDNA抗体结合率和尿6KetFla水平均无显著性不同(P>。
[关键词]环氧化酶2抑制剂;狼疮性肾炎;转化生长因子β1;小鼠狼疮性肾炎(lupus nephritis, LN)是系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE)最多见的并发症,肾脏损害的程度是阻碍SLE预后的重要因素。
SLE的发病与多种因素有关,最近几年有研究报导以为环氧化酶2(COX2)也是重要的炎症性介质,炎症部位的前列腺素(prostaglandin, PG)的合成增多是COX2过度表达的结果,PG也是重要的炎症性介质,增多的PG本身又激起更多的炎症细胞聚积,加重局部的炎症反映,形成恶性循环。
doi:10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2023.23.0407角鲨烯环氧化酶与癌症的研究进展郭良琦1,刘亚云1,2*,盛德乔1Research Progress of Squalene Monooxygenase and CancerGUO Liangqi 1, LIU Yayun 1,2*, SHENG Deqiao 1 (*: Contributed Equally as the First Author)1. Hubei Key Laboratory of Tumor Microenvironment and Immunotherapy, College of Basic Medical Science, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China; 2. National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center of High-throughput Drug Screening Technology, School of Life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, ChinaCorrespondingAuthor:SHENGDeqiao,E-mail:****************.cnAbstract: Squalene monooxygenase (SQLE) is the rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterol biosynthesis. It plays a crucial role in regulating cholesterol homeostasis. Increasing evidence shows that SQLE is closely related to the occurrence, development, metastasis, and poor prognosis of various cancers. SQLE can not only promote the proliferation of cancer cells and epithelial–mesenchymal transformation but also play an important role in maintaining the stemness of cancer stem cells and regulating cholesterol homeostasis. SQLE may be a potential molecular target for cancer therapy. In this review, the role of SQLE in regulating cholesterol homeostasis in vivo; its function in the occurrence, development, and metastasis of various cancers; and its molecular mechanism were summarized. Screening new SQLE inhibitors may provide new ideas for targeted cancer therapy.Key words: SQLE; Cancer; Cholesterol homeostasis; Inhibitors; Targeted therapyFunding: Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Science and Technology Department Youth Foundation Project, 2021 (No. 2021CFB065); National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for High-Throughput Screening Technology, 2020 (No. M20201001); Health Research Foundation of Hubei Province, 2019 (No. WJ2019H532); Provincial Teaching and Research Project of Hubei Universities, 2022 (No. 2022246) Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.摘 要:角鲨烯环氧化酶(SQLE )是胆固醇合成途径中的限速酶和关键控制点。
