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• 6) 本厂已有 35 年身缠丝绸服装的历史,其产品远销全球 50多个国家和地区。完全真丝,质量上乘,做工精细,款 式新颖,光滑柔和,耐洗耐晒,永不褪色,舒适高雅,女 士必备,如欲购买,尽快联系。
• 译文:The factory has been in the trade of silk clothes for 35years, which sell well in more than 50 countries and regions all over the world. The clothes are made of pure real silk and characterized by superior quality, exquisite workmanship, fashionable design,smooth and soft texture and they are washable and sun-proof and never fade. Such comfortable and elegant clothes should be must for ladies. If you would like to purchase, please contact us as soon as possible.
英汉文体与翻译之广百度文库翻译 —— Assignment 7
杨庆英 2012211046
• 1) 2002年,国家税务总局和中华全国工商联合会 授予劲牌“诚信纳税企业”; 2003 年,国家工商 行政管理总局评定劲牌为“全国守合同重信用企 业”;2003 年 12月,劲牌公司被湖北文明委评为 “湖北文明单位”;2007年9月,劲牌保健酒被食 品工业联合会评为“中国名牌产品”。 • 译文:Jin Pai corporation was awarded many honors by the State for its creditable and honest commericial activities in the year 2002 and 2003; in in September 2007, Jin Pai health care wine was awarded the title of "Product of ChinaTop Brand" by the Food Industry Association.
• 2) You will notice how kind new Sanara is to your hair. See it, Feel it. Sanara’s naturally derived formulations bring out the shine and smoothness in your hair, leaving it manageable and healthy. You won’t actually see how kind Sanara is to the environment, but it’s nice to know that the whole range is biodegradable. So it doesn’t pollute water or soil. And naturally, packaging is recyclable. • 译文:包装材料(书面体):莎拉娜是由天然配方精制而 成,能使头发健康,光泽柔顺,易于梳理,莎拉娜系列都具有 生物降解特性,包装可回收利用,对水土、环境不会造成污 染。 • 电视媒体(口语体) :柔情四季,莎拉娜,呵护你的秀发, 爱护您的健康。天然配方,令秀发光泽柔顺。情有独钟,莎 拉娜。生物降解,不伤水土,爱护自然,数她第一。
• 5) 我厂生产的 112 和 145电冰箱,造型美观, 质量可靠,噪音小,好电少,使用方便安全。 • 译文:The refrigerators of model 112 and 145 produced
byour factory are chaacterized by beautiful design, reliable quality, less noise, low power consumption, and they are used conveniently and safely.