
Sec 3
上述询价已于一月十五日发往你方,但迄今未见你方发盘。望早日发 盘,不胜感激。
Sec 4 (8) As requested, we are sending you our quotation sheet in triplicate and wish you to place your order with us as soon as possible.
Sec 8
8. trial order 9. bid
10. insurance policy
_出__口__商__品_目__录____ _商__品__交_易__会______ _虚__盘___________ _不__可__抗__力_______
_跟__单__信__用_证______ _装__运__港_________ _汇__票___________ _试__购__订__单_______ _递__价___________ _保__单___________
Sec 1 Sec 2
Ⅱ. 翻译下列句子(3) (7) The above inquiry was forwarded to you on January the fifteenth, but
we have not received your quotation yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.
Ⅱ.试把上题中的答案译成汉语并填入下表(这是一封采用缩行式的商务信函, Sec 1 划横线处代表该位置应填写的相关要素)。
Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7
中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 11 Business Reception.ppt

<1> 扎实的语言基本功。良好的英语修养和扎实的汉语基本功是一名 优秀的译员应具备的基本素质,掌握英汉两种语言的结构和语用等特 点和语码转换规律,具有快速、准确地组织词句的能力。尤其是译员 的听力理解能力,这是口译成败的一个关键因素,也是一名译员的综合 语言和知识水平的反映。在口译过程中,影响听力理解的因素有六个: 口音、语感、词汇量、知识面、注意力以及音量与干扰。英语是世界 性的大语种,口音因地而异,不尽相同,有些连英美人自己都听不清 楚。译员不仅会接触到标准规范的英语,也会接触到非标准、非规范 的英语;译员必须在平时就注意多听一些英语的口音、方言及变体, 注意总结其特点和规律,并学会逻辑推理和判断话语的上下文关系, 正确判断说话人所要传达的意思,领会其话语隐含意义。
<2> 交替传译(consecutive interpreting):口译员坐在会议室里,一面 听源语讲话,一面记笔记。当讲话者发言结束或停下来等候传译的时 候,口译员用清楚、自然的目的语,准确、完整地重新表达源语发言 的全部信息内容,就像自己在演讲一样。会议口译中的交替传译要求 口译员能够听取长达五至十分钟连续不断的讲话,并运用良好的演讲 技巧,完整、准确地译出全部内容。
此次访问扩大了我们之间的贸易合作,加强了我们之间的了解和友谊。我们深深 希望,我们的合作会变得更加广泛,深入到生活的各个方面,包括商业、文化、教育及 科研领域。
特点 口译要求译者具有较高的驾驭英语和汉语的能力、多学科的知识和认真
负责的工作态度。与笔译相比,口译还具有一些不同的特点。一方面, 说话者的声音、语调、表情及肢体语言都有助于译员理解说话内容和说 话者的感情色彩;另一方面,口译的过程是体现译者运用综合能力的过 程,主要包括口译者的听力、记忆力、口头表达力、快速反应能力、语 言能力、知识储备量等。不仅如此,由于口译速度是笔译的数倍,甚至 数十倍,且要一次成形,所以口译者还必须具备良好的心理素质。而且, 口译者必须在短时间内独立完成工作,无法求助他人或参考资料。这些 都是口译的不利因素,增加了口译工作的难度。

Now we have our own truck to transport the building materials on the construction site. The expenditure of the department would be lower. This would enable the company to operate more smoothly.
Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8
Report On An Event Date of report:23-Sept-2008
To the board of directors: With the fund granted for the purchasing of a truck of the
II. 试把下列撰写商务报告的七个步骤译成汉语。(2)
4. the introduction: state the subject, state the purpose, summarize your findings 写导言:说明事由、目的以及总结发现的成果。
Sec 1 Sec 3
I. 试把下列商务报告的四个写作阶段译成汉语。 collect information plan the structure write the draft proofread and edit