COX-1 是一种结构型酶,在大多数正常组织中持续表达,参与维持正常的生理功能,如保护胃肠黏膜、调节血小板功能和肾功能等。
COX-2 是一种诱导型酶,在炎症刺激、细胞因子等因素的作用下表达增加,参与炎症反应、疼痛和发热等病理过程。
非甾体类抗炎药(Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs,NSAIDs)如阿司匹林、布洛芬等,通过抑制环氧化酶的活性,减少前列腺素的合成,从而发挥抗炎、镇痛、解热等作用。
但NSAIDs 对环氧化酶的抑制作用是非选择性的,因此在抑制COX-2 的同时也会抑制COX-1,从而导致胃肠道不良反应等副作用。
近年来,选择性环氧化酶-2 抑制剂如塞来昔布等的研发,旨在减少对COX-1 的抑制,从而减少副作用,但其在临床应用中仍存在一些争议。
花生四烯酸 CYP 表氧化酶代谢产物 EET 对心肌病的保护作用
花生四烯酸 CYP 表氧化酶代谢产物 EET 对心肌病的保护作用周冰;何淑兰;谭武红【摘要】The incidence of cardiomyopathy has showed an increasing trend. Arachidonic acid and the epoxygenase product,epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs),have important physiological and pathological roles,such as anti-myocardial ischemia and anti-inflammation effects.Besides,they can improve endothelial function,platelet adhesion and aggregation.EETs can be applied to a variety of ion channels of cardiovascular cells,and protect myocardial by regulating the expression of genes and proteins related to apoptosis.This review summarized the pathway of EETs and its protective effect and mechanism on myocardium.%心肌病发病率有逐年升高的趋势,花生四烯酸及其表氧化酶代谢产物环氧二十碳三烯酸(EETs)在心肌疾病中具有重要的生理病理作用,如抗心肌缺血、抗炎症反应、改善内皮功能、抗血小板黏附与聚集等作用,可作用于多种心血管细胞的离子通道,也可调节凋亡相关基因和蛋白的表达,从而起到心肌保护作用。
本文对 EETs 的产生途径以及对心肌的保护作用及机制加以阐述。
不饱和脂肪酸及其过氧化物通过酶和非酶途径降解成高级醇1. 引言1.1 概述不饱和脂肪酸是一类重要的生物分子,它们在生物体内发挥着多种关键的生理功能。
1.2 文章结构本文将分为五个部分来讨论不饱和脂肪酸及其过氧化物的降解机制。
首先,在“2. 不饱和脂肪酸降解途径”部分,我们将介绍不饱和脂肪酸通过酶和非酶途径进行降解的基本原理。
接下来,在“3. 不饱和脂肪酸过氧化物生成机制”部分,我们将探讨不饱和脂肪酸过氧化物形成的氧化反应过程以及影响其生成的因素。
然后,在“4. 不饱和脂肪酸降解为高级醇的机制研究进展”部分,我们将详细讨论酶催化和非酶途径下不饱和脂肪酸转化为高级醇的机制研究进展。
最后,在“5. 结论”部分,我们将总结本文的主要观点,并对未来相关研究进行展望。
1.3 目的本文旨在全面阐述不饱和脂肪酸及其过氧化物通过酶和非酶途径降解成高级醇的机制。
2. 不饱和脂肪酸降解途径2.1 酶途径不饱和脂肪酸是一类重要的生物活性分子,其降解过程主要依赖于一系列特定的酶催化反应。
20 年第 , 卷第 2 06 3 7 期
文章编号 :0 6 4 8 20 ) 2 0 2 — 3 10 - 14( 0 6 0 — 0 9 0
《浙 江 化 工 》
・ 9・ 2
环氧化物水解酶的作用机制及应用研究 水
沈佳佳 ’张晓 军 2周 晓云 ( 、 江工 业大 学生物 与环 境 工程 学院 , 江 杭 州 300 ; , 1浙 浙 104 2 浙 江工业 大学 生物制 药研 究所 , 、 浙江 杭 州 3 00 ) 104
NC -环 ( 6 5 a 1 — 7a)
图 3 环 氧 化 物 水 解 酶 的 宏 观 结 构 图圈
环氧化物水解酶属于 / p折叠型水解酶 , 其
微观结构 已经得到了充分的描述[ 是 由两个功能 4 1 , 性结构组成 : 核心结构和帽子结构。核心结构从 N 一
末端到 c 末端 , 由 8 p 折叠片组成的区域 , 一 是 个 一
