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[1] 论许渊冲的翻译三美理论——以《西厢记》许译本为例 邓蔚 华中师范大学 2013.5 [2] 从许渊冲先生的“三美理论”鉴赏《葬花吟》两个英译本 [3] 浅谈许渊冲的“三美“”三似“”三化“与”三之“ 吕献兰 湖北大学外国语学院
Theory of Three Beauty
• 盼不到博陵旧冢,血泪洒杜鹃红。 许渊冲:When can we reach the burial ground so far away? Alas! Azaleas turn red with tears of blood we shed. Keep the allusion sign “杜鹃”, “血泪”, vividly presents character‟s sorrow after her husband‟s death and help reader see a picture that a poor woman was shedding tears of blood which incarnadined Azaleas.
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Theory’ s Origin Theory of Three Beauties Examples Conclusion
Theory of Three Beauty
Theory’ s Origin
• “三美”之说是鲁迅在《自文字至文章》一文中首先提 出来的。
• 鲁迅的原文是:“诵习一字..遂具三美:意美以感心,一 也;音美以感耳,二也;形美以感目,三也。 ” • 意美: Beauty of Sense • 音美: Beauty of Sound • 形美: Beauty of Form
Theory of Three Beauties
Theoretical Connotation
He keeps beauties of sense and sound as much as possible
Professor Xu emphasizes that the pursuit of beauty is more important than that of faithfulness (put forward by Yan Fu), and that beauty is the highest aim in poetry translation. To some extent, it is undoubted to say that this theory is a breakthrough to the traditional theories.
Abandon the beauties of sound and form, and even decrease the beauty of sense of original text
大卫· 霍斯 Can I, that these flowers„ obsequies attend, Divine how soon or late my life will end? Keep its form and rhyme; “attend flowers’ obsequies” weaken the action “葬”; “soon or late” not a exact time,命运的莫测
• Beauty of Form: to maintain original forms as much as possible
Theory of Three Beauties
Theoretical Connotation
• Relationship of the Three Beauties: Beauty of Sense ---- the first-rate importance Beauty of Sound ---- the second-rate importance Beauty of Form ---- the third-rate importance • In a word, when possible, all the three beauties should be wellpreserved.
• Theory of Three Beauties: Not only faithful but also beautiful, as beautiful as the original in sense, in sound, in font. • Beauty of Sense: The translated poems may touch the hearts of readers just as the original poems. Not only the superficial from of the source text, but also the deep meaning. • Beauty of Sound: to translate rhythm so as to reproduce beauty in sound of the source text
Theory of Three Beauty
《葬花吟》(use Xu‟wenku.baidu.com principles to judge other translators‟ versions)
• 尔今死去侬收葬,未卜侬身何日丧? 杨宪益译 Now you are dead I come to bury you; None has divined the day when I shall die; Translate interrogative sentence into declarative sentence Give up rhyme of origin text