建筑学专业英语 应宜文 第一章

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[4] mentality [men'tæliti] n. 智力 [5] Integration [,inti'greiʃən] n. 整合,集成 [6] Controversy ['kɔntrəvə:si] n. 辩论 [7] Domestic [də'mestik] adj. 国内的 [8] Inferiority [in,fiəri„ɔriti] n. 劣势,自卑感 I found it difficult to shake off a sense of social inferiority 我发现很难摆脱社交恐惧症
8 Architecture is a kind of art, which knows no
national boundary. The successful tenders for Chinese projects by foreign architects in recent years are mostly the world‟s first-class ones. Just like artists, modern architects hate to imitate others‟ works. Creativity and uniqueness are the ultimate pursuit for world‟s top architects and duplication is regarded to be the work of commonplace craftsmen. 建筑是一种艺术,它是国界的。近年来,由 外国建筑师成功投标的中国项目大部分都是世界一 流的。和艺术家一样,现代建筑师痛恨模仿别人的 作品。创意和独特性是世界顶级建筑师的终极追求, 而复制被认为是普通工匠的活儿。
n. 最高统治者 Paramount. n.派拉蒙(美电影公司)
星际迷航12 Untitled Star Trek Sequel (2013) 复仇者联盟 The Avengers (2012) 变形金刚3 Transformers 3 (2011)

[18] Masterpiece [„mɑ:stəpi:s] n. 杰作,名著 [19] Encomium [en„kəumiəm] n.赞美,赞词,称赞 [20] Pagoda [pə„ɡəudə] n.宝塔

水立方,国家游泳中心为奥运会特别建造的,也 是中外建筑师合作的作品。

6-2 But the designing inspiration of the marvelous building originally came from our Chinese architects and it won a prize in the 2004 biennial architecture exhibition held in Venice.
2 The successful bidding for quite a few major projects by foreign architects marks the beginning of China‟s integration into the international community in the architectural sector.

The state shall encourage the active adoption of the international standards. 国家鼓励积极采用国际标准。 [3] Mechanism [ mek„nizm] n. 机械,结构 We are not too keen on complicated mechanism 我对复杂的机械不感兴趣
1、words and Phrases
[1] Testify ['testifai] v. 证实,声明,表明 [2] Adoption [ə'dɔpʃən] n. 采纳,正式通过 收养,保养 International adoption is more common 跨国收养更为普遍
[21] Perspective [pə'spektiv] adj. 远景的,透视的 n.远景;看法;透视

[22] Profile ['prəufail] n. 侧面,外观,轮廓 [23] Construction [kən„strʌkʃn] n. 建筑,结构 The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong 这把椅子结构轻巧但极为结实
He drew inspiration from this picture 他从这幅画获得灵感 [12] Boundary [„baundəri] n. 界限,范围 Showing clearly the outline or profile or boundary 显示清晰的轮廓、侧影或者边界
Professional English
in Architecture
授课教师:王爱霞 Lecturer:Ai-xia Wang
Chapter 1 建筑设计精读 Intensive Reading of Architecture
1.1 Melting of cultures in the new architecture
但奇妙的建筑设计灵感源自中国建筑师, 这个设计并在2004年威尼斯每两年举行一 次的建筑展上获奖。

6-3 This was a persuasive example that Chinese architects, once integrated into international environment, can also come up with world-Class works.

宅:House, home, indoor


home boy indoors man Otaku
[9] interaction [,intə'rækʃən] n. 交互作用,交流
[10] Cooperation [kəu,ɔpə„reiʃən] n. 合作,协力
Win-win cooperation (共赢) [11] Inspiration [,inspə„reiʃən] n. 灵感,妙计,好

[26] Appreciate [ə„pri:ʃieɪt] v. 赏识,鉴赏
2 Melting of cultures in the new architecture 新建筑时代的文化融合
1-1 Since the 1990s, china has obviously speeded up its steps to open the architectural field to the outside World. 上世纪90年代以来,中国已明显加快开放建筑领域外部世界的步伐。 1-2 That is fully testified by its extensive adoption of the competition mechanism, introducing international bidding for some important constructions. 这是充分证明了通过广泛采用竞争机制,使得一些重要建筑物引入 了国际招标。 1-3 As a result, visions of domestic architects have been expanded, their mentality updated, and a number of prominent Masterworks created 因此,国内建筑师的视眼开阔,观念更新,并创造出了一批杰作。

[13] Creativity [kriei'tiviti] n. 创造力,创造 [14] Uniqueness [ju'niknis] n. 独一无二的,独 特性 [15] Duplication [dju:pli'keiʃn] n. 副本,复制 [16] Synonym ['sinə,nim] n. 同义字,同物异名 [17] Paramount [„pærəmaunt] adj.极为重要的; 至高无上的

在建筑领域,相当多的由国外建筑师设计的重大 项目的成功投标,标志着中国开始融入国际社会。

3 Just like the country‟s accession into the World Trade Organization, which originally provoked controversies among some Chinese people who worried about the fate of domestic enterprises, only a temporary sacrifice of domestic architectural sectors can create chances for their future success in everincreasing international competitons.

这是一个有说服力的例子,中国建筑师,一旦融 入国际环境,也可以拿出世界一流作品。
澳大利亚PTW助理董事马克· 巴特勒。

7- Another example is the Tianjin-based 350 meter-high Sinosteel International Plaza. Chinese architect Ma Yansong overpowered competitors in the competitive interntional bid ding for the building. 另一个例子是一家总部位于天津的350米高的中钢国际广场。中国建 筑师马岩松在国际竞争中击败竞争对手获得该建筑的投标。

Steel construction
[24] Resplendent [ri'splɛndənt] adj. 辉煌,灿烂的 [25] Jewel [„dʒuːəl] n. 珠宝,贵重物 Health and an able body be two jewel. 健康与强壮是身体的两颗宝石
保罗· 安德鲁,法国著名的建筑师,最终赢得了该项目的招标。在这个 项目后续的设计改进和建造过程中,很多中国建筑师参与其中。这类 与国外建筑师型的交流与合作对我们国内同行来说无疑是有帮助的。

6-1The Water Cube, the National swimming center especially built for the Beijing Olympics, was also the product of cooperation between Chinese and foreign architects.

5 Paul Andreu, a renowned French architect, finally won the tender of the project. In its following layout(规划、设计) improvements and construction, a lot of Chinese architects were involved. Such kinds of interactions and cooperation with foreign architects are undoubtedly helpful for our domestic counterparts.
就像中国加入世界贸易组织,最初在一些担心国 内企业的命运的中国人中引起了很多争议,但是 只有暂时牺牲国内建筑业,才能够为他们未来在 越来越多的国际竞争中获得成功创造机会。

4、We still remember the words sighed out(感叹) by a participating Chinese group of architects after the first round of review of the designing bidding for the National Center for the Performing Arts(表演艺术). “ We admit our inferiority to foreign competitors,” they said. 我们还记得这句感叹的话,由中国建筑师小组参与的国家 表演艺术中心(国家大剧院)设计投标的第一轮审查后, 他们说,“在国外竞争者面前, 我们承认自己的自卑”