国际贸易实务第五课 第七章 国际货物运输保险

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7.1 Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance 7.1.5 Subrogation 代位追偿原则
It places the insurer in the shoes of the insured and entitled the insurer to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any third parties.
Since risks are shifted from one party to another through insurance, it is crucial that there must be utmost good faith and mutual confidence between the insured and the insurer.
7.1.3 Indemnity 补偿原则
It means that the insured, in the event of loss against which the policy has been issued, shall be paid the actual amount of loss not exceeding the amount of the policy, he shall be fully indemnified. 补偿原则是指当保险标的遭受保险责任范围内的损失时,保险 人应当依照保险合同的约定履行赔偿义务。
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7.2 Risks and Losses in Cargo Transport 7.2.1 Cargo Transport 7.2.2 Risks in Marine Cargo Transport
In marine cargo transport insurance, risks fall into: 1. Perils of the Sea 海上风险 1) Natural Calamity自然灾害 refer to the disaster such as vile weather, thunder storm and lightening, tsunami, earthquake, flood, etc. 2) Fortuitous Accidents意外事故 risks such as ship stranding, striking upon the rocks, ship sinking, ship collision, fire, explosion, ship missing, etc.
the whole lot of the consignment has been lost or damaged or found valueless upon the arrival at the port of destination
2) Constructive Total Loss 推定全损 the actual loss of the insured goods is unavoidable, or the ship or the consignment has to be abandoned because the cost of salvage or recovery would exceed the value of the ship and the consignment in sound condition upon the arrival of the port of destination.
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7.2 Risks and Losses in Cargo Transport 7.2.2 Risks in Marine Cargo Transport
2. Extraneous Risks 外来风险
1) General Extraneous Risks 一般外来风险
risks caused by theft or pilferage, rain, shortage, contamination, leakage, breakage, taint of odor, dampness, heating, rusting, hooking, etc. 2) Special Extraneous Risks 特殊外来风险 War risks, strikes, failure of delivery and rejection, etc.
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7.1 Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance 7.1.4 Proximate Cause 近因原则
The proximate cause is the direct cause of the loss. When an insurance policy covers a certain risks, a claim becomes payable only if that risk which occurred as the proximate cause of the loss suffered. 近因原则是指保险人对于承保范围内的保险事故作为直接的、 最接近的原因所引起的损失,承担保险责任,而对于承保范围 以外的原因造成的损失,不负赔偿责任。这一原则是在保险标 的发生损失时,用来确定保险标的所抽损失是否能获得保险赔 偿的一项重要依据。
Chapter Seven Cargo Transport Insurance
Instructed by Johnson
the concept of cargo transport insurance. risks and losses in marine cargo transport. the basic risks coverage and additional risks coverage. the notion of overland, air and postal transport insurance. the insurance practice in international trade.
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7.2 Risks and Losses in Cargo Transport 7.2.3 Losses in Marine Cargo Transport
The losses and damages done to the goods can fall into :
1. Total Loss 全部损失 1) Actual Total Loss 实际全损
推定全损则是指保险标的已经受损,但并未完全灭失,可以修复或收 回,不过因此而需支付的费用将超过该保险的复原或获救或收回后的 价值。 因此,实际全损是一种物质上的灭失,而推定全损是一种经济上的灭 失。 实际全损发生后,被保险人无需办理任何手续,即可向保险人要求赔偿 全部损失。 但在推定全损条件下,被保险人可以按部分损失索赔,也可以按全部损 失索赔。 因此,推定全损只是保险人和被保险人双方达成协议后解决保险赔偿问 题的办法。
构成条件 : 1. 导致共同海损的危险必须是实际存在或不可避免,不是主观臆 测的。 2. 为解除船货的共同危险,船方采取了有意识的、合理的措施。
3. 所作的牺牲具有特殊性,支出的费用是额外的。
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实际全损强调的是保险标的遭受保险事故后,确实已经完全灭毁、灭 失,或失去原有的性质和用途,并且不能再恢复原样或收回。
PageBaidu Nhomakorabea 3
产生哪些损失 ? 产生哪些费用?
7.1 Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance 7.1.1 Insurance Interest 可保利益原则
A contract of insurance effected without insurable interest is null. It means that the insured must have an actual pecuniary interest and not a mere anxiety or sentimental interest in the subject matter of the insurance. The insured must be so situated with regard to the thing insured that he would have benefit by its existence and loss from its destruction.
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7.2 Risks and Losses in Cargo Transport 7.2.3 Losses in Marine Cargo Transport
2. Partial Loss 部分损失 1) General Average (G.A.)共同海损 when both the ship and the consignments on board are engaged and the captain, for the safety of the ship and the consignments, intentionally and reasonably does some sacrifices or makes some expenses.
7.1.6 Contribution (principle of double insurance) 重复保险的分摊原则
A person has no right to insure twice for the same risk, or to compensate from both insurers. But when two policies cover the same event, the insurance companies contribute pro rata to the loss, and the insured is only restored to the indemnity position.
可保利益必须是经济上的利益---能用货币衡量(精神上的纪念价值不保) 可保利益必须是合法的利益---这种经济利益是法律认可的,受法律保护
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7.1 Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance 7.1.2 Utmost Good Faith 最大诚信原则
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Human beings are subject to various unpredictable risks — risk of death or disability due to natural or accidental causes, risk of loss of or damage to one’s property, etc. Risk has the element of unpredictability, but losses can be mitigated through insurance. There are many types of insurance products available for life and non-life —property insurance, life insurance, liability insurance, bond insurance, to name just a few. Cargo insurance belongs to property insurance.