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The requirements for the master degree are as follows:
1.twenty-four units of class work,
2.a master thesis, and
3.no more than four years of study.
for expression ratios, for separating hours and minutes, and for indicating other relationships
b. after an introductory dependent clause When Peter was ready to write, his pen ran out of the ink.
❖ c. after a conjunctive adverb introducing a coordinate clause The system is easy to use; however, we suggest that you read the directions carefullydependent clause; independent clause.
❖ 1.c Independent clause; consequently, independent clause.
❖ ; further, ❖ ; hence, ❖ ; however,
Writing) ❖ 6.文章的常见错误 (Common Errors) ❖ 7.结 论 (Conclusions)
1.引 言 (Introduction)
❖ 世界约85%之专业出版物系以英语撰写 ❖ 专业英文系以特定方式撰写 ❖ 非英语体系作者常因格式与方式不符或英语
欠通顺而被退件 ❖ 若能突破英语撰写上的障碍要在专业出版物
5:1 signal : noise A:B 10:20 P.M. 12:50-55 (Vol. 12, pp. 50-55)
2-3 Comma (逗点)
for compound and compound-complex sentence
a. for separating independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction Nearly everyone has heard of love at first sight, but I fell in love at first dance.
大纲 (Outline)
❖ 1.引 言 (Introduction) ❖ 2.英文的标点符号 (Punctuations) ❖ 3.专业的传统表述 (Mechanical
Conventions) ❖ 4.文章的起承转合 (Transitions) ❖ 5.专业论文的写作 (Technical Article
2-2 Colon (冒号)
for a formal salutation
Dear Mr. Wang: Gentlemen:
for introducing a phrase or clause which explains or reinforces a proceeding sentence or clause
2-1 Apostrophe (所有格符号)
for the plural of letters, numbers, symbols, and cited words
❖ Your r’s look like your n’s. You use too many and’s.
❖ the 2000’s (2000s)
independent clause.
❖ Although
❖ As
❖ Because
❖ Before
❖ If
❖ Since
❖ Until
❖ When
❖ While
for separating items in a series
These instructions will teach you how to create, edit, or proofread a file. ❖ Note: The comma is often omitted in company names: Jones, Smith and Woods
❖ ; indeed, ❖ ; in fact, ❖ ; likewise, ❖ ; moreover, ❖ ; nevertheless, ❖ ; rather, ❖ ; then, ❖ ; therefore, ❖ ; thus,
❖ 2. Subordinate Clauses
❖ After dependent (从属) clause,
The position sounds attractive: high salary, moderate amount of work, and close to home.
for a clause which contains an anticipatory expression (the following, as follows, thus, these) and directs attention to a series of explanatory words, phrases, or clauses.
On Coordinate (对等) and
Subordinate (从属) Clauses
❖ 1. Coordinate Clauses
❖ 1.a Independent (独立) clause , and independent clause.
❖ , but
❖ , for
❖ , nor
❖ , or
2.英文的标点符号 (Punctuations)
❖ Summarized from Judith S. Vanalstyne, Professional and Technical Writing: Communication in Technology and Science, Sixth Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 2004