



The bonobo is an endangered species of primates native to the area south of the Congo River in Africa. In recent years, many primatologists have begun studying the bonobo in more detail. What these researchers have learned about bonobos is that they are quite meek in temperament. This is a stark contrast to other primates, such as chimpanzees, which can be rather aggressive and violent, in nature.

There is plenty of support for bonobos' gentle demeanors. Experts have studied numerous bonobos in captivity and have witnessed little evidence suggesting that they possess violent tendencies. Bonobos in captivity are typically gentle, kind, and sensitive, and zookeepers report that they experience few problems while handling them. In that regard, bonobos are different from other primates, which sometimes attack their handlers or cause other problems.

Bonobos also tend to prevent their young from engaging in violent behavior. For instance, the young of many animal species frequently fight one another or engage in excessive roughhousing. This teaches them how to hunt as well as other survival techniques. However, older bonobos actively quell this behavior in younger bonobos by intervening in fights between their young. As a result, young bonobos neither learn how to fight nor develop aggressive tendencies during their formative years.

Bonobos are often contrasted with their more violent cousins, the chimpanzees. Chimpanzees have been observed hunting small animals and even use rocks and sticks as weapons to attack other troops of primates. No such behavior has ever been witnessed among bonobos. Some researchers believe that the fact that bonobos are herbivores reduces any violent impulses they may possess. Since bonobos only eat vegetation, they have no need to hunt or kill anything except in self-defense. Thus they have evolved into more peaceful animals, especially when compared with chimpanzees.


观点:These researchers have learned about bonobos is that they are quite meek in temperament. This is a stark contrast to other primates, such as chimpanzees, which can be rather aggressive and violent, in nature.


论点1:Experts have studied numerous bonobos in captivity and have witnessed little evidence suggesting that they possess violent tendencies.


论点2:Bonobos also tend to prevent their young from engaging in violent behavior.


论点3:Since bonobos only eat vegetation, they have no need to hunt or kill anything except in



W Professor: You might have read about how bonobos are considered a nonaggressive species. Well, there’s some truth to that, but let me point out a few problems with this widely accepted theory.

First, few long-term studies of bonobos in the wild have been conducted. After all, the first studies began in the 1970s. And there are only a few thousand wild bonobos. Instead, most research has been done on captive bonobos. There are, uh, just about 100 in captivity. That's not too many. Now, these studies on captive bonobos rave about their gentleness. However, keep in mind that many animals behave differently in captivity. A meek animal may become vicious while an aggressive animal may become calm. So, 论点1:although captive bo nobos are gentle, we can’t be sure if that’s their real nature until we conduct more research on them in their natural habitats.

Additionally, bonobos aren't always as peaceful as they appear. They often engage in acts of group aggression. Here’s what ha ppens . . . Many times, young bonobos form small groups. Then, they stalk and subsequently attack an older bonobo that’s by itself and which has let its guard down. 丁hat hardly sounds like peaceful behavior to me.

Finally, numerous comparisons have been made between the, uh, peaceful bonobos and violent chimpanzees. However,I feel that chimps are a product of their environment. You see, chimps’ natural habitats were invaded by humans long ago. Much of the vegetation they once ate was destroyed by human settlements. As a result, chimps became omnivores. They learned to hunt, which increased their violent tendencies. Bonobos, on the other hand, live south of the Congo River in land that few humans have encroached upon. Thus bonobos’ more peaceful, herbivorou s lifestyles haven't been interrupted. Perhaps in the future, should their lands be invaded, they too will adapt and become more violent.



观点1:Let me point out a few problems with this widely accepted theory.


论点1:Although captive bonobos are gentle, we can’t be sure if that’s their real nature until we conduct more research on them in their natural habitats.


论点2:Additionally, bonobos aren't always as peaceful as they appear. They often engage in acts of group aggression.


论点3:bonobos’ more peaceful, herbivorous lifest yles haven't been interrupted.



①The lecturer argues that the theory on the gentle nature of bonobos poses some problems. ②This assertion directly contradicts the reading passage’s claim that the theory t hat bonobos are meek animals is supported with three pieces of evidence.

First, the professor says that few long-term studies have been conducted on bonobos in the wild. According to the professor, most research is focused on captive bonobos, which number only a hundred. Since animals in captivity react differently, it is uncertain how bonobos behave in their natural habitat.