第一单元名片1.2 Lead-in1.2.11)Harbin2)公司3)Century Village4)财务主任5)助理工程师6)名誉主席7)首席运营官8)传真9)邮政信箱10) 外销部经理1.2.3(略)1.7. Practice1.7.1 全部正确1.7.2 245 (1中改成“先高后低”;3中改成“之后”)1.7.31) senior advisor2) chief executive officer3) executive vice manager4) senior engineer5) technologist6) technician7) section chief8) division chief9) emeritus professor10) visiting professor11) special grade teacher12) research fellow13) chairman14) secretary general15) administrative chief of … Town16) physician-in-charge17) editor-in-chief18) accountant19) assistant to president20) commissioning editor1.7.41)North Shaoshan Road 或者Shaoshan Road (N).理由:如果简单地采用直译的办法将其翻译成Shaoshan Bei Road,则会让人产生一种错觉,认为其跟Shaoshan Road 没有关系,是不相干的路。
2)Second Zhongshan Road理由:同上。
3)Jiusan Society理由:单位、部门名称翻译成英语时,如果英语中缺乏对应的词,大多数情况下可以采用直译的办法。

Unit 11
Business Reports
Business Reports
知识目标: 1. 了解商务报告的基本知识 2. 掌握商务报告的语言特点及其常用翻译技巧 3. 熟悉定语从句的翻译方法
能力目标: 1. 能够正确翻译商务报告中的常见词汇、语句和段落 2. 能够运用所学翻译技巧熟练地翻译各类常见商务报告 3. 能够较为熟练地翻译各类定语从句
Sec 7
Sec 8
I. 商务报告的语言特点(1)
Sec 1
Sec 2
准确;结构上要求语篇完整,布局合理;文体上讲究风格自然, 语言正式。有
Sec 4
Now we have our own truck to transport the building materials on the construction site. The expenditure of the department would be lower. This would enable the company to operate more smoothly.
Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8
Report On An Event Date of report:23-Sept-2008
To the board of directors: With the fund granted for the purchasing of a truck of the
世纪商务英语-外贸函电unit 11 Insurance

Under CIF term and under payment method of Letter of Credit (L/C), after shipping the goods the exporter will go to the negotiating bank requesting the payment of the shipped cargo by submitting several required documents, among which the insurance policy is a must together with the Bill of Lading(B/L), commercial invoice and draft, etc.
商务英语 unit11

Unit 11 Customer Service
• B: I see. Please go on. • A: What kind of soap do you use? • B: I use P&G. I know your ABC soap, but I don’t
use it. • A: Why? P&G is a little more expensive than
Unit 11 Customer Service
• A: Compared with others, this one is smaller and lighter. What’s more, it uses the most advanced technology, so it is faster and more easily used.
Unit 11 Customer Service
• A: OK, I can give you an explanation. For a JC-340 humidifier, when it is used for the first time, take off the hygrometer from the carton and install it on the nozzle. Then, turn on the cover of the water tank and fill water into it. Switch on the power, the power indicator light will also be turned on, and the humidifier begins to spray. Adjust the flow selector to select the appropriate humidity. Can you operate it now?
简明商务英语口译教程Unit (11)

• 5.But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demoniac personality, a granite will, uncanny instincts, a cold ruthlessness, a remarkable intellect, a soaring imagination and — until toward the end, when drunk with power and success, he overreached himself — an amazing capacity to size up people and situations, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich.
• 1.I am certain that this annual meeting will prove to be constructive and significant.
• 2.I have no intention to persuade anyone, and I am not prepared to convince anyone, either.
Section B Translation Skills 长句的译法
• 翻译长句时,首先要弄清楚原文的句法结构,找出整个句子的中心内容以及 各层意思,然后分析几层意思之间的相互逻辑关系(因果、时间顺序等), 再按照汉语特点和表达方式,正确地译出原文的意思,不拘泥于原文的形式。
• 长句的译法主要有几种:
• 2.Over the years, integrating high rank political and economic forum, product exhibition, and professional presentation, the international exhibition for trade and investment held in Macau has offered a service platform of information exchange and cooperation for the commercial and industrial sector. This year’s exhibition is to be held from October 18 to 21, during which time an international brand exhibition will be held concurrently.

