




题次I II III IV 总分



题次 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


题次16 17 18 19 20





根据你所听到的对话以及针对该对话所提的问题,选出能回答该问题的最佳答案. 听下面一段对话,回答第6小题。

6.What will the boy do tomorrow?

A.He’ll do his homework.

B.He’ll go to work.

C.He’ll do his housework.


7.Where does the boy have lunch?

A.In the restaurant.

B.At home.

C.At school.


8.What does the man want to do?

A.Climb hills.

B.Go fishing.

C.Go shopping.


9.How many teachers are there in the boy’s school?





10.What kind of books has Lin Tao got?





11.What does Millie often do at weekends?

A.Go on a picnic.

B.Visit a museum.

C.Read in the reading room.

12.How often does Tommy go on a picnic?

A.Once a week.

B.Twice a week.

C.Once a year.


13.Who is ill in hospital?

A.Mike’s mother.

B.Mike’s grandfather.

C.Mike’s grandmother.

14.When did Mike go to the hospital yesterday?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening..

15.Which team won the match?








21.—____ hard-working boy Tom is!

—Yes.I’m sure he’ll pass the test.

A.What a


C. How

22.—How do you practice your spoken English,Jane?

—By ___ English with my partners.

A.to speak

B. speaking


23.—What did Mary say to you just now?

—She asked ________.

A.if I could go to the museum with her tomorrow

B.why I am so sad yesterday

C.who did I play basketball with after school

24.Diana used to ___ to work, but now she is used to ___ because the road is crowded and she

wants to keep fit.

A. drive,walk


C.driving, walk

25.—Your classroom looks so clean and tidy.

—Yes,it ___ every day.



C.is cleaned

26.They think trees ____ on Tree Planting Day only.

A. should plant

B.should be planted

C.should be plant

27.—Do you know whose book it is?

—It ___ be Lucy’s. Look, her name is on it.




28.Great changes _______in our hometown in the last ten years.

A. have happened

B. have been taken place

C. have taken place

29.—Do you know the boy over there?

—The one____ is standing under the big tree? Oh, that’s my brother.




30.We are supposed ___ some housework with our parents on weekends.

A. to share





I still remembered the first day I met Jane. When she walked into the 31.___, all the students were very surprised because there was a big red birthmark(胎记) on her face. Jane didn’t know at all even though some bad boys played jokes on her and 32.___ her.Instead, she was always smiling.

I wondered why Jane could always be so happy. So one day, I went to her and asked if she knew there was a red birthmark on her 33.___ . She replied that of course she knew. Whenever she looked in the mirror, she could 34.___ it.

“Then how can you live happily all the time? Don’t you think the mark makes 35.___strange? Don’t you get hurt by the boys’ words?” I asked.

“No,36.___ , the mark makes me special. I always tell myself that I have no way to decide what I look like, 37.___ I can decide what I want to be. I’m much luckier than those who can’t walk or run. At least I’m a 38.___ person. And I think it’s this red mark that makes me more optimistic(乐观).” Jane answered with a smile.

Jane’s words 39.___ a new world for me. At that moment, I understood the world better than before.She taught me that if the world was looked from a 40.___ way,some bad things will be gifts. Always give a smile to life, and life will treat you better.

31.A.classroom B.restaurant C.supermarket

32.A.gave up https://www.360docs.net/doc/a17621451.html,ughed at C.helped with

33.A.face B.finger C.hand

34.A.sound B.read C.see

35.A.her B.you C.him

36.A.simply B.actually C.truly

37.A.but B.and C.or

38.A.weak B.healthy C.strong

39.A.closed B.created C.opened

40.A.bright B.smart C.simple

题次41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55


题次56 57 58 59 60





41. If you want to pay less money, you can go skiing on_________.

A. Saturday

B. Sunday

C. Friday

42. I spent 30 yuan on a pen in Sunshine Shop last week .But Li Ming spend only _______the

same kind of pen in Sunshine Shop this week.

A. ¥16

B. ¥18

C. ¥12

43. The owner of the sports bag may be good at __________.

A. swimming

B. skating

C. basketball

44. Lin Tao wants to be a volunteer , he must speak ________ well.

A. French

B. English

C. Chinese

45. Mr. Brown won’t be free until 4:30pm. Which movie can he see?

A. Hero

B. Crazy Stone

C. Eight Hundred


Nanshan Snow World Ski Park

Ticket Price: 20 yuan

Activity Price: 50 yuan/hour on weekdays

70 yuan/hour on weekends

Opening Time: 10:00 am—3:00pm

Telephone: 8595885

Volunteers Wanted

Can you speak English? Can you work

hard? Do you know much about Taohuajiang

Bamboo Museum? Do you want to work as


Age:20—50 Please call: 8951568


A sports bag . It’s black.

There is a basketball , a pair of running shoes in it.

Come to Classroom 301.

Tel: 3215525

Movies in City Cinema today

Crazy Stone: 8:00am—10:00am


Eight Hundred: 6:00—8:00pm

Ticket price: ¥25

Booking office: 8601032 Come and have fun


All kinds of school things: bags, exercise, books, rulers, pens are cheaper now.

Come quickly Only this week.

Welcome to Sunshine Shop.

