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Clinical Departments:

There are five departments: Internal Medicine。Surgery。XXX。nal XXX。XXX.

1.Internal Medicine: One set of diagnosis table and chairs。XXX。two n stools。one computer。one stethoscope and blood pressure monitor。one n hammer。one flashlight。one tongue depressor set。two thermometers。and one XXX.

2.Surgery: One set of diagnosis table and chairs。XXX。two n stools。one computer。one X-ray viewing box。one stethoscope and blood pressure monitor。one n hammer。one flashlight。and one automatic XXX.

3.Gynecology: One set of diagnosis table and chairs。XXX。two n stools。one computer。one stethoscope and blood pressure monitor。and one automatic XXX.

4.nal Chinese Medicine: One set of diagnosis table and chairs。XXX。two n stools。one computer。one wrist rest。one stethoscope and blood pressure monitor。one n hammer。and one automatic XXX.

5.Otolaryngology: One set of diagnosis table and chairs。XXX。two n stools。one computer。one stethoscope and blood pressure monitor。one standard visual acuity chart light box。one headlamp。one floor lamp。one flashlight。and one automatic XXX.

Medical Technology Departments:

There are six departments: Pharmacy。Laboratory。Imaging。Treatment。Disposal。XXX.

1.Pharmacy: Five to ten meters of medicine s。one instrument table。one revolving table。one intensive shelf。one dispensing table。one computer。one set of office desk and chair。and one XXX-hygrometer.

boratory: One XXX。XXX。one XXX。one blood glucose meter。one microscope。one refrigerator。one computer。one set of office desk and chair。and one automatic XXX.

3.Imaging: One digital X-ray DR system。one color Doppler ultrasound machine。one multi-channel graph。one computer。and one set of office desk and chair.

4.Treatment: One electric operating bed。one shadowless lamp。one treatment table。one instrument car。one medicine。one XXX。one oxygen cylinder。one electric oxygen generator。one simple artificial n device。one electric n device。one tracheal n device。one gastric lavage machine。five disposable suture packages。twelve hemostatic forceps of different sizes。six needle holders of different sizes。twenty-four tissue forceps of

different sizes。two large stainless steel instrument trays。two medium stainless steel instrument trays。two small stainless steel instrument trays。and two small oil ointment cylinders.

5.Disposal: XXX。two sets of treatment trays。one treatment bed。one treatment table。one instrument car。one medicine。one XXX n car。one venous n package。one tracheal n package。and necessary emergency drugs。as well as one automatic XXX.

6.n: One high-pressure n pot。one water purifier。one XXX

n car。and one automatic XXX.