图11—1 消费者的类型、角色和行为消费者类型通常,消费者指对营销人员或厂商完成交易起一定作用的个人或组织。

Project 11 Insurance
Part 1 Basic Knowledge Concerned Part 2 Letter-writing Guide Part 3 Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences Part 4 Sample Letters Part 5 Practical Training
2. 另有一事相求:由于我们的协议是在CFR的条件下达成的,保险本应由我方办理。 但为方便起见,能否请贵方替我们代办呢?
3. 若无异议,请在当地替我们按发票金额的110%为合同项下的货物投保水渍险和偷 窃及提货不着险;
4. 所有的保险费用由我们负担。贵方完成投保手续后可向我方开出即期汇票收取该 费用。
Project 11 Insurance
Leading-in Tasks
Try to finish the following task and predict the objectives and focus of this unit.
Task 1. 假设你是美国麻省富兰克林公司(Benjamin Franklin & Co. Ltd.;Address:200
剑桥商务英语教程unit11 Working history

10)Did you get any honors or rewards at your university? 在大学里有没有获得过任何奖励? 7)I got the university/ school scholarship in 1994~1995 academic year. 我获得了94-95学 年的奖学金。 )Were you involved in any club activities at your university? 在学校里参加过什么社团? )I was on the college basketball team. 我参 加了校篮球队。
Q1:What should one do as preparation for job- hunting? Q2:What would an employer count most regarding a candidate?
experience, qualification,资格;条件; personality,个性;品格
Tom obtained/got a BA in history form the University of Toronto Tom completed a BA in history at the University of Toronto Tom was awarded a BA in history by the university of Toronto
How to talk about your educational background?
Tom BA History University of Toronto
Hassan Olga
世纪商务英语Unit 11

