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由两个以上的词构成的短语介词,如:out of(从…中出来), away from(距

离…), next to(在…隔壁), in front of(在…前方)等。


after在…后面, at在…处, before在...前,

在...旁边, between在...之间, from来自..., in 在...里面, near靠近..., on在...上面, outside在....外面, under在...

下方, in front of在...前, in the middle of在...的中间, at the back

along沿着..., around绕着..., at朝着..., down

从/离..., in进入..., into进入..., near接近..., off脱离/除..., out of向...外, outside向....外, to向/朝..., , away from远离...

about大约..., after在…以后, at在… (时刻), before在…

有…(之久), from从…(时)起, in在(上/下午); on在(某日),

), to到(下一时刻),

as作为/当作..., by用/由/乘坐/被..., in用…(语言), like

骑(车)/徒(步), with用(材料),用(手/脚/耳/眼),

about关于..., in在…(方面), of…的,有关..., to对…而言,


【目的介词】 for为了..., to为了…

【比较介词】 as与…一样,like象…一样,than比...,to与…相比少, 【伴随/状态介词】 at在(上班/休息/上学/家,etc.),in穿着…(衣服/颜色), on在(值日), with与…一起,有/带着/长着...


介词短语相当于一个形容词或副词,可用作状语、定语和表语。如:The man came .(状)(那个人走下楼来)/The woman is from the countryside.(定)(头上戴花的妇女来自乡下)/The teacher is now with the students.(表)(老师现在和学生在一起) 4、介词短语在句子中的位置:

介词短语做状语时,如果表示时间/地点,可以放在句首或句尾,如果表示方向/方式/伴随/涉及/原因/目的/比较,一般放在句尾;介词短语作表语时放在连系动词之后;介词短语作定语时,只能放在被修饰的名词之后。如:He wanted to find a good job in Shanghai the next year.(状语)(他想来年在上海找份好工作)/ They searched the room for the thief.(他们在房间里搜索小偷) / The letters are for you.(表语)(信是给你的)/ Have you seen a cat with a black head and four white legs?(定语)(你看见一只黑头白腿的猫了吗?)


⑴ this / that / these / those / last / next / a / every / each等

词构成的时间短语,前面不用任何介词。如:Every year travellers from

abroad come to visit Pingyao.(每年都有国外的游客来游览平窑镇)/

He had a bad cold that week.(那个星期他患重感冒)

⑵记住一些固定词组: on foot(步行), at night(在晚上), play with(玩

耍……),look out of(朝…外面看), with one’s help(在…的帮助下),look after(照料…),look for(寻找…),on a bike(=by bike)骑车, help sb. with(帮某人做…)等等。


⑴时间或地点介词in、on、at的用法区别:表示时间时, in表示在一段时

间里(在将来时句子中则表示在一段时间之后), on表示在具体的某一天或者某天的上下午等, at表示在某个时刻或者瞬间;表示地点时, in 表示在某个范围之内, on表示在某个平面上或与一个面相接触,at则表示在某个具体的场所或地点。如:He was born on the morning of May 10th.(他出生于五月十日的早晨)/ I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning.(我通常在早上的七点钟起床) / His glasses are right on his nose.(他的眼镜就架在他的鼻子上)/ He is at the cinema at the moment.(此刻他正在电影院)

⑵ after与in表示时间的用法区别:“after+(具体时刻/从句)”表示“在…

时刻之后”常用于一般时态;“in+(一段时间)”表示“在(多久)之后”,常用于将来时态。如:He said that he would be here after 6:00.(他说他六点钟之后会来这儿)/ My father is coming back from England in about a month.(我父亲大约一个月以后从英国回来)

⑶ by、in与with表示方式的用法区别:都可以表示“工具、手段”,但是by

主要表示“乘坐”某个交通工具或“以……方式”, in表示“使用”某种语言/文字,with表示“使用”某个具体的工具、手段。如:We see with our eyes and walk with our feet.(我们用眼睛看东西,用双脚走路)/ Please write that article(文章) in English.(请你用英语写那篇文章)/ Let’s go to the zoo by taxi.(我们打的去动物园吧。)/ It was written by Lao She.(那是老舍写的)

⑸ in front of 与in the front of: in front of“在…的前面”, 与in the

front of“在…的前部”。如:A car was parking in front of the hall.(大厅跟前停着一辆汽车)/ In the front of the hall stood a big desk.(大厅前部立着一个大讲台)


1. Tom is the boy _______ glasses.

2. Please read some books ________ Chinese medicine.

3. She works in the day and has a rest ______ night.

4. My uncle works _______ a farm.

5. Mr Black and Yang Ling are talking _________ a party.

6. She wants _____ buy a sweater ______ her daughter.

7. It’s a map ____ China.

8. Let’s have a look _____ the picture.

9. What’s that _____ Chinese?