③This fact refutes the reading passage’s claim that studies on bonobos in captivity support the argument that bonobos have a gentle nature.

④On top of that, the lecturer says that bonobos are not as friendly as they seem to be. In fact, young bonobos sometimes form a group and, without warning, assault an older bonobo that is alone. This is to say, bonobos often get involved in group violence. ⑤This argument casts doubt on the reading passage’s claim that bonobos maintain a peaceful society by keeping their young from violent behavior.

Finally, the nature of chimps, which is frequently compared to that of bonobos, is most likely affected by their circumstances. As chimps’ natural habitats were invaded by humans, they became omnivores, which in turn increased their violent tendencies. In theory, therefore, if bonobos’ habitats are destroyed by humans, they too will develop violent behavior. ⑥This firmly rebuts the reading passage’s claim that chimps hunt animals and attack other primates wheras bonobos’ herbivorous habits reduce the likelihood of their having vicious temperaments.


habitat['h?b?'t?t]n.· [生态] 栖息地,产地

herbivorous['h?b?v?r?s]adj.· [动] 食草的



①The lecturer argues that……

②This assertion directly contradicts the reading passage’s claim that……

③This fact refutes the reading passage’s claim that……

④On top of that, the lecturer says that……

⑤This argument casts doubt on the reading passage’s claim that……

⑥This firmly rebuts the reading passage’s claim that……



1 Do you agree that people should not have to pay to use public transportation. When talking about whether people should have to pay to use public transportation, people always have a heated discussion. Some people oppose the statement that says people should not pay to use the public transportation arguing that this will be harmful for the revenue of public transportation. Nevertheless, I stick to this opinion due to following reasons. First and foremost, the issue encouraging me to hold this opinion is that the free public transportation will help to reduce the traffic jams and in the large cities, one of the most serious problems is traffic jams and we have to spend much time on it. A survey made by a newspaper showed that the 80 percent of the cars running on the road are private cars. It is the main reason accounting for the traffic jams. If public transportation is free, more people will be attracted to use it. And the more people there are who use the bus or subway, the less private cars will be used. Then not only will the traffic jams be reduced, but also the pollution will be reduced. In the downtown, the major source of the pollution is air pollution caused by the automobiles. And if there is less use of private cars, this will also be improved. Second,the policy of free public transportation could be relevant in improving the impression of the government. In this way, the government can effectively serve the public. In some countries, the people do not trust their government because the government does not pay enough attention to improving their life in terms of traffic conditions, for example.And the free public transportation is a very suitable and effective way to improve government image. Furthermore, with the rapid development of the society, we face more and more pollution problems.One of the famous problems is global warming caused by the wide use of fossil fuels. Large quantities of fuel are used by private cars so the effective way to solve this problem is by reducing the use of cars. And the free mass transportation can have crucial influence on it. Since more people will be attracted to use mass transportation, fewer people will use their private cars. So free public transportation plays a very crucial role in improving the air condition. Admittedly, free public transport will bring some disadvantages. It will make more burden for the governments finances. Maybe it will make the quality of public transportation decrease too. However the free public transport can acquire more advantages than disadvantages. Considering what have discussed above, we can safely get the conclusion that people should not have to pay for public transport and it will benefit not only the government


托福综合写作7范文托福作文的综合写作应该写托福作文写作应该分为三个层次,也就是我们确定中心思想后应该找三个理由来支持。托福写作还有一个五段论,第一段为中心思想,二三四为支持段落,第五段总结观点。这个就是所谓的八股文。但是形式不能太明显,在表达中多加入自己的思想,八股文的形式会隐晦一些。一般这种写作可以助你在托福作文中取得高分。 构建综合写作整体,你可以从以下这几个方面入手:第一,将听力及阅读中的核心观点提炼出来,并指明对应的两个观点是支持还是对立;第二,分为几个段落,分别从不同角度总结出两个观点的论据。最后,重申主要论证观点并注意切忌掺加个人观点。听力结束后,考生还会有时间回看阅读文章,所以不用完整记忆阅读文章的论点和论据,记下核心即可。 有问题,可以再问我。 我觉得 ___老师讲的不太对,我自己本身也在 ___培训过,感觉他们讲的方法都是很过时的方法,不太适用于新托福的考试。下面是我自己考了四次托福的感想: 2、其实考试的时候,观点找错的情况似乎不太会发生。。。因为阅读里面都有提示了啊。。。一般不会弄错的,所以不用担心,