On Taohua Street. Tel :8572878



My dad was a very strict man. He always made a lot of rules for me. He didn’t allow me to be late for school. He didn’t allow me to play computer games without finishing my homework. He didn’t allow me to drink soft drinks and eat sweets,either.I knew my dad loves me, but sometimes I hate him.I really wanted him to work somewhere else. My wish finally came true.

My dad’s company sent him to work abroad for a year. I was very happy at the news.I saw

my mom was sad because my dad would leave.I felt incredible(难以置信的).During my dad’s

absence, I lived a free life.My mom was busy with her work. So she didn’t have time to take care of me. I could play computer games a lot, and I could also have soft drinks to drink and sweets to eat.After a period of time, I found that I became fat and was always ill. My grades got worse.My teacher talked to my mother many times. But my grades weren’t improved. Finally my dad had to come back early from abroad. And he encouraged me and helped me a lot.

Until that time I deeply realized how much my father loved me. And later I understood that love is not indulgent. Love is a kind of strictness that is good for us,especially the love from our parents. So love them and respect them!

46.Why does the author sometimes hate his dad?

A.Because his dad doesn’t always go home.

B.Because his dad is a lazy man.

C.Because his dad made many rules for him.

47.The author was very happy that_____.

A.he would go to college

B.his father would work abroad

C.his mother found a new job

48.The author’s dad returned from abroad in order to ____.

A.punish him

B.earn more money

C.encourage and help him

49.The underlined word”indulgent”means____ in Chinese.




50.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Dad’s Love to Children.

B.Love Between Children and Parents.

C.The Importance of Study.


COVID﹣19(新冠肺炎)is spreading all over the world. What should we do to prevent the virus(病毒)from spreading? Here are the suggestions during the Chinese New Year.First, we should seldom go out.It's easier to get sick outside. When we have to go out,we must wear face masks(口罩).Second,we should often open the windows in order to keep the air in the room fresh.Fresh air is good for us to keep healthy. Third,we ought to wash our hands many times a day,especially before meals and after going to the toilet.And each time we should

wash them with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. Fourth, make sure we have a good sleep at night.People who are tired or under stress can get sick easily, so it's important to have enough sleep. Lastly, we can do sports like walking or running slowly at home.Everything will go well as long as we take good care of ourselves. We believe that we will win the fight soon.

51. How many suggestions are there to prevent the virus(病毒)from spreading?




52. What’s the meaning of the first suggestion?

A.We should often go out.

B.We can sometimes go out.

C.We have to go out many times a day.

53. What must we wear when we have to go out?


B. Face masks.


54. How can we wash our hands?

A.Wash our hands many times a day.

B.Wash them with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds.

C.A and B.

55. Why should we make sure we have a good sleep?

A.Because people are tired.

B.Because people are under stress

C.Because people can get sick easily, if they don’t have enough sleep.


Confidence plays a very important role in people’s life. It gives people light when they are in dark and encouragement when they are depressed(沮丧的).It is the first step on the road to success.What is the secret of confidence? It is built, not inborn. You can try these simple tips for practicing and increasing your confidence levels:

Accept your failure. Anybody who really works hard is going to fail repeatedly. If you are not failing, you are not trying. Only when you face up to your difficulties, can you build up your confidence and give yourselves a chance to success.

Dress your success. You don’t have to be beautiful and to be confident. Make the most of your own special physical advantages and not always pay attention to your faults so that you become more confident.

Listen to yourself. Do not look down upon yourself. You are the only person who knows what is right for yourself. Don’t put others’ opinions above your own inner voice.

Build a confidence vocabulary.Stop putting yourself down, and stop keeping regretting about your tiny mistakes. Learn to highlight your advantages and the world will learn to see and admire them too.

Confidence is a plant that grows slowly. We should build confidence through constant(持续的)and patient effort.Only when we have enough confidence in ourselves, can we take the first step on the road to success.

(共5 小题,计10分)


There was still five minutes left before the chemistry class began.

We students were playing and shouting loudly and happily in our ways before the class. Nobody noticed our chemistry teacher,Mr.Wang came into the classroom. He walked straight to the platform as usual but with a beaker(烧杯)and several other chemical instruments in his hands.

He said nothing and started his work with these chemical devices on the desk.Some students were so interested that they stood closely by him wondering what Mr. Wang was doing. Many students were still busy with their ways of relaxation. Suddenly, a big noise of the fire flower woke us up. It drew everyone’s attention. We saw the fire flower with different colors rising above the beaker that Mr.Wang was holding. But to our disappointment, it disappeared as quickly as we could see.

Although we were so regretful and asked Mr. Wang to perform again, he turned us down. He looked at us and said in a serious voice,“I know most of you haven’t seen the fire flower clearly,but it’s just what I am going to tell you. The fire flower is like a flash in the pan(昙花一现),and it disappeared quickly. There are a lot of things that once missed, they will be missed forever. I hope all of you can try to catch every chance in your life,even though it is like the fire flower.”

61.What does Mr.Wang do?

62.Where were the chemical devices?

63.What drew students’ attention?

64.Why were the students disappointed?

65.Did the teacher refuse the students’ request to perform again?

