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中文摘要(关键词) (1)
摘要 (1)
前言 (3)
1制造业企业存货管理概述 (4)
1.1制造业企业概述 (4)
1.2制造业企业存货及其管理特点 (4)
1.3制造业企业存货管理的方法 (4)
1.4制造业企业存货管理的意义 (5)
1.4.1有利于降低库存、减少资金占用 (5)
1.4.2有利于提高企业管理水平 (5)
1.4.3提供的各种库存报表和库存分析可以为企业的决策提供依据 (5)
1.4.4新形势下财务管理工作的需要 (5)
2制造业企业存货管理中存在的问题 (6)
2.1存货无恰当的采购计划 (6)
2.2未按规定进行存货的核算 (6)
2.3存货管理制度不健全,内部控制薄弱 (6)
2.4存货储量不合理,资金利用率不高 (6)
2.5信息化建设相对滞后,影响各部门之间联系 (7)
2.6企业外部资源利用少,第三方的物流未能充分利用 (7)
3加强制造业企业存货管理的对策 (8)
3.1 加强存货采购管理,正确确定存货采购计划 (8)
3.2 严格执行相关规定,建立健全存货的会计核算制度 (8)
3.3加强制造业企业存货管理基础工作,健全存货管理制度 (8)
3.4 合理利用资源,提高资金利用率 (9)
3.5 加强各部门之间联系,提高信息化 (9)
3.6充分利用企业外部物流资源,提高存货管理水平 (9)
4案例分析 (10)
4.1企业概况 (10)
4.2企业存货的管理模式 (10)
4.2.1管理模式概述 (10)
4.2.2存货的分类 (10)
4.3当前企业存货管理中存在的问题 (11)
4.3.1存货管理制度不完善,形同虚设 (11)
4.3.2 存货管理人员的整体综合素质不高 (11)
4.3.3各部门之间缺少及时的沟通、联系 (11)
4.3.4没有充分利用第三方物流及外部资源 (12)
4.3.5对存货采购环节的忽视 (12)
4.3.6未能对存货实施有效的控制 (12)
4.4解决企业存货管理问题的对策 (12)
4.4.1完善并严格执行存货管理制度 (12)
4.4.2提高存货管理人员整体的综合素质 (13)
4.4.3加强信息沟通 (13)
4.4.4加强第三方物流的利用 (13)
4.4.5改善存货采购现状 (13)
4.4.6做好仓储与保管控制 (13)
结束语 (15)
参考文献 (16)
Manufacturing industryalways had an important role and status in China's social economy, it has great practical significance to maintaining social stability and promotingthe economic development.But,there were still many issues in ourmanufacturing industries in terms of inventory management,just like internal control system is weak,third-party logistics is not use fully,links of negligence on the inventory purchase are direct or indirect impact on the economic benefit.As a result, China's Manufacturing Industries should focus on its own inventory management problemsincreasingly, improving the related systemgradually.
This article mainly uses the waycombined the theoretical with empirical,first article has overview on manufacturing industries of inventory management,from manufacturing of the definition and characteristics, an overview of the inventory management theory, manufacturing industry inventory management of significance, and so on. Then analyzes the inventory management of manufacturing industryproblems, such as the management system is not in place, inventory purchases and procurement time to determine unreasonable,inventory reserves unreasonable amount of funds used too much so. According to the existing inventory management of industrial enterprises put forward corresponding countermeasures, such as enterprise shall establish and improve inventory management system, determine purchases and procurement timecorrectly, rational use of resources, improve fund use efficiency. Finally, combined the practical business to case studies.
Keywords :Manufacturing Industry;Inventory Management;Management Mode