Unit 11 名人Background KnowledgeI. Michael DellMichael Dell is the founder and CEO of Dell computer corporation that is the world’s largest direct computer company. He is also the youngest person ever to head a Fortune 500 firm. And he is the longest-serving CEO in the computer industry.Michael Dell is clearly a genius in the computer world and business field. At age 13, he got a knack for taking apart the motherboard of his Apple II computer; when he was a senior in high school, he began to show his talent in business. He sold so many newspapers subscriptions that he was able to pay cash when he bought a BMW; In 1983, at 18, as a freshman at the University of Texas, Austin, Dell started selling custom-made personal computers and components out of his dorm room; A year later, with $ 1000 in startup capital, he set up his business and dropped out of university. The day his former classmates were graduating, his sales had already hit $ 70 million a year; At 33, the visionary CEO of Dell Computer is at the pinnacle of the entire PC industry. Today, he runs the second largest (after the HP-Compaq merger) and still fastest growing PC maker in the world with a market capitalization of well over $ 100 billion. What’s more, his revolutionary insights into busines s processes provide invaluable lessons for many other industries as well.What qualifications or achievements make him a leader?(1) He knew his goal clearly and unwaveringly focused on it. When he was a freshman incollege, Michael Dell declared that he wanted to beat IBM. In the following years, he started his own business and achieved his goal unceasingly, no matter what difficulties he faced with. Today, Dell company revenues are about $ 7.8 billion a year. He has passed IBM in annual sales, and is closing in on industry leader Compaq.(2) He has strong sense of innovation. As a successful entrepreneur, he is fond of doingsomething new and takes a risk and works hard to make them work. He also cherishes difference and thinks difference can breed innovation. He hired a diverse work force in his teams with different angles on problems.He dares to change his position and do something new. When he saw opportunity ahead that selling custom-made PCs and components was very profitable, he made a decision to d rop out of university and started his own business. Dell’s sense of innovation makes him hold lots of number 1 record in computer industry. Dell was first in the PC industry to pioneer high-quality, low-cost, direct selling model to end-user. He was also a pioneer to use the World Wide Web to sell products. His company now sells approximately $50 million worth of products on the Net daily, making it one of the world’s largest Windows-based e-commerce sites.(3) He has full responsibility either for business or for family and keeps good balancebetween work and life. He worked hard to create tremendous value for its customers, itsemployees and shareholders. In the spare time, he also spent more time with his wife and kids and wants to be a great dad and a great husband. Every day he drives his kids to school; he always makes pancakes for his kids.(4) Michael Dell has a powerful vision for the future and develops unique business philosophy.He wants his company to have an unrivaled speed to market; an unwavering dedication to customer service; a fierce commitment to producing consistently high-quality, low-priced, custom-made machines; and a shrewd exploitation of the Internet. The vision makes Dell computer successful and unique in the world. What is more, he knows how to use the vision to communicate and motivate his employees and get people excited what he is doing. Dell says ―A lot of businesses get off track because they don’t communicate an excitement about being part of a winning team that can achieve b ig goals.‖II. David Beckham, Soccer Player⊙Born: 2 May 1975⊙Birthplace: Leytonstone, England⊙Best Known As: English soccer midfield star and Mr. Posh SpiceDavid Beckham is a leading English footballer whose popularity extends beyond the field and into international celebrity. Beckham was already a crowd-pleasing star for Manchester United when he married Spice Girls star Victoria Adams (―Posh Spice‖) in July of 1999; the combination of the two heartthrobs proved irresistible to the press and public, and they became one of Britain's most famous couples. As a player Beckham is particularly known for his free kick expertise and spectacular long-range shots (including a famous goal from midfield against Wimbledon in 1996). Manchester United sold Beckham to the Spanish team Real Madrid for a transfer fee of 35 million euros (about 25 million British pounds) in June of 2003. Beckham was disqualified from the 1998 World Cup for a rough foul in England's loss to Argentina, but returned to play in the 2002 and 2006 World Cups. He was captain of the English national team from 2000 until 2006, when he stepped down from the role after a loss to Portugal in the World Cup quarterfinals. In 2007 he signed a multi-million dollar contract to leave Real Madrid and move to the United States and play for the L.A. Galaxy; he first suited up for his new team in a "friendly" match against Chelsea on 21 July 2007.Beckham typically plays midfield. His popular nickname is ―Becks‖. He has three sons with Victoria Beckham: Brooklyn (b. 4 March 1999, Romeo (b. 1 September 2002) and Cruz (b. 20 February 2005). Beckham wore uniform number 7 with Manchester United; upon joining Real Madrid he switched to number 23, with 7 already taken by his teammate Raul; he kept the jersey number with the Galaxy. Real Madrid was already home to several other superstars, including Luis Figo, Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidane. The 2002 film Bend It Like Beckham (starring Keira Knightley) was a fictional tale about a soccer-loving teenager. Beckham didn’t star in the movie, but the title has become synonymous with his name. The title refers to Beckham’s skill at curling shots around defenders.Fast Facts⊙Captain of England’s team in the 2006 World Cup games⊙At age 12, won a Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills award, including a trip to Nou Camp stadium, Barcelona⊙Among his many tattoos, are the names of his sons, his wife Victoria’s name in Hindi, a guard ian angel, cherubs and Michelangelo’s image of heaven, with rays coming from a sun and clouds floating behind⊙Married to former Spice Girl Victoria Adams⊙He and his wife are students of Kabbalah; both have tattoos with phrase from Song of Songs, ―I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me...‖⊙Won 1997’s PFA Young Player of the Year⊙Wears a new pair of football boots every game he plays at an estimated cost of £300 ($565)a pair⊙An experiment at Manchester United showed that he ran an average 8.8 miles per game –more than any other player on the team⊙After playing with Manchester United from 1994-2003, signed three-year £25 million ($47 million) contract with Real Madrid (2003)⊙His goal for Manchester United over the head of the Wimbledon goalkeeper from the halfway line was selected Premier League Goal of the Decade in 2003Quotes⊙―One thing will not change —we will be going out to win.‖ — David Beckham⊙―People react to criticism in different ways, and my way is definitely to com e out fighting.‖ — David BeckhamReading Skill FocusPractice 3Automation is the introduction of electronic control and automatic operation of productive machinery, which reduces human factors and increase productivity.Reading MosaicComprehensive Reading迈克尔·戴尔:个人电脑产业的革新者1 迈克尔·戴尔,1965年2月生,1984年从他得克萨斯大学的宿舍里走上成功之路,以1000美元和一个为大学生提供买得起的个人电脑的想法起家。