IV. 写作技能(两个部分,共5小题和一篇作文,计25分)



A:Nice to meet you, Peter.


A:The Spring Festival is coming. Are you getting ready for the Spring Festival?

B:Yes.We’re quite busy now.


B:I’m making big red lanterns.68._____________________?

A:Yes,I like them very much.They are very beautiful.Is your father helping you?

B:No. He’s still at work.


B:My mother is sweeping. She wants to sweep bad luck away.

A: Oh,all of you are busy preparing for the festival.

Well, wish you a happy Spring Festival.




映了社会的文明程度。我市正在开展创建文明城市(build a civilized city)的活动,学校号召大家在校内校外做一名文明的中学生,特举办“How to become a civilized student”为主题的英文征文活动。请根据提示,写一篇小短文。







3.遵守交通规则; 4……



How to be a civilized student

To be a civilized student is very important for a student. Here is what we should do and shouldn’t be allowed to do.

______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

All in all, if everyone behaves well, our city will be more and more beautiful.

Our life will be better and bett







6~10AABAC 11~15BACCA


16.black 17.lighter 18.wide 19.60km 20.British



21-25 ABABC 26-30 BBCCA


31-35 ABACB 36-40BABCA



41-45 CBCBC 46-50 CBCAA 51-55 CBBCC


56.build up 57.special physical 58.yourself

59.confidence 60.constant and patient

C)简答(共5 小题,计10分)

61. A chemistry teacher./He is a chemistry teacher.

62.On the desk./They were on the desk.

63.A big noise of the fire flower.

64.Because the fire flower disappeared as quickly as they could see.

65.Yes,he did.

IV. 写作技能(两个部分,共5小题和一篇作文,计25分)


66.Nice to meet you. 67.What are you doing?

68.Do you like them? 69.What’s your mother doing?

70.Thank you./...


How to be a civilized student

To be a civilized student is very important for a student. Here is what we should do and shouldn’t be allowed to do.

First, we should arrive at school on time and be honest with our teachers, be polite and friendly to our classmates and help others. Second, we should respect our parents and teachers. We can also help our parents do housework after school.Third, we should follow the traffic rules.Besides, we should not make noise in public and spit out. Finally, we should protect the environment, take good care of flowers,trees and animals and remember not to throw litter/rubbish everywhere.

All in all, if everyone behaves well, our city will be more and more beautiful. Our life will be better and better.









Unit 6 When was it invented? 一、单词默写。 1.样式,款式n.__________________ 2. 项目,工程n.__________________ 3.高兴,愉快n. __________________ 4. 每日的,日常的adj. _____________ 5.提到,说到v. ___________________ 6.列表,清单v./n.__________________ 7. 几乎,差不多adv._______________ 8. 煮沸,烧开v. _________________ 9.保持不变,剩余v._______________ 10. 气味n. 闻起来v.______________ 11. 国家的,民族的adj.____________ 12. 贸易,交易v./n.______________ 13.疑惑,疑问n./v. ________________ 14. 冰箱n.__________________ 15. 低的,矮的adj._________________ 16. 某人,重要人物pron./n. __________ 17.翻译v._______________________ 18. 锁上,锁住v._________________ 19. 地震n._____________________ 20.突然地adj.____________________ 21.钟,铃n.____________________ 22.音乐的,有音乐天赋的adj.___________ 23. 器械,工具n._______________ 24.加拿大人的,加拿大人adj./n._________ 25.分开,分散v.________________ 26. 篮,筐n.__________________ 27.英雄,男主角n._______________ 二、短语默写。 1.这是我的荣幸(thank you的回答)_________________ 很乐意________________ 2.如此伟大的发明________________ 3.在日常生活中___________________ 4.有道理____________________ 5.它提到…_______________________ 6.被广泛使用____________________ 7.在那时_______________________ 8.变得受欢迎____________________ 9. 据说_________________________ 10.偶然的__________________ 11.人们相信_____________________ 12. 第一个做某事的人______________ 13. 掉入_______________________ 14.一种很好的味道____________________ 闻起来很好__________________ 15.最…之一____________________ 16.被用来做…______________________ 17. 直到…才…_________________18.发生(无被动)____________________ 19. 毫无疑问_____________________20.少于/多于______________________ 21. 5000年前_____________________ 22. 成千上万________________________


