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__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Negotiations for China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) have been going on for 15 years. China's stance remains the same.)

解析:[解析] 加入世界贸易组织除了accession to the WTO外还有几种译法,翻译时可注意使用多种表达方法以免重复,译文就使用了三种不同的表达方法。

中国坚持以发展中国家加入世贸组织,以求实现其权利和义务的平衡。China insisted on its admission to the WTO as a developing country, which called for a balance between its rights and obligations. 中国加入世贸组织的意义不仅在于贸易方面,而且关系到中国将来在世界经济中所起的作用以及全球经济未来的发展方向。China's entry into the WTO is about more than trade; it is about China's future role in the world economy and about the future direction of the global economic development. 加入世贸组织意味着在进口政策方面要承担一些约束性的任务。Joining the WTO means assuming binding obligations in respect of import policies.


__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(After its entry into the WTO, China will steadily expand its opening-up in the areas of commodity and service trades, create a level playing field for open and unified competition between Chinese and overseas enterprises, establish and improve a foreign economic and trade system which complies with the internationally accepted rule for economic activities and which conforms to the national conditions of China and provide overseas enterprises coming to China for trade and economic cooperation with increased and more stable market access.)

解析:[解析] 入世后,中国将有步骤地做几件事情。翻译时可将这几件事情并列。汉语几个并列的动词“扩大”、“创造”、“建立和健全”、“提供”可分别译作英语的expand,create,establish and improve,provide并列作谓语,在最后一个动词provide前添加and。

原文中有些词按字面意思直译会显得十分别扭。例如,“步骤”不能译成step,而是要吃透词在上下文中的含义,将“有步骤地”理解成“稳步地”,译作steadily。“通行”也不能想当然地译成passing,而是应将“国际经济通行规则”译作the internationally accepted rule for economic activities,这里根据语义的需要增加了activities,即“国际经济活动的通行规则”。“条件”被译作playing field,译者通过对原文的理解进行了意译。“条件”是一抽象名词,根据不同上下文可选择不同译法。例如:

这里的生活条件不太好,咱们暂且克服点吧。The living conditions here are not good, but let's put up with them for a while.

你们付款的条件是什么?What are your terms of payment?

双方同意在对等的条件下进行谈判。Both sides agreed to carry out the negotiations on a reciprocal basis.
