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文字活动,包括写作、翻译等,都讲究简洁,所谓“Brevity is wisdom”(简洁即智慧)说明了这个道理。但有时我们为了表示强调、突出重点、分清主次或为了增强感染力,也会运用重复手段。重复是一种修辞手法,不能与不必要的赘述相提并论。英、汉两种语言中重复修辞格的存在表明了重复的必要。此外,有时还要重复原文中省略的部分,使语义精确明了。实质上,重复是一种特殊的增补方法。本章分原文修辞重复的处理、重复省略部分、增强感染力和汉语四字词的运用四个方面讨论翻译中的重复方法。
英、汉语言的重复修辞格基本上都可分为紧接重复(immediate repetition)、顶针式重复(catchword repetition)和同义词重复(tautology repetition)。翻译时一般可采用直译和替换两种方法。例如:
1、 Oh, the dreary, dreary moorland!
Oh, the barren, barren shore!
2、 Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow!
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below!
Farewell to the forests and wild hanging woods!
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods!
3、 One of our ancient prayers says:
"Common be your prayer;
Common be your purpose;
Common be your deliberation;
Common be your desires;
Unified be your heart;
Unified be your intentions;
Perfect be union among you."
4、 Every change of season, every change of weather, every hour of the day produces some change in the magical hues and shape of these mountains.

1、I have written in bed and written out of it, written day and night.
2、Gentlemen may cry for peace, peace-but there is no peace.
3、Prominent among the most prominent upon the most prominent shelf were series of splendidly bound volumes entitled "Skinner's Works".
4、 Blood must atone for blood.
5、 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
因此,翻译处理就是使a(b+c)= ab+ac或(a+b)c= ac+bc,例如:
1、 Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.
2、 Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations
3、 Chairman Mao is an activist, a prime mover, an originator and master of strategy achieved by alternating surprise, tension and easement.
4、 I have experienced oxygen and / or engine trouble。
1、 运用词的重叠
1) Only a very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him.
2)I had been completely honest in my replies, withholding nothing
3)His children, too, were as ragged and wild as if they belonged to nobody.
2、 运用二个四字同义词词组
1)Target priorities were established there
2)The streets were overrun by Hitler's bullies.
3)But there had been too much publicity about my case.
3、 运用四字对偶词组


vivid 生动活泼
rumors 流言蜚语
careless 粗心大意
gratitude 感恩戴德
1) Whatever initial worries we had about the plane soon vanished.
2) If it was a time of triumph for the many, it was a painful period for the few.
3) He sat there and watched them, so changelessly changing, so bright and dark, so grave and gay.

1. Sentences

A. In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father.
B. For the man sound in body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad weather; every sky has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously.
C. When Smith was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, the fools, his brother painters.


I will tell you what literature is! No-I only wish I could. But I can't. No one can. Gleams can be thrown on the secret, inklings given, but no more. I will try to give you an inkling. And, to do so, 1 will take you back into your own history, or forward into it. That evening when you went for a walk with your faithful friend, the friend from whom you hid nothing-or almost nothing. . . ! You were, in truth, somewhat inclined to hide from him the particular matter which monopolized your mind that evening, but somehow you contrived to get on to it, drawn by an overpowering fascination. And as your faithful friend was sympathetic and discreet, and flattered you by a respectful curiosity, you proceeded further and further into the said matter, growing more and more confidential, until at last you cried out, in a terrific whisper: "My boy, she is simply miraculous!" At that moment you were in the domain of literature.
Let me explain. Of course, in the ordinary acceptation of the word, she was not miraculous. Your faithful friend had never noticed that she was miraculous, nor had about forty thousand other fairly keen observers. She was just a girl. Troy had not been burnt for her. A girl cannot be called a miracle. If a girl is to be called a miracle, then you might call pretty nearly anything a miracle. . . That is just it: you might. You can. You ought. Amid all the miracles of the universe, you had just wakened up to one. You were full of your discovery. You were under a divine impul

