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1.The manager has told Xiao Wang to travel to Xuzhou city, Jiangsu province on business, where somebody______ when his train pulls into the station.

A.has waited B.will have waited

C.has been waiting D.will be waiting


【解析】考查时态。句意:经理已经告诉王晓去江苏省徐州市出差旅行,当他的火车进站时,在那里将有人会等他。根据when his train pulls into the station.可知,从句用一般现在



2.–Guess what! We’ll have a chance to visit our sister school in Denmark this summer!

--How nice! You ______ a different culture then.

A.will have experienced B.have been experiencing

C.will be experiencing D.will have to experience



试题分析:句意:--猜猜怎么着!今年夏天我们将有机会访问我们在丹麦的姐妹学校。---真好!到时你将能够体验到一种不同的文化。A. will have experienced将来完成时(将来已经做了某事) B.have been experiencing现在完成进行时(表示过去开始一个动作一直持续)C. will be experiencing将来进行(将来一段时间持续一个动作) D. will have to experience将不得不做某事,故选C。


3.She won’t be able to come next week, because she _________ herself in Mount Tai then. A.enjoys B.will be enjoying C.is enjoying D.Enjoyed



试题分析:句意:她下周不能来,因为她那时正在泰山玩得高兴呢。then指的是next week,将来的某一个时候正在进行的动作,所以应该用将来进行时,其形式是will be doing,故选B。


4.By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the world’s population _____ in cities rather than in the country.

A.are living B.will be living C.have lived D.will have lived



试题分析:考查时态。根据本句的时间状语by the middle of the 21st century说明是一个将来时。陈述的是在将来的这段时间里所发生的事情,所以使用将来进行时。句意:到21世纪中叶,大部分的人口都将生活在城里而不是在乡下。故B正确。



5.——I can’t get through to the general manager’s office anyhow.

—— The line is busy. Someone _____ the telephone.

A.must use B.uses C.must have been using D.must be using 【答案】D


must be doing 表示对正在发生的事情的推测。“我怎么也打不通经理的电话。”“线路忙,肯定有人在用电话”

6.You’d better not call the manager between 7 and 8 this evening, for he ________ an important meeting then.

A.will be having B.would have

C.will have D.will have had




考查时态。句意:在今晚七点至八点之间你最好不要给经理打电话,因为他那时正在召开一次重要的会议。根据句子的时间状语between 7 and 8 this evening可知,句子表达的是将来的动作,根据后面从句中的then可知,还是指的是今晚七点至八点之间,所以用将来进行时。故A选项正确。

7.— Joe, what about going to Belgium for our coming holiday?

— Sorry, honey, I _________ on the newly discovered dinosaur site in Argentina.There are remains of what is thought to be the largest creature ever to walk the earth.

A.was working B.work

C.will be working D.worked




8.48.The professor _____about how to protect the endangered animal in the conference at this time tomorrow.