人教版2015-2016年度九年级数学上学期期末考试试卷及答案 时间:120分钟 满分:150分 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.(2013?内江)若抛物线y=x 2﹣2x+c 与y 轴的交点为(0,﹣3),则下列说法不正确的是( ) A . 抛物线开口向上 B . 抛物线的对称轴是x=1 C . 当x=1时,y 的最大值为﹣4 D . 抛物线与x 轴的交点为(﹣1,0),(3, 0) 2.若关于x 的一元二次方程0235)1(22=+-++-m m x x m 的常数项为0,则m 的 值等 于( ) A .1 B .2 C .1或2 D .0 3.三角形的两边长分别为3和6,第三边的长是方程2680x x -+=的一个根,则这个三角 形的周长是( ) A.9 B.11 C.13 D 、14 4.(2015?兰州)下列函数解析式中,一定为二次函数的是( ) A . y =3x ﹣1 B . y =ax 2+bx +c C . s =2t 2﹣2t +1 D . y =x 2+ 5.(2010 内蒙古包头)关于x 的一元二次方程2 210x mx m -+-=的两个实数根 分别是12 x x 、,且 22 127 x x +=,则 2 12()x x -的值是( ) A .1 B .12 C .13 D .25 6.(2013?荆门)在平面直角坐标系中,线段OP 的两个端点坐标分别是O (0,0),P (4,3),将线段OP 绕点O 逆时针旋转90°到OP ′位置,则点P ′的坐标为( ) A . (3,4) B . (﹣4,3) C . (﹣3,4) D . (4,﹣3) 7.有一个不透明的布袋中,红色、黑色、白色的玻璃球共有40个,除颜色外其 它完全相同。小李通过多次摸球试验后发现其中摸到红色、黑色球的频率稳定在15%和45%,则口袋中白色球的个数很可能是( ) A .6 B .16 C .18 D .24 8.如图,四边形ABCD 内接于⊙O ,BC 是直径,AD =DC ,∠ADB =20o ,则∠ACB , ∠DBC 分别 为( ) A .15o 与30o B .20o 与35o C .20o 与40o D .30o 与35o 9.如图所示,小华从一个圆形场地的A 点出发,沿着与半径OA 夹角为α的方向行走,走 到场地边缘B 后,再沿着与半径OB 夹角为α的方向行走。按照这种方式,小华第五次走到场地边缘时处于弧AB 上,此时∠AOE =56°,则α的度数是( )


桃江乡土文化 水电0803 李珊珊 桃江的民俗风气,古尚俭朴。明万历《益阳县志》载:“民尚朴素,勤于衣桑,拙干商贾。”桃花江的民间艺术形式主要有舞龙、舞狮、地花鼓、胡呐喊、三棒鼓、打渔鼓、腰鼓、弹月琴、秧歌、赛龙舟和马迹塘“故事”等。这是舞龙舞狮,这是地花鼓。我重点介绍一下马迹塘“故事”:“奇事、巧事,桃花江的故事”,桃花江“故事”历史悠久,源远流长。相传太平天国时期,洪秀全率领太平军攻下南京后,易名天京并建都于此。欢庆之时,有人别出心裁,扎数十“高台”以迎“天皇”。从此,“高台”艺术便成为天京军民同乐的一种艺术形式,1864年,太平军失败,马迹塘将士就把“高台”艺术带归故里,每逢佳节展演一番。故事其所以巧,奥妙在一条经过精心锻制的钢筋上(即苔心)。“故事”其所以奇,主要是立意新颖,险象丛生,令观者迷惑不解,回味无穷。还有许仙游湖、刘海砍樵、三打白骨精、穆桂英下山、打铜锣、独生子女一枝花等取材广泛,艺术高强。 五道茶是桃江的待客之道,贵客临门,主人都会献上五道茶,清茶、蛋茶、擂茶、面茶、盐姜茶来相迎。 益阳地区盛产茶叶,很多地区,人们自己家都有茶园、茶树,很多茶叶都是农家手工制作,味道特别,尤其以每年春的“头茶”为最。城镇居民,多从就近乡间向农民购买新茶,饮茶之风盛行。有客到,必奉茶。 蛋茶 在桃江县很多地方风行,有贵客临门招待客人坐下后,家里的女主人就开始招待客人喝茶。蛋茶:取农家的土鸡蛋,放入白水中煮熟,剥壳放入事先准备好的干净的碗内,加入用干桂圆或红枣等加红糖煮的糖水,也有加甜酒等,各地稍有不同。一般而言,是来客每人两个,寓意好事成双。益阳桃江各地乡村较为盛行。 甜酒茶 甜酒是用糯米蒸熟加酒药子酿成,因甜蜜而故称。益阳一带盛行甜酒,民间在春节时大多用甜酒水待客。有贵重客人者,用甜酒加开水放糖煮沸后,再冲鸡蛋,俗称“甜酒茶”。寓意宾主之间关系甜蜜。桃江一带每逢喜事接客,必备甜酒茶招待。平时城镇市场也有购买。 面打茶 面打茶是桃江茶俗之一。先将鸡蛋煎成荷包蛋多个,再煮切面放佐料调味装碗,上加一个或两个荷包蛋,俗称面打茶。尤以平常来不及做甜酒茶时,以面打茶代之,特别在做


2017-2018学年九年级(上)期末英语试卷 一、听力测试(25分).请听下面6段对话.每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话读两遍.(每小题1分) 1.(1分)What did the woman order? A.The fruit salad. B.The vegetable salad. C.The soup. 2.(1分)Where does the man want to go? A.To a hotel. B.To a supermarket. C.To a library. 3.(1分)How many suitcases does the woman have? A.1. B.2. C.3. 4.(1分)What will the girl do next? A.Look up words in the boy's dictionary. B.Go home and get her dictionary. C.Lend her dictionary to the boy. 5.(1分)When does the man usually have lunch? A.At about 11:30. B.At about 12:00. C.At about 12:30. 6.(1分)Who made the cakes? A.The man. B.The woman. C.The woman's mother.