1.The origins of etiquette-----the convention rules of behavior and ceremonies observed in polite society-------are complex .one of them is respect for authority. From the most primitive times, subjects showed respect for their ruler by bowing ,prostrating themselves on the ground ,not speaking until spoken to, and never turning their backs to the throne . some monarchs developed rules to stress even further the respect due to them. The emperors of Byzantium expected their subjects to kiss their feet . when an ambassador from abroad was introduced , he had to touch the ground before the throne with his forehead . Meanwhile the throne itself was raised in the air so that ,on looking up , the ambassador saw the ruler far above him , haughty and remote在上流社会,行为举止、各种庆典仪式都有传统的惯例,其起因相当复杂,他们的起因之一,是要对当权者表示尊重。

Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7
公共关系(Public Relations)是一个组织与其相关公众之间的传播管理, 也可以说是沟通管理。公共关系的目的是为了对公众舆论产生影响,为某一 组织树立良好的形象和声誉,其在本质上追求组织通过传播手段与公众建立 良好关系并与公众共享利益的目的。
以及在座诸位的健康干杯 e. 香港永远是祖国的一颗璀璨明珠。 我衷心希望香港发展得更好,衷心
祝愿这片土地上所有居民生活得更加幸福美满 f. 我们很荣幸今晚有机会在此表达我们的谢意并且和我们的中国朋别。 g. 语言难以表达我对你们的感激之情。对于你们今天对我所表示的友爱和
关心,我真的感到非常荣幸。 h. 我希望你们能在这儿玩得愉快 i. 我提议为布莱克先生的七十岁生日干杯 j. 我特别荣幸地欢迎我们的新同事——来自美国的约翰·瓦特先生。
4. We enjoyed every minute that we worked with you.
( b)
5. I hope you will have a very enjoyable stay. 6. I take great pleasure in bidding you all a hearty wele.
of all of you present tonight. Cheers
( d)
9. We are very happy to be here tonight when we can have the
opportunity to express our thanks and to bid farewell to our Chinese
进入市场经济信息时代,公关领域日趋活跃,公关活动的过程就是信息 传播的过程,而信息载体就是公关文稿。广义的公关文稿泛指在公关活动中 通过可能涉及到的传播手段所发布的各类文稿,包括:公关广告、供销广告、 请柬、贺卡、名片、书信、电报文、传真文、聘书、题赠、对联、公关演讲 稿、就职演说稿、公关案例及分析、新闻消息与通讯、公关采访提纲、调查 报告、计划书、简报、总结、会议记录与纪要,以及各种公文、合同、意向 书、市场预测报告等文体。总体上,可以分为对内和对外用途两大类:

世纪研究生公共英语教材十一单元课文与翻译1.The origins of etiquette-----the convention rules of behavior and ceremonies observed in polite society-------are complex .one of them is respect for authority. From the most primitive times, subjects showed respect for their ruler by bowing ,prostrating themselves on the ground ,not speaking until spoken to, and never turning their backs to the throne . some monarchs developed rules to stress even further the respect due to them. The emperors of Byzantium expected their subjects to kiss their feet . when an ambassador from abroad was introduced , he had to touch the ground before the throne with his forehead . Meanwhile the throne itself was raised in the air so that ,on looking up , the ambassador saw the ruler far above him , haughty and remote在上流社会,行为举止、各种庆典仪式都有传统的惯例,其起因相当复杂,他们的起因之一,是要对当权者表示尊重。
人民大2023实用现代商务英语翻译(第二版)PPTUnit 11

