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2-1 Apostrophe (所有格符号)
for the plural of letters, numbers, symbols, and cited words
❖ Your r’s look like your n’s. You use too many and’s.
❖ the 2000’s (2000s)
2.英文的标点符号 (Punctuations)
❖ Summarized from Judith S. Vanalstyne, Professional and Technical Writing: Communication in Technology and Science, Sixth Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 2004
The position sounds attractive: high salary, moderate amount of work, and close to home.
for a clause which contains an anticipatory expression (the following, as follows, thus, these) and directs attention to a series of explanatory words, phrases, or clauses.
independent clause.
❖ Although
❖ As
❖ Because
❖ Before
❖ If
❖ Since
❖ Until
❖ When
❖ While
for separating items in a series
These instructions will teach you how to create, edit, or proofread a file. ❖ Note: The comma is often omitted in company names: Jones, Smith and Woods
大纲 (Outline)
❖ 1.引 言 (Introduction) ❖ 2.英文的标点符号 (Punctuations) ❖ 3.专业的传统表述 (Mechanical
Conventions) ❖ 4.文章的起承转合 (Transitions) ❖ 5.专业论文的写作 (Technical Article
❖ , so
❖ , yet
❖ 1.b Independent clause; independent clause.
❖ 1.c Independent clause; consequently, independent clause.
❖ ; further, ❖ ; hence, ❖ ; however,
❖ ; indeed, ❖ ; in fact, ❖ ; likewise, ❖ ; moreover, ❖ ; nevertheless, ❖ ; rather, ❖ ; then, ❖ ; therefore, ❖ ; thus,
❖ 2. Subordinate Clauses
❖ After dependent (从属) clause,
2-2 Colon (冒号)
for a formal salutation
Dear Mr. Wang: Gentlemen:
for introducing a phrase or clause which explains or reinforces a proceeding sentence or clause
Writing) ❖ 6.文章的常见错误 (Common Errors) ❖ 7.结 论 (Conclusions)
1.引 言 (Introduction)
❖ 世界约85%之专业出版物系以英语撰写 ❖ 专业英文系以特定方式撰写 ❖ 非英语体系作者常因格式与方式不符或英语
欠通顺而被退件 ❖ 若能突破英语撰写上的障碍要在专业出版物
5:1 signal : noise A:B 10:20 P.M. 12:50-55 (Vol. 12, pp. 50-55)
2-3 Comma (逗点)
for compound and compound-complex sentence
a. for separating independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction Nearly everyone has heard of love at first sight, but I fell in love at first dance.
On Coordinate (对等) and
Subordinate (从属) Clauses
❖ 1. Coordinate Clauses
❖ 1.a Independent (独立) clause , and independent clause.
❖ , but
❖ , for
❖ , nor
❖ , or
b. after an introductory dependent clause When Peter was ready to write, his pen ran out of the ink.
❖ c. after a conjunctive adverb introducing a coordinate clause The system is easy to use; however, we suggest that you read the directions carefully.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
The requirements for the master degree are as follows:
1.twenty-four units of class work,
2.a master thesis, and
3.no more than four years of study.
for expression ratios, for separating hours and minutes, and for indicating other relationships