请听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.(每小题2分) 7.(2分)请听第1段材料,回答第7、8小题. 7.What does the woman think of the book? A.Difficult. B.Excellent. C.Interesting. 8.When will the speakers meet? A.At 4:00 p.m. B.At 4:30 p.m. C.At 5:00 p.m. 9.(2分)请听第2段材料,回答第9、10小题. 9.When will the man go to Tokyo? A.On Friday morning. B.On Sunday morning. C.On Sunday afternoon. 10.How much will the man pay for the ticket? A.﹩350. B.﹩360. C.﹩700. 11.(3分)请听第3段材料,回答第11至第13小题. 11.What is the man? A.An astronaut. B.An actor. C.A TV host. 12.When did the first man walk on the moon?


人教版2015-2016年度九年级数学上学期期末考试试卷及答案 时间:120分钟 满分:150分 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.(2013?内江)若抛物线y=x 2﹣2x+c 与y 轴的交点为(0,﹣3),则下列说法不正确的是( ) A . 抛物线开口向上 B. 抛物线的对称轴是x=1 C. 当x =1时,y 的最大值为﹣4 D . 抛物线与x 轴的交点为(﹣1,0), (3,0) 2.若关于x 的一元二次方程0235)1(22=+-++-m m x x m 的常数项为0,则m 的 值等 于( ) A.1 B.2 ? C.1或2 D .0 3.三角形的两边长分别为3和6,第三边的长是方程2680x x -+=的一个根,则这个三角 形的周长是( ) A.9 ??B.11?? C.13 ?D、14 4.(2015?兰州)下列函数解析式中,一定为二次函数的是( ) A .?y =3x﹣1?B .?y =a x2+bx +c ?C .?s =2t 2﹣2t +1?D.?y =x 2+ 5.(2010 内蒙古包头)关于x 的一元二次方程2 210x mx m -+-=的两个实数 根分别是12 x x 、,且 22 127 x x +=,则 2 12()x x -的值是( ) A .1 ? B .12 ? C .13? D.25 6.(2013?荆门)在平面直角坐标系中,线段OP 的两个端点坐标分别是O (0,0), P(4,3),将线段OP 绕点O 逆时针旋转90°到OP ′位置,则点P ′的坐标为( ) A . (3,4) B . (﹣4,3) C . (﹣3,4) D . (4,﹣3) 7.有一个不透明的布袋中,红色、黑色、白色的玻璃球共有40个,除颜色外其 它完全相同。小李通过多次摸球试验后发现其中摸到红色、黑色球的频率稳定在15%和45%,则口袋中白色球的个数很可能是( ) A.6 B.16 C .18 D .24 8.如图,四边形ABC D内接于⊙O,BC 是直径,AD =DC ,∠ADB=20o,则∠ACB , ∠DBC 分别 为( ) A.15o与30o B .20o与35o C.20o与40o? D .30o与35o 9.如图所示,小华从一个圆形场地的A 点出发,沿着与半径O A夹角为α的方


灵璧县杨疃中学九年级英语摸底考试试卷 Ⅰ..单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1. --What is Miss Gao's favorite________? --She is always in pink. Don't you know? A. colour B. book C. song D. movie 2. You __ drive your car so fast. It's very dangerous. A. wouldn't B. shouldn't C. couldn't D. mightn't 3. -- Would you like some milk? --________. A. Yes, please B. The same to you C. Help yourself D. My pleasure 4. -- ________ can you finish this English examination? -- In about one and a half hours. A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 5. Smile to the world, ________ the world will smile back to you. A. nor B. but C. or D. and 6. -- I can't find David. Where is he? -- He ________ for tomorrow's competition at home. A. prepares B. is preparing C. has prepared D. prepared 7. Mrs. King put a coat ________ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A. over B. with C. behind D. beside 8. --I am a little hungry, Mom. --There are some cakes on the plate. You can take ________. A. it B. one C. that D. this 9. I will meet Jane at the station. Please ________ what time she will arrive. A. count B. choose C. check D. catch 10. -- Tony, ________ are you in such a hurry? -- The meeting will start soon. I don't want to be late. A. where B.how C. when D. why 11. -- What was Jim wearing at the party? -- Nothing ________. He was in his usual shirt and jeans. A. special B. simple C. important D. interesting 12. -- It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. --________ You can make it! A. Congratulations! B. Take it easy. C. kook out! D. Have a good time. 13. It is helpful to ________ a good habit of reading in language learning. A. take B. show C. develop D. match 14. The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier ______ we take action to protect them. A. since B. if C. until D. unless 15. -- Our school bus will leave at 8 o'clock tomorrow. Don't be late. -- OK. I will be there ten minutes________. A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier 16. Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information ________ in a short time. A. can be learned B. has been learned C. can learn D. has learned 17. I'm surprised to hear from her. ________, we last met ten years ago. A. On one hand B. That is to say C. Believe it or not D. In other words 18. The people in Ya'an have met lots of difficulties, but they haven't ________ hope. A. picked up B. given up C. looked for D. waited for 19. I still remember the college and the teachers ________ I visited in London years ago. A. what B. who C. that D. which 20. --TV says there will be a storm tomorrow. -- ________I planned to go climbing with my classmates. A. I hope so B. I'm afraid so C. Sounds good D. Bad luck Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分) A Mr. and Mrs. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb (哑的) 21 he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to 22 , but with no success. When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town 23 him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he 24 spoke. "There might be something wrong with his 25 , and he doesn't know he's able to speak," one doctor said. "But he can read and write," said Mr. Green. "We've written him notes, telling him that he can speak." "It's certainly very 26 ," another doctor said. "Perhaps he'll be able to speak some day." 27 passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a 28 word. Then one day, Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his 29 and said, "Pass me the salt, please." Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. "You spoke! You spoke!" they cried, "Why have you 30 so long to speak?" "I didn't have anything to say," he said. "Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes." 21. A. because B. when C. though D. before 22. A. speak B. walk C. play D. laugh 23. A. taught B. found C. examined D. asked 24. A. never B. often C. usually D. always 25. A. back B. hair C. face D. mind 26. A. unfair B. strange C. noisy D. quiet