重点是细节不要搞错,要挺清楚细节说了那几点,尽量不要落下那个点,细节齐全 3、写得时候模板适当用用,但是表全部都用,那样文章就有点僵硬了,你自己读着通顺就好啊。 4、文章内部用词要有多样性,要适当地用一些高级的词汇,如重要的这个意思,你不要只用important, 这样显得你不认识多少单词,可以用significant, vital, essential, of great importance, core, 这种意思相近的单词或者是意群来表达,这样他们就认为你词汇量大了。 5、写综合写作最能体现你的词汇量和句型的多边性,所以不要直接照抄听力或者是阅读的内容,这样就表现不出你自己了,多看看新概念4里面的表达方法,哪些句型神马的都很好,对考试很有用!!! 6、模板没有对错之分,你自己需要好一个模板,然后自己用自己弄出来的,这样比较好,不过这种东西都差不多,重点还是看个人的表达神马的,还有词汇量什么的。


这里为您提供官方备考练习资料,以及各大出版社的雅思考试备考书籍,您可以据自己的情况和需要,选择自用的备考资料。 《Official IELTS Practice Materials》:是雅思考试为全球考生提供的官方备考练习资料,现已出版了两版。您可以从此书了解雅思考试的结构与题型,并通过书内提供的完整试题进行练习,还可以观看随书附送的DVD内的口语考试视频来了解雅思口语考试的流程与评分标准。 《How to Prepare for IELTS》:是雅思考试主办方之一的英国文化协会为全球考生提供的官方备考资料,在中国由北京语言文化大学出版社出版发行。 本书分为阅读、写作、听力和口语四部分。通过此书您可以熟悉考试题型、训练需要掌握的内容、了解考试中会遇到的问题、得到具体的应试指导。本书还提供了一份十分有用的参考书目。 《Information for Candidates》:是雅思考试主办方之一剑桥大学为全球考生提供的官方备考资料,内容包括阅读、写作、听力和口语四部分样本、成绩单样本和分数介绍等。通过此资料您可以熟悉考试题型、成绩单内容等。 学为贵真经派推荐单项备考书单: 听力备考:《剑桥雅思听力考点词真经》 阅读备考: 1.《雅思阅读真经5》:能起到预测的作用,是结合阅读背单词的体现 2.《雅思阅读真经总纲》:阅读与众不同的解题方法 3.《剑桥雅思阅读考点词真经》

语法:《雅思语法真经》 写作:《雅思写作真经总纲》 口语:《雅思口语真经》《雅思口语冲击波》 还有更多你想知道的问题 2. 雅思考试的形式有哪些? 3. 能不能提供一个各国雅思成绩要求表? 4. 托福、雅思、SAT分数对比 5. 雅思考试的成绩是如何计算的? 6. 雅思考试的评分标准是什么? 7. 雅思评分系统是怎样的?多少分对应什么样的水平? 8. 中国雅思考点分布在哪些地方? 想要了解更多雅思考试相关问题和答案的话,关注学为贵微信号吧,加入学为贵雅思终身会员,留学备考一条龙服务,还有雅思VIP保分班等你加入哦~ 雅思会员:为全球考鸭打造,服务涵盖专属课程、屠鸭小分队陪伴学习、考题预测、真题解析、写作批改等,我们的目标是让考生屠鸭不走弯路。是你雅思配备过程中的贴身管家哦~ 加入雅思终身会员,送留学,保offer,还有4000元奖金哦~·


考场上面通常我们脑子会很紧张很乱,很难在短时间之内想到好的综合写作的好的模板,包括转折句,开头结尾,递进等等之类的东西,这会耽误我们很多时间,更重要的是用平凡普通的词汇句子也会影响整体分数。以下这个模板是我在一边作文书上找到的,非常非常 好用,大家可以选一篇机经里的综合写作试试看,制定出一个适合自 己的模板,然后熟记,在考场上可以节省很多时间,同时,对字数和分数的提高也很有帮助。LZ就是靠这个模板在124的考试里在结尾没写完的情况下依旧writing部分28分,虽然没有牛到30分,但是对于上一次只有17分的我来说着实提高了很多。希望这个模板可以帮助正在努力攻克托福的你,good luck! 红色的字体是可以替换的部分。 The reading passage explores the issue of …The professo' s lecture deals with the same issue?However, he/she thinks that ?…, which contradicts what the reading states And in the lecture, he/she uses three specific poin to support his/her idea. First, even though the reading passage suggeststhat …,the professor argues in the lecture that …This is because…,which means …Obviously, the professor ' argument disproves its counterpart in the reading. Moreover, despite the statement in the reading that …,the professorcontendsthat …Then he/she supports this point with the fact that …In other words,


