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atmosphere is usually relaxed in American schools. American educator believe that children learn better when they are happy and interested, so every effort has been made to arouse the interests of the individual.
Middle School
7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 12 - 13 13 - 14 14 - 15
III. 美国教育经费来源
美国教育经费来源能广泛、渠道多. 初等教育和中等教育: 1. 约 50% 来源于地方产业税 2. 40-50% 来源于州政府 3. 8%-9% 来源于联邦政府 高等教育: 1. 各类奖助学金
美国联邦军事院校一般指的是五所由联邦 政府直接运作,专门用来为美国军队培养 军官的军事院校。 他们分别为西点军校(陆军学院)、海军 学院、空军学院、海警学院和商船学院

One of the measurements for an undergraduate in academic progress is credit or “point”. Typically, an undergraduate student has to earn a certain number of credits (about 120) in order to receive the bachelor’s degree at the end of four years of college. Credits are earned by attending lectures (or lab classes) and by successfully completing assignments and examinations.
Private Schools
private schools are related to religious groups. In these schools, religious instruction is part of the curriculum Today, about 12% of all American children go to private schools for their elementary and secondary education.
High School 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade 15 - 16 16 - 17 17 - 18
美国的大学习惯上分为以下三类: 1.两年制学院,又称初级或技术学院,大 部分为公立,多半为地方社区所举办,故 一般称为社区学院。 2.四年制学院,大体有两类:一类是文理 学院或文科学院。另一类是独立的专科学 院。 3.综合性大学,综合性大学规模庞大、组 织复杂、师资充实、设施完备。

III. 美国现行教育体制
美国的学校按年龄阶段分为以下四类: 1.初级学校:1-6年级(6-12岁) 2.初级中学:7-8年级(13-14岁) 3.中学:9-12年级(15-18岁) 4.大学(学院):一般为4年制的大学本科,也有两年制的初级学院和技术学院, 还有二至四年的“研究院”或“专业学院”,为大学毕业学生从事研究而设立。
18 (age) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Undergraduate for the Bachelor’s degree (4 years) 1 (grade) 2 3 4 Graduate School for 5 the Master’s (1-2 years) 6 Graduate School for 7 the Doctorate (2, 3 8 years or more)
美国常春藤盟校(Ivy League)
Ivy League Universities refer to the eight older private universities in the east of America. Harvard University 1636 Cambridge MA Yale University 1701 New Haven CN Princeton University 1746 Princeton N.J
IV. Curricula for Students
1.Elementary School Although the federal government has no national curriculum for education, almost every elementary school provides instruction in these subjects: language arts; math ;penmanship; science; social studies; music; art; and physical education.
Kindergarten 5-6
Elementary School
1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 6-7 7-8 8-9 9 - 10 10 - 11 11 - 12
The Complex System of Higher Education
It comprises four categories of institutions: The university The four-year undergraduate institution—the college The technical training institution The two-year, or community college
Entrance Requirement of a University or a College

1. 2.
Successful applicants at such colleges are usually chosen on the basis of : Their high school academic performance Letters of recommendation from their high school teachers The impression they make during the interviews at the university Their scores on SAT

美国现行的高校招生入学考试主要有二种,即SAT 和ACT,分别由设在新泽西州普林斯顿的教育测试 中心和设在衣阿华州的美国大学测试中心 SAT是目前美国最通用、最具权威的一种升学考试, 所有美国高校都接受SAT成绩。SAT分为SATⅠ和 SATⅡ。 ACT要考英文、数学、科学、社会4科,每科满分 36分,考试时间160分钟,较SAT为易。所有名校 要SAT成绩,州立高校或中西部高校愿意接受ACT 成绩
Public Schools
schools are locally controlled. Firstly, public schools are supported by taxes paid by all people whether or not they have children attending schools. Secondly, they are free from religious influence. Public schools educate about 88% of all American children.
Education in the United States of America
I. 摘要
• 美国文化教育的高水平也决定了美国在 世界科技方面的领先地位。在美国人看 来,每个人都应该有机会接受最好的教 育,以发展个人的天赋与能力。从19世 纪早期开始,这种义务教育的理想便不 断得到群众的支持。许多政教界的领导 人物指出,美国的繁荣与强大,事实上 是得力于教育之普及。
Middle School in U.S.A
Standardized Tests
the last year of high school, students who want to go on to receive higher education have to take some kind of standardized tests. The most popular tests are Scholastic Assessment Tests (SAT) and the American College Testing (ACT)
Postdoctoral Study and Research

美国共有3600所大学,其中公立大学 有近1700所 美国最顶尖公立大学包括: 加利福 尼亚大学伯克利分校、弗吉尼亚大学、 密西根大学安娜堡分校、加利福尼亚 大学洛杉矶分校、威斯康星大学麦迪 逊分校

私立大学领衔了美国的顶尖高等教育, 并与公立大学同样享有政府补助。美 国排名前20名的大学几乎都是私立大 学 著名私立大学包括:芝加哥大学、斯 坦福大学、麻省理工学院、加州理工 学院、约翰· 霍普金斯大学、卡内基梅 隆大学
SAT is a three-hour, multiplechoice exam measuring verbal, math, and reasoning skills. It is required by most higher education institutions in the United States for the admission to undergraduate degree programs.
II. 美国教育行政制度
美国教育主要由政府提供,由三级政府: 联邦政府、州政府和地方政府(学区) 控制 和资助 中、小学教育主要是由各州教育委员会和 地方政府管理,多数州实行十年义务教育 美国的学校有公立和私立两种,公立学校 由政府税收支持,学生免费入学;私立学校 多由教会支持,也包括那些合乎相当学院 基础的私立学校
Physical Education
schools offer these subjects: English, mathematics, science, social studies and physical education. Most schools offer foreign languages. Spanish is the most popular foreign language for Americans .

美国研究生入学考试 :
1. 2. 3.
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) 适用于除法律与商业外的各专业 Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) 适用于法学专业 Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)适用于医学专业 Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) 适用于商科专业