(2)表示相关当事人的术语 applicant (申请开证人) accountee (开证人) beneficiary(受益人) drawee (付款人) drawer (出票人) issuing / establishing bank (开证行) advising / notifying bank(通知行) negotiating bank (议付行) paying bank (付款行) reimbursing bank (偿付行) confirming bank (保兑行)
译文:只有出口人提供与信用证45675 号项下相符的全套单 据, 本行才予承付。
此例中,honor的意思是“兑现”“承付”,accept and pay(如期支付,承兑),honor a bill (cheque,draft , etc. ) (兑现票据(支票,汇票等))。
此外,信用证英语中的acceptance指的是“承兑,认付”; 即买方在见到汇票时答应并签字确认,待到汇票到期后一定付 款,(accept/promise to pay on due date by signing the draft )而不是马上付款。Collect是“到付”的意思,如 freight collected即“运费到付”。
译文:除非信用证在此另有规定,开证行见到银行提示 前的任何议付费用和其他费用都向受益人收取。
此例中,herein 的意思是“在此”,unless otherwise stipulated 这个短语经常会出现在信用证英语 中,相当于一个固定的词组,意思为“除非另有规定”。
例6:We hope that you will take commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and open L/C at once, otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising therefrom .

Sec 7 (9) international conventions and practice
国际惯例 Sec 8 (10) international business contracts
SECTION 2 Lead-in
Ⅲ.试翻译下列句子。(1) Sec 1 (1) Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US $500 (SAY FIVE
Unit 12
Business Contracts 商务报告
SECTION 2 Lead-in
I. 阅读下列合同,找出其标题、前文、正文和结尾条款,并翻译成汉语。 Sec 1 (1)
Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8 返回
CONTRACT CONTRACT NO. SIGNING DATE/PLACE THE BUYER: Name Legal Address Contact THE SELLER: Name Legal Address Contact This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller. Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the undermentioned commodity in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below.
stipulated below.
Sec 8