初三年级期末质量抽测 数学试卷 学校姓名考试编号 考 生 须 知 1.本试卷共8页,共五道大题,29道小题,满分120分.考试时间120分钟. 2.在试卷和答题卡上认真填写学校名称、姓名和考试编号. 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效. 4.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回. 一、选择题(共10道小题,每小题3分,共30分) 下列各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个 ..是符合题意的. 1.在平面直角坐标系中,将点A(﹣2,3)向右平移3个单位长度后得到的对应点A′的 坐标是 A.(1,3)B.(﹣2,﹣3)C.(﹣2,6)D.(﹣2,1) 2.下面四个几何体中,主视图是圆的是 A B C D 3.“双十二”期间,小冉的妈妈在网上商城给小冉买了一个书包,除了书包打八折外还随机 赠送购买者1支笔(除颜色外其它都相同且数量有限).小冉的妈妈购买成功时,还有5支黑 色,3支绿色,2支红色的笔.那么随机赠送的笔为绿色的概率为 A. 1 10 B. 1 5 C. 3 10 D. 2 5 4. 已知⊙O的半径长为5,若点P在⊙O内,那么下列结论正确的是 A. OP>5 B. OP=5 C. 0<OP<5 D. 0≤OP<5 5.如右图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=4,BC=3,则sin B的值等于 C B A

A . 43 B . 34 C . 45 D . 35 6.已知(2)2m y m x =-+是y 关于x 的二次函数,那么m 的值为 A .-2 B. 2 C. 2± D. 0 7.如右图,线段AB 是⊙O 的直径,弦CD 丄AB ,∠CAB =20°,则∠AOD 等于 A .120° B . 140° C .150° D . 160° 8.二次函数2 23y x x =--的最小值为 A. 5 B. 0 C. -3 D. -4 9.如右图,将△ABC 绕着点C 顺时针旋转50°后得到△A 1B 1C .若∠A =40°, ∠B 1=110°,则∠BCA 1的度数是 10. 如右图,正方形ABCD 和正三角形AEF 都内接于⊙O ,EF 与BC ,CD 分别相交 于点G ,H ,则EF GH 的值为 A. B. 3 2 C. D. 2 二、填空题(共6道小题,每小题3分,共18分) 11.如果cos 2 A = ,那么锐角A 的度数为 . 12.如右图,四边形ABCD 内接于⊙O ,E 是BC 延长线上一点,若∠BAD =105°, 则∠DCE 的度数是 . 13.在一个不透明的口袋中装有5个除了标号外其余都完全相同的小球,把它们分别标号为 1,2,3,4, B 1 B A A 1 A B


湖南桃江羞女湖国家湿地 公园情况简介 湖南桃江羞女湖国家湿地公园地处资水下游,属湘北丘陵,是洞庭湖平原过渡地区典型的河流湿地生态系统,是南洞庭湖最大的补给水源。湿地公园建设范围包括马迹塘镇至修山镇区段的资水干流,以及资水一级支流碧螺溪、渣滓溪、沾溪的部分水域和周边部分山体,核心区为马迹塘电站库区、白竹洲电站库区、修山电站库区。湿地公园总面积2300.5公顷,其中湿地面积1916.6公顷,湿地率85.27%,包括永久性河流与洪泛平原湿地等两个湿地型。湿地公园范围内分布有12个江心洲,水域面积1837.0公顷,总库容1.42亿立方米。主体水域资水水质Ⅲ类标准,水质总体良好。 湿地被誉为“地球之肾”“生态之基”“淡水之源”,与森林、海洋并称为地球三大生态系统,在生物多样性保护、净化水质、调蓄洪水、提供水源、保持水土、调节气候、抵御灾害等方面发挥着极为重要的作用。