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO11综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO11综合写作阅读原文文本: A recent study reveals that people especially young people are reading far less literature,novels, plays, and poems, than they used to. This is troubling because the trend has unfortunate effects for the reading public, for culture in general, and for the future of literature itself. While there has been a decline in book reading generally, the decline has been especially sharp for literature. This is unfortunate because nothing else provides the intellectual stimulation that literature does. Literature encourages us to exercise our imaginations, empathize with others, and expand our understanding of language. So by reading less literature, the reading public is missing out on important benefits. Unfortunately, missing out on the benefits of literature is not the only problem. What are people reading instead? Consider the prevalence of self-help books on lists of best sellers. These are usually superficial poorly written, and intellectually undemanding. Additionally, instead of sitting down with a challenging novel, many persons are now more likely to turn on the television, watch a music video, or read a Web page. Clearly, diverting time previously spent in reading literature to trivial forms of entertainment has lowered the level of culture in general. The trend of reading less literature is all the more regrettable because it is taking place during a period when good literature is being written. There are many talented writers today, but theylack an audience. This fact is bound to lead publishers to invest less in literature and so support fewer serious writers. Thus, the writing as well as the reading of literature is likely to decline because of the poor standards of today's readers. 托福TPO11综合写作听力原文文本: ProfessorIt is often said that people are reading less literature today than they used to. What should of this?Well first, a book doesn't have to be literature to be intellectually stimulating. Science writing history, political analysis and so forth aren't literature perhaps, but they are often of high quality and these kinds of books can be just as creative and well-written as a novel or a play. They can stimulate the imagination. So don't assume that someone who isn't reading literature isn't reading a good book.But let's say that people aren't just spending less time with literature, they are also spending less time with books in general. Does that mean that the cultures is in decline? No, there's plenty of culturally valuable material that isn't written-music and movies, for example. Are people wasting their time when they listen to a brilliant song or watch a good movie? Do these non-literary activities lower cultural standards? Of course not. Culture has changed. In today's culture, there are many forms of expression available other than novels and poems. And some of these creative forms speak more directly to contemporary concerns than literature does.Finally, it's probably true that there's less support for literature today than


托福口语每道题的答题方法 不管是托福口语试题的哪部分,都有其内在的出题规律和答题技巧,今天给大家带来托福口语每道题的答题方法,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语每道题的答题方法 首先是第一题,preference 题或称之为“偏好题”,经过收集和研究,题型主要走人物题、地点题、事件题及物品题。由于不会出现雅思考试考官针对同一话题问两次到三次的情况,所以针对托福备考有个称之为“同一话题只需准备一个题材”的概念,也就是在备考前面对同一话题无需泛化去找另类话题,而是不断深化,思考可以囊括阐述其他人物、地点、事件或物品的通用理由。如果*开始表述,建议如同写作一样大体分为三段阐述,开题无需技巧,简单读题即可,把you 都改成me,比起I think……开头可以省去相对多的思维时间。内容一般找三个理由,为避免理由重复或累赘,建议就方便、经济、减压等常用理由进行练习,并结合不断问自己How 及Why 等问题来充实内容,完成example 的部分。最后用连词进行连接,这里有个技巧,就使用first, also, finally,因为三到六题综合题中这三个词常成为提示词出现,在前两题中使用可对其有一定敏感度。

再次是第二题,结合第一题,内容分布完全相同,并且这两题对时间把握尤其重要,要求考生进行“掐表”练习,对45s 有感性认识,当一定练习后,口语部分的考试不再是考内容的,而是考时间的,因此在考试过程中掐时间角度有很多技巧可言,比如:当阐述内容结束时时间为38s 或39s,则在最后可加句detail 或一句类似The person like me has no choice but to do sth.的长废话;当结束时时间为41s 或42s,则在最后可加一句短废话,如I find it’s cool. 最讨厌的是41s 说完这句短废话后变成42s,离perfect time 还是有3 秒钟,那么可以用一些装口吃或吞口水的考场技巧将时间掐到44s 或45s。(实践证明装口吃或吞口水不扣分)最后是三到六题的综合题部分。综合题由于会有听力和阅读,因此要求考生对信号词定位有所敏感,口语中涉及的技巧是即使不理解听力内容,结合简单的信号词如first, also, finally, but, yet, for the following reasons 等定位中心内容,遇到生疏单词、句子,记下读音,再完整地还给考官,一样得分。第三题听力内容中一男一女进行谈话,就他们对阅读内容的态度与否(支持还是反对),不可以从语气上进行判断,要根据记录内容的回推去确认,以免犯错。 第四题是普遍认为最难的一题,但记好一个技巧:“阅读找概念,听力找例子”,由于此学术题是由同一个人出的,听力内