所谓“级转移翻译法”,就是指在翻译 过程中,因翻译所涉及的两种语言之 间存在着“级”差异而采用与原文中 的“级”不对应的表达方式的做法。
Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as law-breakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society.
Acceleration of the disposal of bad loans has been criticized as causing the current economic plight, with falling stock prices and financial uncertainty.
Problems arising from the declining birthrate and graying of the population were recognized nearly half a century ago.
半个世纪以前,人们就已经注意到出生率下降和 人口老龄化所带来的各种问题。
政府应该通过大胆的日元卖出和美元买进的运作 方式及时干预汇兑市场。
政府应该大胆卖出日元和买进美元来及时干预 货币市场。
由于英汉两种语言的差异导致描述事 物时出现视角差异,这时,为使译文 忠实、通顺、自然、晓畅,就不得不 根据汉语语言的表达习惯和汉民族的 思维方式,将译文以不同于原文的叙 述视角但却充分传达出原文精神实质 的一种翻译方法。
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2.The above figures suggest that our staff members have made great efforts to meet the challenge. 译文一:从以上数据我们可以知道,我们的员工尽了最大努力迎接挑战。 译文二: 以上数据表明,我们的员工尽了最大努力迎接挑战。 ANSWER 译文二。因为译文二语言简练,表意清楚,符合商务报告 的语言特点。
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I. 商务报告的语言特点(2) (1) This report includes a discussion of the facts of the investigation, conclusions, and recommendations. 本报告包括对事实的调查、结论和建议。
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I. 商务报告的语言特点(5) (2) Our findings suggest that although, for the most part, there is considerable similarity between the terms and conditions of the two companies, there are a number of slight differences between the ways that local and expatriate managerial-grade staff are treated at Transpacific Shipping and International Airfreight. From these findings, a number of conclusions can be drawn which might be instrumental in determining how this company can go about minimizing the threat from Transpacific Shipping Inc. in the manpower market. 我们的调研结果表明:虽然大体上来说两家公司在待遇条件方面有许多 共同点,但在对待当地和国外管理人员方面,跨太平洋海运和国际空运有一 些小小的区别。从这些调研结果我们可以得出一些结论,这对于本公司应采 取什么对策,以减少在劳动力市场上来自跨太平洋海运的威胁会有所帮助。 以上句子看似有些罗嗦,其实不然,这种句式上的复杂性是实现严密逻 辑表达效果的保障。
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分析上述句子,不难看出,这些句子中使用的都是客观描述性语言,没 有一句使用修饰性或表达感情色彩的语言。
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I. 商务报告的语言特点(4) 其次,商务报告,尤其是可行性报告和调查报告多用长句、复合句、并 列复合句等句式,并通过使用介词短语、插入语、同位语、倒装句、被动语 态等特殊句型,使语句结构更严密,细节更突出,句子的逻辑性更强。例如: (1) The reason why I choose this plan over the other optional ones is that I find this plan has several advantages which might be easily ignored. 我之所以选择这个计划而不是其他的,是因为我发现它具有一些很容易 被人忽略的优势。
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II. 试把下列撰写商务报告的七个步骤译成汉语。(1) 1. collect all relevant materials ——notes, documents, etc.
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收集一切有关资料——会议记录、文件等。 2. consider the purpose of your report: who is it for, why does he/she want it, how will he /she use it? 考虑撰写报告的目的:报告将送交谁?阅读者为何需要这份报告?阅读 者将如何使用这份报告?
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5. I strongly hope that the next year will promise a brighter prospect for our company. 译文一:我衷心祝愿我们公司来年取得更加辉煌的成就。 译文二:我强烈希望我们公司明年会有更加光明的前途。 ANSWER 译文一。因为译文一更符合商务报告言简意赅、表意清 楚的特点。
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I. 商务报告的语言特点(1) 商务报告在内容上要讲求客观,忠于事实;观点上要求思路清晰,引证 准确;结构上要求语篇完整,布局合理;文体上讲究风格自然, 语言正式。 有人把商务报告的特点概括为:篇幅可长可短,体例必须规范;内容或繁或 简,格式非常关键;题目有大有小,成败全看语言。 首先,商务报告在语句方面的最大特点在于其简洁性,比其他文体更加 注重表达效果的准确性、时效性,客观描述性语句较多,不主张使用修饰夸 张性语言。例如:
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用,尤其是作为对外交流沟通使用的商务报告,在现代企业中使用得越加频 繁。在当今经济全球化的背景下,熟练掌握商务报告的翻译技巧,已是从事 商务活动人员,特别是职业经理人必备的文书处理技能之一。
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3. decide where you might need illustrations or diagrams
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II. 试把下列撰写商务报告的七个步骤译成汉语。(2) 4. the introduction: state the subject, state the purpose, summarize your findings 写导言:说明事由、目的以及总结发现的成果。 5. write the conclusion (and recommendations) 写结论及建议。
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I. 试把下列商务报告的四个写作阶段译成汉语。 collect information plan the structure
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write the draft proofread and edit 译文:
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2. 调查报告:主要用于揭示事实真相,一般指受单位或个人委托,对某 一情况进行调查后写出的反映客观事实的报告,以此作为委托人进行相关决 策的重要依据; 3. 可行性报告:主要用于对可选方案进行分析、论证,最终提出论证结 论。 商务报告的构成一般可分为: 1. 引言(introduction),其中包含职权范围(terms of reference)和执行 程序(procedure); 2. 正文(body),其中包含调查结果(findings); 3. 结 尾 ( final section ) , 其 中 包 含 结 论 ( conclusion ) 或 建 议 (suggestion)。
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(5) The main reason for the delay is that they refuse to abide by the original terms of the contract. 造成这次延误的主要原因是他们拒绝遵守合同上所订的条款。
1. Introduction 2. Lead-in 3. Methods and Techniques 4. Useful Words and Expressions 6. Notes 7. Practice 8. Classic Translation
返回SΒιβλιοθήκη CTION 1Sec 2Sec 2
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(2) You asked me to make a close survey of the damage. The following report is just what you wanted.
您责成我对这次损失进行认真的调查,现将调查报告呈上。 (3) Having researched the cause of the profit loss, I’d like to submit this report to you for your reference. 基于对利润损失原因的调查,现提交此报告供您参考。
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1. Steadily rising demand is why we decided to focus on the laser disc market. 译文一:因为需求稳步上升,所以我们决定把LD市场作为主要市场。 译文二:我们决定把LD市场作为主要市场是因为需求稳步上升。 ANSWER 译文一。因为译文一更符合名词性从句的翻译原则,更符 合汉语的表达习惯。译文二改变了原句的语义。