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1.询问情况I want you to pass me all the information

You have about

I would like to know exactly what action has been taken

I should like you to give me a record of

2.请求采取措施can you please arrange for

Don not forget to

Please find out

Could you please ensure that

I would like you to

Do you think it would be possible to

I am writing to remind you that

3.报告情况I have looked into this matter

I have made enquiries with enquiry about

I have check my records

I have investigated… as requested in you memo of

I have completed my study of

I am told that

I am informed that

I have found/discovered that

I have written to Mr. lee about

I have recommended that

I have offered/arranged a discount of

I have sent a invoice for the outstanding stum to miss gao

4.提供建议can we get together sometime later this week to discuss

What about Monday morning at 10:30

We ought to be thinking about

You really ought to ..

It seems to me that you should …

Perhaps it would be a good idea if you were to

It would probably not be a good idea to

May I suggest you…

I think we should

We need to

5.警告our supplies are becoming increasingly depleted

Unless we order… the store might run out in the middle of

The heavy season

We urgently need…if we are to meet demand

I am concerned that, unless we are very careful ,our passion will be compromised

6.承担责任。道歉I am afraid I was responsible for confusing the invoice

I am afraid it was me who confused the invoice

I must apologize for making this mistake

I am terribly sorry about making this mistake

7.说明你能做的和不能做的we are unable to

We are able to

We have been forced to

8.说明原因owing to

Due to

This is As a result of

Because of

9.请求采取行动could you please as soon as possible

We should be grateful if you could without delay

We would be appreciate it if you could immediately

10.抱歉we must apologize for

We apologize for

We are extremely sorry for

We are sincerely sorry for

11.再次抱歉please accept our apologize once again

We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenience

With apologizes once again

12.要求提供信息please could you gives us further details about

We would be grateful if you could inform us about

We would be appreciate if you could let us know about

13.轻度抱怨unfortunately +something is wrong

14.提醒某人注意某事I should like to draw your attention to

I should like to point out that

15.如果你提醒的事情对方已经知道你想表达你的生气I should like to remind you that

I hope that it is necessary to remind you that