托福综合写作经典模板分享 托福写作中独立写作大家比较关注,因为对考生的写作能力有较高要求。而综合写作很多同学则认为不需要太注意写作技巧,听懂看懂并记住相关素材才是主要任务。下面就和大家分享托福综合写作经典模板分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福综合写作经典模板分享 开头段 The lecture apparently disproves what is argued in the reading material. According to the passage … However the professor asserts that a closer scrutiny of this argument would reveal how flimsy it is. He then presents several evidences to demonstrate his statement. 内容第一段 To start with, the professor claims that the reading passage fails to take into account that… Therefore, the assertion of the author seems too absolute since other possibilities could not be eliminated by any current evidence. 内容第二段

Furthermore, the passage assumes that…. The professor, however, suggests that this assumption may not be merited by the evidence. Say, ….. The contradiction is obvious here when … . On the basis of this point the lecture explicitly refutes the passage. 内容第三段 Last but not the least, the passage may be right about …., but one critical fact is being left out of consideration. Pointed out by the professor, the author totally neglects the truth that… On account of above-mentioned grave mistakes, the author’s assertion turned out to be a preposterous idea. 结尾段 In conclusion, based on the arguments offered above, the professor clearly identifies the defects in the reading passage and forcefully shows that… 其它说明细节 文中至少有一个举例形式,如果实在用不到上面句型,可以用转述凑字数:In other words, that is to say, … 其他有用句型


托福综合写作模板:写作经典句式 Both the lecture and the reading discussed …. However, their viewpoints are strongly contradictory for several reasons. First, the reading points out that …, but the lecturer supposes that …. And he also argues that …, thus… Moreover, the author holds that ... The lecturer, however, believes that…. Since it is …, …. Besides, the professor also refutes the idea that ... from the passage. He provides us with the instance/reason that.... In sum, according to the discussion above, the speaker totally disagrees with the conclusions revealed in the reading passage. Frequently Used Sentences 1 We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice moral values for the purpose of obtaining a little material gain. 2 It is often reported in our daily newspapers that university undergraduates commit crimes, XXX from XXX University, is a case in point. 3 According to the latest paper published by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of smoking people is increasing at an accelerating speed (alarming rate), especially in China.


托福综合写作的阅读听力部分如何应对 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家一些托福考试作文小技巧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福综合写作阅读部分:寻找核心句关键词 英美人写文章的总体逻辑可以概括为总分或总分总。而托福综合写作的阅读材料多为前者布局,且多为四段式(首段总起,三段分别展开)。 首段主要用来提供背景信息或者提出话题,而作者的立场或论点多位于首段的最后一句,聪明的考生会把注意力多集中于首段的尾句,确定作者的立论点,从而对于下一阶段的听力大致话题和论述做到心中有底。 随后的段落即展开给出作者之所以立论的三个分论点或论据,在单个的段落当中,又遵循了西方人惯有的总分模式,单个段落的首句多为topic sentence,考生可以只关注三个段落的首句以快速获取段落主要内容,从而避免全文通读速度不够而导致的来不及看完阅读。 托福综合写作听力部分:判断说话人立场、记录观点和支持性论据

听力环节的笔记很重要,是决定综合写作能否顺利完成的关键因素。没有经过训练或者疏于练习的同学会对于该记什么无从下手,结果就是笔记做了,自己看不懂,或者笔记太过凌乱,毫无可利用性。 要知道听力该记什么怎么记,此时应当牢记心里的仍然是西方人的逻辑性。"总分"表明了在听力的开始段是表明说话者立场和论点的,那么按照我们之前分析的,阅读和听力必然是同主题,所以听力开始时候大家不必忙着乱记一通,事实上,什么都不用写,镇定情绪,听清说话者的立场即可。 接着,和阅读中相似,说话者会从三个方面阐述支持自己的观点,很多情况下,这三点和阅读中的三点是刚好契合一一对应的。 但听力三方面的分论据往往是从阅读中无法推断的,所以分论点及论据是需要同学进行笔记的,应当记的是key words,切忌洋洋洒洒想记全一句话,最后自己也难以读懂。 托福综合写作高分还需要提升记忆容量


