2020中考英语复习专题2--代词(含答案) (1)

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1.【2019 •山东滨州中考】—Jerry, is that boy with glasses _________ new classmates?—Yes. Let’s say hello to _________.

A. our; he

B. us; him

C. ours; his

D. our; him

2.【2019 •福建省中考】—Oh, I forget to bring my umbrella.

—I’ve got one. You can share _________.

A. yours

B. ours

C. mine

3. 【2019 •江苏省苏州市】—Hello, are you Mr. Morrison? —Yes. That’s _________.

A. him

B. me

C. you

D. us

4. 【2019 •重庆中考B卷】Tom is my best friend. I often play basket b all with _________.

A. he

B. his

C. him

D. himself

5. 【2019 •河北省中考】—My ruler is broken. Can I borrow_________?

—Of course. Here it is.

A. his

B. hers

C. mine

D. yours

6. 【2019 •北京市中考】Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see .

A. her

B. him

C. it

D. them

7. 【2019 •江苏省淮安市】—Oh. my God! I forgot to bring my pen here.

—Don’t worry. I have two. You can use __________.

A. I

B. me

C. myself

D. mine

8. 【2019 •四川省乐山市】—Allan, I found a red eraser under your chair. Is it yours?

—Oh, yes. It’s__________. Thank you, Mike.

A. m e

B. my

C. mine

9.【2019 •山西省中考】—New kinds of morning exercise like doing dancing are becoming popular.

—__________ can help us keep fit and have fun.

A. We

B. You

C. They

10.【2019 •四川省成都市】—Uncle Lee, may I use your bike?

—Sorry, mine is broken. You can ask your aunt for .

A. mine

B. his

C. hers

11.【2019 •山东省临沂市】Tennis can exercise all of our muscles(肌肉). And it requires _________to spend time with others. This is good for our health too.

A. ours

B. us

C. we

12. 【2019 •湖北省随州市】—Excuse me, may I use your dictionary? is at home.

—Certa i nly. But remember to return it on time.

A. I

B. Me

C. My

D. Mine

13. 【2019 •甘肃省兰州市】Frank is a friend of _________.He is a scientist from Canada.

A. my

B. I

C. me

D. mine

14. 【2019 •甘肃省武威市】Sunny’s uncle is a teacher. _________enjoys staying with kids.

A. He

B. She

C. It

D. I

15. 【2019 •重庆市中考A卷】Their plants don’t grow very well, but _________l ook really good.

A. we

B. our

C. ours

D. ourselves

16. 【2019 •湖北省襄阳市】—Is this Mike’s dictionary?

—No, it’s mine. The thick one on the desk is _________.

A. his

B. yours

C. hers

D. theirs

17. 【2019 •湖南省益阳市】—Jeff, is this _________notebook?

—No, it’s not _________.Maybe it’s Mary’s.

A. your, my

B. your, mine

C. yours, me

18. 【2019 •江苏省南京市】Last month the students in Changjiang Road Primary School held the "Ten Years of Growth Ceremony" to celebrate _________10th birthday together.

A. they

B. their

C. them

D. theirs

19. 【2019 •新疆维吾尔自治区】—Whose card is this?

—It is _________. My brother Tom gave it to me on my birthday.

A. my

B. hers

C. ours

D. mine

20. 【2019 •湖南省长沙市】—So sorry, I took your school T-shirt by mistake. But where is _________?

—Don’t worry. Let me help you find it.

A. yours

B. his

C. mine

21. 【2019 •广西省百色市】—They won the basketball match yesterday.

—Great! We are so proud of _________.

A. they

B. them

C. their

D. theirs

22. 【2019 •湖南省湘西市】—Is that your watch, Mike?
