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根据解构主义的观点,文本总是一曲五音杂陈的“混声合唱”(Texts are always multi-voiced),此话不假。“文本内外、中心或边缘上的东西都会静则思动,拒绝各安其位;文本之链无始无终,任位居其间的文本都只是链圈里的一个环套;文本似乎怪诞地知道有人在阅读自己,所以欲迎还拒,犹抱琵琶半遮面”。(Michael Payne, 2005:315)1935年至1936年,海德格尔(Heidegger)在《艺术作品的源泉》(The Origin of the Word of Art)中,谈到了梵高(Vab Gogh)的一幅名画《旧鞋》。海德格尔认为这是双“农妇的鞋”,又坚称与此鞋有关的某些事情只有在画中才能看出:

From the dark opening of the worn insides of the shoes the toilsome treadof the worker stares forth. In the stiffly rugged heaviness of the shoes there isthe accumulated tenacity of her slow trudge through the far-spreading and ever-uniform furrows of the field swept by a raw wind. On the leather lie thedampness and richness of the soil. Under the soles slides the loneliness of thefield-path as evening falls. In the shoes vibrates the silent call of the earth, itsquiet gift of the ripening grain and its unexplained self-refusal in the sallowdesolation of the wintry field. This equipment is pervaded by uncomplaininganxiety as to the certainty of bread, the wordless joy of having once morewithstood want, the trembling before the impending childbed and shivering atthe surrounding menace of death. This equipment belongs to the earth, and it isprotected in the world of the peasant woman. From out of this protectedbelonging the equipment itself rises to its resting-within-itself.

(Michael Payne, 1993:224) 海德格尔是存在主义哲学家,在他看来,梵高的鞋表现了作为普遍的存在物的真理,它是农妇生活状态的凝固形式,是超时空的自由之物。从这双旧鞋中看到了农妇的辛勤劳作、忧愁喜乐,看到了自然、沃土、阡陌纵横。河北Google推广海德格尔的观点受到了历史学家夏皮诺(Meyer Shapiro)的批判,后者认为这双鞋是梵高本人的。梵高共完成多达八幅鞋的静物画,夏皮诺认为,不论是哪幅画,都看不出梵高画的鞋子可传达农妇鞋子的本质或存在,也看不出鞋子和自然、劳作之间的关系。他归结道:这双鞋不是农妇而是“市镇”艺术家所有。海德格尔看错画,就等于“欺骗了自己”。海德格尔的联想,“与其说可以从画作看出,还不如说是根植在他自己对社会的看法上”,他的错误是个人情感投射的结果:

The sets of associations with peasants "are not sustained by the pictureitself but are grounded rather in his own social outlook with its heavy pathos ofthe primordial and earthy." Heidegger's "error" is not only the result ofprojection, "which replaces a close and true attention to the work of art" ...

(Michael Payne, 1993:226) 夏皮诺认为,旧鞋是梵高生命的一部分,梵高对鞋子的感觉,近似克努特,汉姆生(Knut Hamsun)在小说《饥饿》(Hunger)里对自幺的敝屣的描写。孰是孰非,难以论断。梵高在给其弟的信里,将自己的画风分为两个阶段:1881年至1885年,作品集中表现农人生活,侧重“他性”;1886年,梵高到了巴黎,此后第二阶段的作品是梵高本人强而有力的再现。此处对话提及的八幅鞋子的静物画,不属于任何一个阶段。正如海德格尔所辩解的:A work of art "sets up a world" that is never itself an object butrather the ever-nonobjective to which we are subject. (Michael Payne, 1993:227)艺术作品创造的世界,永远不会固定不变,不同的看客眼里有不同的世界,画作如此,文本亦复如此。外贸翻译文学作品是个相对开放的符号系统,

