山东省菏泽一中高一英语《Learning about language》

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5. The scientist from w_h_o_m I borrowed the book never lost heart when he was in trouble.
6. The team for w_h_ic_h I did research is the best in China.
Unit 5
Learning about language
–guidance youth devoted mean fee principle stage out of work league mankind
–kind kindness selfish lonely
care careful carefully
clauses which uses where , when, or preposition +which / whom
• 1.The school where I studied for only two years was three kilometers away.
• 2. Until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all .
• 2. The house __in__ which I lived was far away from my work.
• 3. The companyin_/_fo_r which I worked was founded five years ago.
4. The address to w_h_i_chall my letters were sent was in South Africa.
• 8.Republic • 9.attacked • 10. hopeful • 11.quality • 12. worried about • 13. active
Reading tasks
• Task 1: • Review the words again • Task 2: • Find sentences with attributive
• 3. We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important or fight the government.
• 1. The person _w_it_h_ whom I lived was a good friend of mine.
• 1.The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.
• 2. The day when Nelson Mandela helped me was one of my happiest.
• equal • official • worry about • mankind • lawyer • attack • republic
• quality • violence • legal • hopeful • vote • active
• 1. lawyer • 2. mankind • 3. equal • 4.violence • 5.legal • 6.vote • 7. officials
• __________________________________ • __________________________________ • __________________________________ • __________________________________ • __________________________________ • __________________________________ • __________________________________
• guidance devoted league mean stage
• youth principle fee mankind out of work
• 1. league • 2. guidance • 3. out of work • 4. devoted • 5. mean
• 6. stage • 7. fee • 8. principle • 9. mankind • 10. youth
–equal official worry about mankind lawyer attack republic quality legal violence hopeful vote active
•Someone who is out of work does not have a job.
• The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.
preposition+which / whom
• 1. Mandela was the black lawyer to whom I went for advice.
• 2. The parts of town in which they had to live were decided by white people.
• kind kindness
• care careful carefully
• Suffix: • -er: read----- reader • -y: snow------snowy • -less: care-----careless • prefix: • un-: fair------ unfair • dis-: agree----- disagree • il-: legal------ illegal