上次跟大家谈到了综合写作的复习,今天来说说独立部分。说到独立写作,就不得提到众所周知的“机经”。所谓“机经”,是指考过托福的同学通过回忆还原出来的托福考试原题,通常听说读写四部分都有,但是最有价值的,当然是口语和写作这两个主观题的独立部分。尤其是提前知道作文题目,确实是件振奋人心的事。“机经预测”源自于2007年,一部分细心的老师发现大陆的托福考题经常重复北美考过的老题,而且这种重复呈现出一定的规律性,于是,中国大陆的托福考试界拉开了“机经预测”的大幕,并涌现出众多风云人物,在这里不一一列举。07年至11年,多少学生因为机经而改变命运,我自己的学生里就有很多例子,甚至也出现过三个月之内从19分到71分的奇迹。然而,2011年9月,ETS忍无可忍,开始改变出题的逻辑,使得机经预测连续“扑空”,直到几个月后,“机经预测”才慢慢再次步入正轨,只是范围比以前要更大,一个月一般有20-30套,命中的概率也不如以前。那么,现在准备考托福的同学到底该怎么使用机经呢? 首先,大家应该忘掉机经本身,专注于我们最终的目的——托福写作。这正像学习听力的同学应该专注于托福听力本身,而不是漫无目的地疯狂听写一样。托福独立写作底考什么,满分文章到底需要什么,才是我们应该首先搞清楚的问题。 下面我们来说说托福考试独立写作的出题模式。总的来说,有两种主要出题形式: 1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? XXX 2、Some people prefer to XXX, while others like to XXX. Which do you prefer? 其中,第一种最常见,大约占80-90%,这种题目要么agree,要么disagree,没有中间状态,但是需要注意的是,不管是“完全不同意”还是“不完全同意”都是不同意。比如,问题说:Do you agree or disagree? If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time that their children spend on watching TV. 写的时候就可以完全不同意,因为Limiting children will only create problems instead of inviting better performances. 而如果问题是:Do you agree or disagree? Advice from our grandparents is no longer useful, for the world has changed so much over the past 50 years. 写的时候就可以说some of their advice may be no longer useful due to the rapid social or technological changes, but they can still provide valuable suggestions in many ways since they have experienced many things that we are experiencing today. 这就叫不完全同意,也属于disagree的范畴。另外,如果问:Do you agree or disagree? A is more important than B. 也是可以写不同意的,接着证明A and B are equally important. 这种立意经常被同学们理解为“中立”,其实还是属于disagree的范畴。 下面,我们来分析独立写作的评分细则:


新托福写作真经4test5-独立写作解析新托福写作真经4是新托福真经系列中比较新的一本书。是在之前新托福真经1-3的基础之上,汇集了托福写作的各类题目。本书共包括24套写作题目,不仅有独立写作还有综合写作的内容。此外,综合写作部分还有听力的音频。内容非常的详细,今天前程百利小编和大家分享的是新托福写作真经4test5的独立写作的题目。内容从题目分析,万能理由的使用以及范文素材的整理等。希望可以帮助每一位备考托福的小伙伴。 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should take time off from work to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.你赞成还是反对下面的命题?人们应该从工作中解脱出来,做一些和在单位做的工作不同的爱好或运动来休息。请叙述具体的理由,并用例子来支持自己的观点。 第一部分:题目分析 第一:分类:工作类 第二:适用于本题目的万能理由 1、压力 具体方面:压力大或小; 例如:Working together is better than working alone. Agree:一起工作有助于减轻压力; 其他角度:互相帮助,提高效率;增进交流能力;有助于个人的提升; 2、成就感 具体方面: ?对未来工作的影响,或与以后工作的关联; 例如:People will feel happier when they finish a challenging or difficult work than they finish an easy work. Agree:做挑战性的工作获得成功后成就感更强; 其他角度:完成挑战性工作让自己学到的东西多;完成挑战性工作让自己对未来更自信; 3、健康"具体方面:有利于、或不利于身体健康; 例如:A job with more vacation time is better than that with high salary but less vacation time.


