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Modern definition: Contemporary international law, although still considered to be principally the law governing relations between states, is no longer deemed to be exclusively limited to those relations. It has a wide reach and is more properly defined as law that deals "with the conduct of states and of international organizations and with their relations inter se, as well as with some of their relations with persons, whether' natural or juridical."
当今世界范围内居主流地位的法学学派。代 表人物为如格劳秀斯、洛克、孟德斯鸿、卢 梭、潘思、杰斐逊等。 主要论点:法律本身就是自然法,或者说 在制定法、习惯法的上面或后面是自然法, 实在法是从自然法获得效力的。自然就是本 性、理性、正义,是人的本性或者事物的本 性,而法律是从这些本性中产生或推论出来 的。
1.2.2 The way of creating are different
1.2.3 The scopes of enforcement are different
1.2.4 The source of enforcement/The methods of carrying out are different
a、国际法上最早的自然法学家要算西班牙的维 多利亚和苏亚利兹 。维多利亚给国际法下的定
义是:“自然理性在所有国家之间建立的法。” b、17世纪,主要代表人物是德国自然法和国际 法教授普芬道夫 。他认为“只有自然法在支配
国家间的关系;条约是从自然法取得其合法性和 约束力;国际法是自然法的一部分,此外再也没 有什么基于普遍同意的实在国际法。”
International Law
主讲教师: wulanfang
Chapter One: Introduction to International Law
This chapter introduces to the basic principles of modern public international law. It provides an overview of பைடு நூலகம்he historical and theoretical context within which that law has developed and discusses the functions international law performs.
Gerhard von Glahn :International Law, may be defined as the body of rules and principles of action which are binding upon civilized states in their relations with one another.
Traditional definition:International law used to be defined as the law that governs relations between states. Under the traditional definition, only states were subjects of international law; that is, only states were deemed to have rights and obligations that international law recognized.
1.The Conception of International Law
2.Historical Development of Modern International Law
3.The Source of International Law
4.The relationship between international law and municipal law
1.3 The basis of enforcement of international law
Questions about enforcement arise the moment international law is mentioned. In addressing these questions, it is important to ask whether we are talking about enforcement on the national or on the international plane. On the national plane, international law tends to be enforced by courts and administrative agencies in much the same manner as any other national law. The answer is more complex when we turn to the international plane,
This definition goes beyond the traditional definition of international law as a system composed solely of rules governing the relations between states only.
我国国际法在国际法效力根据问题上通行 的提法是国际法效力的根据是各国统治阶 级的意志,但这种意志不可能是各国的共 同意志而是体现在国际习惯和条约中的 “各国的协调意志”(周鲠生)。
效力的根据,另一方面又承认国家的同意 也是国际法效力的根据。
新自然法学派兴起的同时,出现了新现实 主义学派 。这个学派现今有两种比较流行
的学说: 权力政治学说 (the Theory of Power
Politics),认为国际法存在的基础和效力 根据是“势力均衡”。
政策定向学说 (the Policy-oriented Approach),认为国际法的效力取决于国 家的对外政策 。
c、第一次世界大战后,出现了新自然法学派,这 一学派的主要特点是把某种价值观或法律观奉为 国际法的效力根据。主要有:
社会连带法学派(Solidarists) ,代表人物有法 国的狄骥和美国的庞德 。他们认为法律的根据
在于社会连带关系。国际法效力的根据是“各民 族的法律良知”。
规范法学派(Normativists) ,代表人物有美籍 奥地利法学家凯尔逊 。他们认为整个法律体系
“For God has given conscience a judicial power to be the sovereign guide of human actions, by despising whose admonitions the mind is stupefied into brutal hardness."
c、实在法学派认为,国际法效力的根据不是 抽象的“人类理性”,而是现实国家的同意或共 同意志。英国国际法教授奥本海就属这一派。他 认为“各国的共同同意(common consent)是国 际法效力的根据。”
格老秀斯学派,即折衷法学派(Grotians)。 代表人物有德国的沃尔夫和瑞士的瓦特
尔 。这一学派一方面认为自然法是国际法
1. The Conception of International Law
1.1 The definition:
国际法 英文称为International Law,是 近代用以指国家之间的法律的名称, 现已成为国际通用的名称。国际法一 词的词源,可以追溯至罗马法。它在 西方文献中最初是以拉丁文jus gentium(万民法)的名称出现,后来 又扩展为law of nations(万国法)。
的最上级是国际法规范,它的效力来源于一个 “最高规范”或称“原始规范”。
该学派把国际法主要建立在习惯和条约基础之上, 即强调人定法,而不是自然立法。
a、这一学派的发起人是英国的边沁 , 奥斯汀 继承和发展了边沁的思想。
b、最先使用实在法学派观点看待国际法的是 荷兰的宾刻舒克 。
1.2 The character
1.2.1 The subjects are different
rules of international law are primarily those which govern the relations of states, but states are not the only subjects of international law. International organizations and, to some extent, also individuals may be subjects of rights conferred and duties imposed by international law.
不同的学派。大体上说,这些学派主要有:自然 法学派、实在法学派以及介于这两个学派之间的 折衷法学派(格老秀斯学派)。其后,又产生了
社会连带法学派和规范法学派,由于这两个学派 在实质上仍属于自然法学派的观点,故被称为新 自然法学派。与新自然法学派兴起的同时,出现 了新实在法学派(又称为新现实主义学派),这 个学派有各种不同学说,其中比较流行的有“权 利政治学说”和“政策定向学说”两种。
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645)
"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do as well as to determine what we shall do. On the one hand, the standard of right and wrong, on the other the chain of causes and effects, are fastened to their throne."
Traditional ideas:Naturralists and Positivists
Modern ideas:Theory of power politics and policy-oriented theory
国际法的效力根据的问题是指国际法何以具有法 律约束力的问题。对于这个问题,国际法学者提 出了不同的主张和理论,在格老秀斯以后,西方 国际法学者由于对这个问题的不同主张而形成了
Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
According to Oppenheim’s international law: International law is the body of rules which are legally binding on states in their intercourse with each other.