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暑假就快到了,我准备度过一个愉快的假期,具体计 划如下: 1.每天早上读20分钟英语或语文,晚上做家庭作业; 2.好好休息,帮助父母做家务; 3.看望外公外婆,陪他们去散步; 4.和朋友一起聊天,骑自行车出去玩。
My vacation plans for May Day
Summer holiday is coming in two weeks. I have some good plans.
B. why you come late D. why you came late
2. Your T-shirt is so cool. Could you tell me ________?
A.where you buy it
B. where do you buy it
B.C. where you bought it
chat with
go bike riding
一、表示意思的递进 first ,next, then finally, besides, what’s more, 二、表示“反意见”: But, however, on the other hand等, 三、表示“困果关系”: so, as a result 等, 四、表示“结束”: in general, in a word, in all
C have seen, seen D have seen, saw
Summer holiday
Oral practice 口头表达
暑假就快到了,我准备度过一个愉快的假期,具体计 划如下: 1.每天早上读20分钟英语或语文,晚上做家庭作业; 2.好好休息,帮助父母做家务; 3.看望外公外婆,陪他们去散步; 4.和朋友一起聊天,骑自行车出去玩。
Ways to show plans: 表达计划的方式
be going to do… will/shall + do… be +doing… would like to do… hope/wish to do… plan/want/decide/expect to do…
Oral practice 口头表达
First , I will read English and Chinese for 20 minutes in the morning. I am going to do homework at night. Next, I would like to have a good rest, and also help my parents do the housework. I want to make them happy. Besides, I am visiting my grandparents. I always like to take walks with them. Finally, I want to spend time chatting with my friends. We will go bike riding together, too!
D. where did you buy
1—Look, what an old palace! It looks so great!
--Yeah ,it________ nearly 800 years ago.
A. was building
B. was built
C. has built
D. is built
A. rains; rains
B. will rain; rains
B. C. will rain; will rain arrive
D. will arrive; will
2、—Could you tell me when Mr. Li ______in Huanggang? --Sure. When he_______, I’ll call you.
A. arrives; will arrive C. arrives; arrives
B. will arrive; arrives D. will arrive; will arrive
12. –I ____ the film already. I _____ it last night.
A have seen, see B have seen, have seen
I’m sure I will have a happy vacation!
2011年全国实施公共场所禁烟规定,针对这一话题,某中学对该校 学生的吸烟情况进行了一次调查,结果如图所示。请就此话题用英语写 一篇短文。
2. Every year lots of trees _______ to make our country
more beautiful.
A.is planted
Байду номын сангаас
B.was planted
C.are planted
D.were planted
1、I don’t know if it ______ tomorrow. If it ______, we won’t go on a picnic.
Oral practice 口头表达
do homework
have a good rest help…do/with housework
3.看望外公外婆,陪他们去散步; visit grandparents take walks/go for a walk
Revision lesson of grade 9
By Mr song
1. ﹣Could you let me know ________ yesterday? ﹣Because the traffic was heavy.
A. why did you come late C. why do you come late