托福综合写作万能模板:IBT综合写作模板 In this listening material, the professor made several points about ____________. First of all / Moreover / Furthermore, the professor states / claims / argues / discusses / mentions / talks / indicates / says / contends / raises the issue / demonstrates / makes the point / holds / believes / shows that __________________, while the reading passage (反对)contradicts / departs from / refutes / disagrees with / opposes to the writer’s expectation / casts doubt on / presents a (totally) different idea / jeopardizes / differs from / on the contrary / makes the explanation seem less likely / in contrast /(支持)supports / illustrates / strengthens / agrees with / bolsters / (perfectly) reinforces / presents the same view that ____________.


托福TPO13综合写作阅读+听力原文+满分范文 【雷哥托福整理】 在备考托福写作的过程中,总是将托福的独立作文放在了第一位,但是实际上,综合作文也是占到了作文总分30分里面的50%的分值,不要等到分数出来了,才发现其实是综合作文的limited或者fair极大的影响了自己的分数。 考过的同学会发现托福综合作文分数不高,很大程度上是受我们听力实力的影响,我们很多托福考生的听力分数只有16分上下的时候,对于托福综合作文的听力妥妥的是束手无策,而且很多托福考生还感觉自己都听懂了,那也只能说明你听懂了大意,但是听力里面要的是每一个细节!请注意,是每一个细节! 雷哥托福小托君给大家分享TPO1-33综合作文部分的阅读和听力文本全集与综合作文的满分作文,以及满分作文的解析。如果自己的托福综合作文分数如果可以很给力的话,就已经搞定了15分的分数,可极大地缓解托福独立作文的压力。文末教你如何使用这个材料。TPO13 综合写作听力+阅读原文 Reading Private collectors have been selling and buying fossils, the petrified remains of ancient organisms, ever since the eighteenth century. In recent years, however, the sale of fossils, particularly of dinosaurs and other large vertebrates, has grown into a big business. Rare and important fossils are now being sold to private ownership for millions of dollars. This is an unfortunate development for both scientists and the general public. The public suffers because fossils that would otherwise be donated to museums where everyone can see them are sold to private collectors who do not allow the public to view their collections. Making it harder for the public to see fossils can lead to a decline in public interest in fossils, which would be a pity.


托福写作常见错误你犯过么? 考生们在自己复习托福写作的时候,因为没有系统专业的辅导,很有可能在很多方面都存在着托福写作的误区。下面就把托福作文中有可能出现的误区为大家总结出来。 错误一:在准备TWE185题库或者准备Barron、delta、longman等辅导材料的题目。 新托福写作题目都是现在新托福考试的真题的题目,但是很多考友发过来的文章是TWE的185题库,或者是Barron、delta、longman的题目,这些题目不是说没有价值,而是现在这些材料已经被证明与现行的新托福考试不能完全接轨了,尤其是当我们看到kaplan里面的某些题目,竟然是在讨论诸如爱情之类的问题的时候,我们只能感叹某些参考书的专业度实在需要极强。 那么TWE185就完全没有价值了么?当然不是,在新托福刚刚出现的时候,人们就已经

发现其实新托福考试之中的很多口语题目就是出自于原来的TWE的185题库,因此拿原来老托福的185题库来准备我们现在的口语是非常合适的,但是如果你仍然在用这些TWE185题目在准备现在的独立作文的话,那么只能说你已经站在起跑线的后面了。 错误二:字数越多越好。 当我们单纯地看到“字数越多越好”的时候,可以说这是有一定的道理的,因为如果你的字数越多,那么就越能更好的阐明自己的观点,但是很多考友特别喜欢将这种思路发挥到极致。要知道其实托福作文如果能达到350字-450字就已经很好了,只要达到这个范围内基本上就不会对你的分数产生任何负面的影响了。 错误三:托福写作备考刚开始,就要限定时间。 当我们刚刚开始准备作文的时候,由于国内英语教育只注重输入而不注重输出的特点决定了,我们现在国内的很多考友们,有可能在真正准备新托福考试的作文之前从来都没有写过几篇作文,因此当面对托福考试这么多字数的要求的时候,常常会觉得自己无所适从。因此很多人,在准备不充分的情况下就限定自己一定要在规定的30分钟时间之内,完成托福作文。