直到 19 和 1 9 年 , 91 9 3 两个独立的研究小组分 别发现 了微生物来源 的环氧 化物 水解酶能选择性
(1 d
地拆分环氧化物 , 得到的光学活性环氧化物能应用 于合成 。值得强调 的是 , 环氧化物水解酶的催化反 应要 比其他类型反应 ( 如酯类的生物催化反应 ) 要
个碳原子 , 生成一个共价结合的酯 中间体 ; 在组氨
酸残基和羧酸残基的帮助下活化—个水分子 ,氢氧
使其水解成邻位二醇和酶。同 帽子结构 由五个螺旋组成 。图 3 描述了环氧化物水 根进攻将酯中间体 , Rn k等发现在 环氧化物水解酶的帽子结构中至 解酶的宏观结构[ 图中的 N 一环处于 N 催化末 时 , i 5 1 , C 一 端和帽子结构之 间 ,它的长度在 1-7 残基之 少存在—个酪氨酸残基 ,它为整个催化反应提供质 65 个 子, 并且和底物的结合程度有关 , 因此在环氧乙烷的 间, 帽子结构中有个帽子环 , 可插入 5 5 个残基。  ̄9
环氧化反应在有机化学、药物合成、 天然产物和材料科学等领域具有广泛 的应用,是许多生物活性分子和合成 中间体的关键合成步骤。
使用氧化剂直接将烯烃转 化为环氧化物。
通过中间体(如醇或酚) 进行氧化,然后与另一分 子醇或酚反应形成环氧化 物。
环氧化反应在石油化工领域中有着广泛的应用,主要用于生产各种化学品和燃料 。例如,环氧乙烷是生产表面活性剂、乙二醇和其他聚合物的关键原料,而环氧 丙烷则是生产聚氨酯泡沫、丙烯醇和其他化学品的重要中间体。
此外,环氧化反应还用于生产润滑剂、抗磨剂和液压控制剂等特种化学品,以及 用于生产汽油和柴油等燃料。
由酶催化特定底物的氧化 ,生成环氧化物。
双键受到亲电子剂(如过 氧酸)的攻击,形成环氧 化物和羧酸。
底物首先被氧化为醇或酚 ,然后与另一分子醇或酚 反应形成环氧化物。
酶作为催化剂,利用氧气 将底物氧化为环氧化物。
应包括所有主要设备和装置的示 意图,以及物流和信息流的简单
包括混合器、反应器、分离器和泵 等,应详细描述每个设备的用途、 结构和操作。
应描述原料和产品的物流,以及温 度、压力和流速等参数的信息流。
环氧化酶 (cox-i) 和细胞色素c还原酶
环氧化酶 (cox-i) 和细胞色素c还原酶下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。
文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! In addition, this shop provides you with various types of practical materials, such as educational essays, diary appreciation, sentence excerpts, ancient poems, classic articles, topic composition, work summary, word parsing, copy excerpts, other materials and so on, want to know different data formats and writing methods, please pay attention!环氧化酶 (COXI) 和细胞色素c还原酶:解析生物体内的氧气代谢在生物体内,氧气代谢是维持生命运行的关键过程之一。
环氧化物水解酶(epoxide hydrolase)又称环氧化物水合酶(epoxide hydratase)或环氧化物水化酶(epoxide hydrolase),能立体选择性地将水分子加到环氧底物上生成相应的手性1,2-二醇。
抗癌药物在体内经过氧化反应后,通 常会失去药效或产生有害的代谢产物。
抗癌药物如卡培他滨在体内经过氧化 后,会失去其抗癌活性,导致治疗效 果降低。同时,一些抗癌药物经过氧 化后会产生有害的代谢产物,可能对 正常组织造成损伤。
03 药物氧化反应的酶促机制
微粒体是细胞内的一种细胞器,含有多种氧化酶, 其中最重要的是细胞色素P450酶。
微粒体氧化酶能够催化药物分子进行氧化反应, 使其结构发生变化,从而改变药物的性质和作用。
微粒体氧化酶的活性受到多种因素的影响,如药 物浓度、酶的种类和浓度、细胞内环境等。
了解药物代谢反应有助于预测药物在 体内的效果和安全性,为新药研发和 临床用药提供重要依据。
氧化反应是药物代谢的主要方式 之一,它能够使药物分子获得或 失去氧原子,从而改变药物的化 学性质和药效。
氧化反应通常由机体的氧化酶催 化,这些酶在肝脏、肠道等器官 中较为丰富,因此这些部位是药 物代谢的主要场所。
02 药物氧化反应的类型
脂肪族氧化通常由脂肪族羟化酶催化,在药物分子中不饱和脂肪链的位置上引 入羟基,生成相应的醇类化合物。这些醇类化合物可能进一步氧化或与其它代 谢物结合,从而影响药物的活性和作用。
药物的电子云密度决定了其氧化还原性质,电子云密度高的药物更 容易被氧化。
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传统观念认为,COX 有两种结构亚型,即结构型COX-1和诱导型COX-2。
人类COX-2基因位于1号染色体q 25.2~q 25.3,长8.3 kb,含有10个外显子和9个内含子,编码604个氨基酸,含有17个氨基酸残基的信号肽。