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Reading 1

(1)The telecommunications age is upon us. In our private lives, we listen to the radio, watch television, and talk on the telephone regularly. To enhance our television viewing, we may have cable TV or a satellite dish in the yard. Further, we may have a mobile telephone in the car, and we may connect our personal computer with other computers over telephone lines using a modem. The list of communication services available to us is seemingly endless and growing almost daily, and the demand for expanded communication services continues to be high.


(2)The field "communications" involves many disciplines, from signal processing, detection theory, estimation theory, information theory, and coding theory to switching, transmission and terminal design. Indeed, it is this great diversity of disciplines that makes working in the communications field both challenging and exciting.


Fig. 2.1

(3)Here,We focus on the very general communication system block diagram shown in Fig. 2.1. The source block represents messages to be transmitted, such as a speech signal, a color television signal, a stream of binary ones and zeros, or even an electrocardiogram signal. We assume that the source output is an electrical signal of some kind, so the transducer that changes these quantities into an electrical waveform, such as a microphone or cameras, is included within the source block. 在这里,我们专注于在图中所示的非常一般的通信系统框图。2.1。源块表示要传送的消息,如一个话音信号,一个彩色电视信号,二进制一和零,或甚至一个心电图信号流。我们假定源输出是某种类型的电信号,以便改变这些量转换成电波形,诸如麦克风或摄像机传感器,包括源块内。

(4)The transmitter operates on the source output and prepares it for propagation over the channel. The channel may consist of a pair of wires, coaxial cable, optical fibers, a mobile radio channel, among many other possibilities. The receiver attempts to retrieve the source output from the channel output and presents the resulting signal to the user, which may be the human eye or ear, a remote controlled device, or a computer..



(5) The input to the user is assumed to be an electrical signal, and therefore the user block may also contain a transducer, such as a speaker or display unit, so that the received electrical signals can be returned to its “original” physical form.


(6) To carry our development a little further, we can expand the block diagram in Fig.2.1 as shown in Fig.2.2. Each block can represent many operations and every communication system does not have all of the blocks. However, the source, channel, and user blocks are always present.


Transmitter Receiver

Fig. 2.2

(7) Although communication systems can be classified in a wide variety of ways, a communication system is usually classified as analog or digital, depending on whether the signal transmitted over the channel is analog or discrete, respectively. An analog signal can take an infinite number of possible amplitudes in a fixed range, while a discrete signal can take only a finite number of amplitudes in a fixed range. This distinction becomes imprecise for those communication systems that transmit discrete amplitude signals using analog modulation methods.


(8) Speech and images, are analog signals. However, for numerous applications there may be advantages to changing these signals into digital form prior to transmission. The source encoder block represents such an operation. A source encoder can also be used to encode an existing digital signal more efficiently.


(9) The source decoder block returns the source signal to its original form as nearly as is possible. An example of a system that uses source encoding is the medium-to long- distance transmission of telephone speech via pulse code modulation (PCM). Most of the communication systems contain the modulator and demodulator blocks but do not include the source encoder, channel encoder, and source decoder blocks.

源解码器块返回源信号到其原始形式,几乎是可能的。使用源编码系统的一个例子是中等至通过脉冲编码调制(PCM )长电话语音的传输距离。大多数的通信系统的包含在调制器和解调器的块,但不包括源编码器,信道编码器和信源解码器块。

(10) The modulator changes the signal into a form suitable for transmission over the channel,