sion to impart that discovery. You had a strong sense of the marvelous beauty of some thing and you had to share it. You were in a passion about some thing, and you had to vent yourself on somebody. You were drawn towards the whole of the rest of the human race. Mark the effect of your mood and utterance on your faithful friend. He knew that she was not a miracle. No other person could have made him believe that she was a miracle. But you, by the force and sincerity of your own vision of her, and by the fervor of your desire to make him participate in your vision, did for quite a long time cause him to feel that he had been blind to the miracle of that girl.
You were producing literature. You were alive. Your eyes were unlidded, your ears were unstopped, to some part of the beauty and the strangeness of the world; and a strong instinct within you forced you to tell someone. It was not enough for you that you saw and heard. Others had to see and hear. Others had to be wakened up. And they were. It is quite possible -I am not quite sure -that your faithful friend the very next day, or the next month, looked at some other girl, and suddenly saw that she, too, was miraculous. The influence of literature I
(Arnold Bennett)
Troy: 特洛伊城,在小亚细亚的西北部。希腊史诗中叙述特洛伊王子帕里斯(PARIS)与斯巴达王后海伦(HELEN)私奔,引起长达十年的战争。最后,特洛伊被希腊人用木马计攻破,留下废墟一片。

1. In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father.
A. 在她的脸上明显地混合了法国海滨贵族后裔的母亲的娇柔和爱尔兰人的父亲的粗旷。
B. 这位小姐脸上显然混杂着两种特质:一种是母亲给她的娇柔,一种是父亲给她的豪爽。因为她母亲是个法兰西血统的海滨贵族,父亲是个皮色深浓的爱尔兰人,所以遗传给她的质地难免不调和。
2. For the man sound in body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad weather; every sky has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously.
A. 对于一个身体健全、精神平静的人来说,没有什么坏天气,每一个天空都有其美丽,激荡血液的暴风雨只会使血液更有力的流淌。
B. 对于一个身体健全、精神平静的人来说,是没有坏天气的;无论什么样的天气都有其美好的一面。譬如说暴风雨可以励血液流淌,可以使脉搏跳动得更加活跃。
C. 对于一个身体健全、神智安祥的人来说,根本不存在什么坏天气;在他看来,无论什么样的天气都有其美好的一面,譬如说暴风雨,它可以激荡血液的流淌,振奋一个人的精神。
3. When Smith was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its negl

ect of his genius, and abuse, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, the fools, his brother painters.
A. 史密斯喝醉时常常殴打老婆和女儿;第二天早晨,虽然头疼,还抱怨世界忽视他的天才,接着又很聪明地、有时是很有道理地漫骂那些傻瓜们——他的画家同行。
B. 史密斯喝醉酒时常常打老婆和女儿。第二天早上虽然还在头疼,抱怨世界忽视他的才华,非常聪明地有时又是颇有理由地骂那些傻瓜——他的画家同行。
C. 史密斯醉酒后常常殴打老婆和女儿。第二天早上虽然还在头疼,仍然继续发酒疯:不是满嘴牢骚,就是骂骂咧咧。他抱怨世人都不常识他的才华;他痛骂他的画家同行都是笨蛋,骂得不但讥俏,而且有时也头头是道。


我要跟你们讲讲文学是什么!-- 不,但愿我能做到,不过我做不到。没有一个人做得到。对于文学的奥秘,只能略窥幽隐,只能作些提示,再多就办下到了。我就来给大家作些提示吧!而要做到这一点,我得引导你回顾你的亲身经历,或者作一番设想。比方说,那大夜晚你和你的挚友一块儿散步,对他你是元话不谈,或者几乎无话不谈……。当时你心头荤绕着一桩不同寻常的事,说实话,你倒有点想对他保守秘密。然而,这件事使你神魂颠倒以至你不得不讲,不知怎地你终于想出办法,拐弯抹角地谈到了它。更由于你的挚友富于”同情心,能体谅人,他那急于知晓内情、洗耳恭听的模样,使你感到高兴,于是你越说越多,越来越推心置腹,到了最后,你激动地低声喊道:“哎呀,她简直是奇迹一般的!-- 这时候你就进入了文学的领域了。