羞女湖国家湿地公园不仅河、溪交错,山体、河洲相映,地貌景色独特,而且野生动植物丰富多样。目前在该区域发现的野生脊椎动物有64科156种,其中有国家Ⅱ级以上重点保护野生动物斑头鵂鶹、领角鸮等8种;维管植物753种,其中湿地植物209属295种,国家Ⅱ级保护野生植物有中华结缕草、旱莲木等5种,还有一级保护植物水杉。特别是去年11月12日,省林勘院专家到桃江羞女湖湿地公园实地考察时,发现了5只中华秋沙鸭。中华秋沙鸭是第三纪冰川期后残存下来的物种,距今已有1000多万年,是我国特产稀有鸟类,属国家一级重点保护动物。其分布区域十分狭窄,数量也是极其稀少,目前全球仅存不足1000只。 羞女湖国家湿地公园将按照功能分区进行建设,总投资5453.77万元,计划于2020年完工。建成后的羞女湖国家湿地公园,将是南洞庭湖生态安全的一道有力屏障,将极大地改善本地生态环境,确保区域生态安全和资江下游水资源安全,促进旅游、种植、养殖业发展,具有显著的生态、社会和经济效益,符合“绿色湖南”“生态桃江”的发展需要。届时,桃江的生态环境将得到进一步改善,益阳乃至周边市


九年级英语试题卷第1页(共14页) 2020年最新 绝密★启用前 20XX —20XX 学年九年级上学期期末考试 英 语 试 卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共12页,满分150分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共100分) 注意事项: 必须使用2B 铅笔将答案标号填涂在答题卡上对应题目标号的位置上。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 第一部分 听 力(共两节 满分30分) 做题时,可将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段对话读一遍。 1. Where can the woman buy stamps? A B C 2. What does James like now?

A B C 3. What does John think is the most helpful invention? A B C 4. What isn’t allowed to do here? A B C 5. What are you supposed to do when you meet Japanese people? A B C 第二节:(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面几段材料,每段材料后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段材料读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第6小题 6.How does the boy remember his speeches? A. By drawing pictures. B. By remembering key sentences. C. By writing down the first letter of each sentence. 听下面一段材料,回答第7小题 九年级英语试题卷第2页(共14页)


九年级上学期数学期末测试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10个小题,每小题4分,共40分) 1. 下列说法正确的是() A. 袋中有形状、大小、质地完全一样的5个红球和1个白球,从中随机抽出一个球,一定是红球 B. 天气预报“明天降水概率10%”,是指明天有10%的时间会下雨 C. 某地发行一种福利彩票,中奖率是千分之一,那么,买这种彩票1000张,一定会中奖 D. 连续掷一枚均匀硬币,若5次都是正面朝上,则第六次仍然可能正面朝上 2. 下列图形:任取一个是中心对称图形的概率是() A. 1 4 B. 1 2 C. 3 4 D. 1 3. 用配方法解方程x2+1=8x,变形后的结果正确的是( ) A. (x+4)2=15 B. (x+4)2=17 C. (x-4)2=15 D. (x-4)2=17 4. 把抛物线y=-1 2 x2向下平移1个单位长度,再向左平移1个单位长度,得到的抛物线解析式为( ) A. y=-1 2 (x+1)2+1 B. y=- 1 2 (x+1)2-1 C. y=- 1 2 (x-1)2+ 1 D. y=- 1 2 (x-1)2-1 5. 关于x的一元二次方程2 ax x10 -+=有实数根,则a的取值范围是 A. 1 a a0 4 ≠ ≤且 B. 1 a 4 ≤ C. 1 a a0 4 ≠ ≥-且 D. 1 a 4 ≥- 6. 若正六边形的半径长为4,则它的边长等于() A. 4 B. 2 C. 23 D. 43 7. 如图,点O为平面直角坐标系的原点,点A在x轴上,△OAB是边长为4的等边三角形,以O为旋转中心,将△OAB按顺时针方向旋转60°,得到△OA′B′,那么点A′的坐标为( ) A. (-2,3 B. (-2,4) C. (-2,2 D. (2,3

2019-2020学年湖南省益阳市桃江县七年级下学期期末数学试卷 (解析版)

2019-2020学年湖南益阳市桃江县七年级第二学期期末数学试卷一、选择题(共8小题). 1.(5分)已知4x﹣y=5,用x表示y,得y=() A.5﹣4x B.4x﹣5C.D. 2.(5分)下列计算正确的是() A.3x+2x2=5x3B.(a﹣b)2=a2﹣b2 C.(﹣x3)2=x6D.3x2?4x3=12x6 3.(5分)下列因式分解错误的是() A.x2﹣9=(x+3)(x﹣3)B.x2+4x=x(x+4) C.x2+4x+4=(x+2)2D.x2﹣3x+9=(x﹣3)2 4.(5分)如图,直线l1∥l2,AB与直线l1垂直,垂足为点B,若∠ABC=37°,则∠EFC 的度数为() A.127°B.133°C.137°D.143° 5.(5分)如图,O是直线AB上一点,OE平分∠BOD,OF⊥OE,∠D=110°,添加一个条件,仍不能判定AB∥CD,添加的条件不可能是() A.∠BOE=55°B.∠DOF=35° C.∠BOE+∠AOF=90°D.∠AOF=35° 6.(5分)下列各图是选自历届世博会会徽中的图案,其中是轴对称图形的个数为() A.3B.2C.1D.0

