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现将一些关于公司介绍的词汇给大家发过去,供大家学习了解。absorption 合并

access to a market 进入市场(权)

active assets 活动资产,流动资产

active balance (国际收支、贸易)顺差

after-sales service 售后服务

annual 一年一次的, 每年的

appliance 用具, 器具

archives 档案, 公文, 案卷保管处


barred market 封锁的市场

be engaged in 从事

certify 认证

commercial 商业的

corporate 社团的, 法人的, 全体的

distribution 分配, 分发, 配给物

encompass 包围, 环绕, 包含或包括某事物enterprise 企业, 事业a

establish 建立, 设立,

estate 不动产, 财产

evaluation 估价, 评价, 赋值

facility 简易,设备,工具

finance 财务的管理,财政

globalization 全球化

headquarter 总部;设总公司于……

household 家属,家眷;家喻户晓的

human resources 人力资源

innovation 创新

intellectual property rights 知识产权

involve 包括,潜心于,使陷于

joint venture 合资企业

leading company 重要的企业

limited 有限的

locate 使……坐落于, 位于

manufacture 制造、加工

net asset 净资产

partnership 合伙企业

president 总裁

production base 生产基地

production line 生产线

profit margin 利润率

promotion 促进、发扬、提升、促销

prosper 成功、兴隆、昌盛

rank 排列、归类于、把……分等

revenue 收入

service paramount 服务至上

specialize in 专门从事

phase 阶段、状态

specification 详述, 说明书, 规范

staff 供给人员, 职员subordinate to 从属

subsidiary 子公司

transnational 跨国的,超国界的transnational corporation (TNC) 跨国企业transportation 运输, 运送

turnover 流通量, 营业额, 周转unveil 揭幕

World Brand Laboratory 世界品牌实验室



steamroller 压路机gear 齿轮

bulldozer 推土机processing range 加工范围mechanical digger, excavator挖掘机output 输出,产量weeding machine 除草机power 功率

tractor 拖拉机overall dimensions 外形尺寸seeder, broadcaster 播种机wire drawing machine 拉丝机mower 割草机oil pumping machine 抽油机harvester, reaper 收割机stem 阀杆

winepress 葡萄榨汁机power supply 电源

milking machine 挤奶机automatic 自动的


soup 汤bill of fare, menu菜单,菜谱

main course主菜roast 烤

dessert 甜食bake 烘

snack 点心,小吃 ingredients 配料

fast 禁食n et weight 净重

diet 节食edible after opened 开袋即食

banquet 宴会 appetizing 美味的


composition, main ingredients



pharmacology药理作用i ndication适应症


adverse reaction不良反应usage用法


expiry使用期限side effect, adverse events


manufacturer 生产厂家 storage 储存

shelf life 保存期influenza 流感

Ratification No. 批准文号cure 治疗

headache 头疼pneumonia 肺炎

stomachache 胃疼 cancer 癌症


whiten 使变白shampoo洗发露

smoothen 使光滑cosmetics化妆品

cleanse清洗rub, apply 搽


moisturizer 滋润剂mousse摩丝

rash皮疹i nsecticide杀虫剂

whitening essence净白精华washing powder洗衣粉

moisturizing lotion润肤露correction fluid涂改液

Homework (scored in the final score):

Requirement: translate the following passage and get a general idea about the company introduction

Deadline: the first week in November

TCL Corporation

TCL Corporation is a comprehensive large-scale state owned enterprise, established in 1981. 22 years has witnessed that TCL has become an enterprise with annual sales exceeding 30 billion from a small audio cassette-made, local factory, into which without state capital plunging. Now, TCL is well-known from home to abroad, and has developed in many areas such as Multimedia Electronics, Home Electronics Appliances, Telecommunication Equipment, Information Components, and Electronics Components. Moreover, TCL has undergone a period of substantial progress, and is one of the fastest-growing major industry manufactures, having racked up a compound annual growth rate of 47 percent in the past decade. Today, all the four key industries lead the tide in their fields. As a whole, TCL is ranked four in a rating for the China 100 prestigious Electronics & IT enterprises and TCL brand value in 2002 reached RMB 18.769 billion. In 2002, the TCL Group had total sales of RMB 31.9 billion and export revenues came to US$1.16 billion. TCL also generated a profit of RMB 1.5 billion in 2002, and paid RMB 1.9 billion in taxes.