7.(5分)新冠疫情爆发后,各地启动了抗击新冠肺炎的一级应急响应机制,某社区20位90后积极参与社区志愿者工作,充分展示了新时代青年的责任担当,这20位志愿者的年龄统计如表,则他们年龄的众数和中位数分别是() 年龄2425262728 人数25832 A.25岁,25岁B.25岁,26岁C.26岁,25岁D.26岁,26岁8.(5分)甲、乙二人同时同地出发,都以不变的速度在环形路上奔跑.若反向而行,每隔3min相遇一次,若同向而行,则每隔6min相遇一次,已知甲比乙跑得快,设甲每分钟跑x圈,乙每分钟跑y圈,则可列方程为() A.B. C.D. 二、填空题(共6小题). 9.(5分)已知二元一次方程组,则x+y=. 10.(5分)若3x=4,3y=5,则3x+y=. 11.(5分)因式分解:2m2+8mn+8n2=. 12.(5分)如图,在三角形ABC中,∠BAC=90°,AB=6cm,四边形ADEF是边长为3cm的正方形,点D,E,F分别在△ABC的边AB,BC,AC上,将正方形ADEF沿AB方向平移3cm,此时正方形与三角形ABC重叠部分的面积是cm2. 13.(5分)若一组数据2、3、x、4、4的平均数是3,则这组数据的方差为.14.(5分)已知ab=a+b+1,则(a﹣1)(b﹣1)=. 三、解答题(本题3个小题,每小题8分,共24分) 15.(8分)分解因式:a2(x﹣y)+b2(y﹣x). 16.(8分)解方程组:. 17.(8分)如图,∠1+∠2=180°,∠A=∠C.填空并写出理由.


年级上学期 期末测试英语试卷(三) 沂南县青驼镇初级中学 一、选择题 (每空1 分,共20 分) 1、Why didn’t you buy the pen on your way home? ---Sorry, I forget ______money with me. A. take B. bringing C. to take D. taking 2、I saw Harry _______ some holes in his front garden when I passed his house. A. digs B. dug C. digging D. dig 3、—What’s that used for ? —It is used for______ A.making planes B. to make planes C. makes planes D.made plane 4、I am sure that my dream of becoming a famous player will ________. A.come true B.come out C.come up D.come along 5、—It’s time for sports. —Let’s _______ our sports shoes! A.put away B.put up C.put on D.put down 6、It's really a hard task, we hardly know what to_______ it. A.look after B.do with C.deal with D.help with 7、--- Shall I take you to the shopping mall after work? --- No, thanks. My father said he would ________ on his way home. A. look for me B. pick me up C. let me down D. take after me 8、__________your friends like English? A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Have 9、Would you please for the old woman, young man? A.make a room B.make room C.making a room D.make rooms 10、Jim his father.They are outgoing. A.looks like, all B.takes after, both


九年级上册数学期末考试试题附参考答案 满分120分 一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分) 下列各小题均有四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请将正确答案的代号字母填入题后括号内。 1. Rt 90ABC C BAC ∠∠在△中,=,的角平分线AD 交BC 于 点D ,2CD =,则点D 到AB 的距离是( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4[来源:学科网] 2.一元二次方程230x x -=的解是( ) A .0x = B .1203x x ==, C .1210,3x x == D .1 3x = 3.顺次连结任意四边形各边中点所得到的四边形一定是 ( ) A .平行四边形 B .菱形 C .矩形 D .正方形[来源:https://www.360docs.net/doc/a17621451.html,][来源:https://www.360docs.net/doc/a17621451.html,] 4.小明拿一个等边三角形木框在阳光下玩,等边三角形木框在地面上形成的投影不可能... 是 [来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K] A B C D 5.某农场的粮食总产量为1500吨,设该农场人数为x 人,平均每人占有粮食数为y 吨,则y 与x 之间的函数图象大致是( ) 6.在李咏主持的“幸运52”栏目中,曾有一种竞猜游戏,游戏规则是:在20个商标牌中,有 5个商标牌的背面注 明了一定的奖金,其余商标牌的背面是一张“哭脸” ,若翻到“哭脸”就不 获奖,参与这个游戏的观众有三次翻牌的机会,且翻过的牌不能再翻.有一位观众已翻牌两次,一次获奖,一次不获奖,那么这位观众第三次翻牌获奖的概率是 A . 15 B .29 C .14 D .518 二、填空题(每小题3分,共27分) 7.如图,地面A 处有一支燃烧的蜡烛(长度不计),一个人在A 与墙BC 之间运动,则他在墙上的投影长度随着他离墙的距离变小 A . B . C . D .


绝密★启用前 20XX—20XX学年九年级上学期期末考试 英语试卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共12页,满分150分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共100分) 注意事项:必须使用2B铅笔将答案标号填涂在答题卡上对应题目标号的位置上。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 第一部分听力(共两节满分30分) 做题时,可将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段对话读一遍。 1. Where can the woman buy stamps? A B C 2. What does James like now? A B C 九年级英语试题卷第1页(共14页)

3. What does John think is the most helpful invention? A B C 4. What isn’t allowed to do here? A B C 5. What are you supposed to do when you meet Japanese people? A B C 第二节:(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面几段材料,每段材料后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段材料读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第6小题 6.How does the boy remember his speeches? A. By drawing pictures. B. By remembering key sentences. C. By writing down the first letter of each sentence. 听下面一段材料,回答第7小题 7. Where is the man probably going this afternoon? A. To a bank. B. To a library. C. To a museum. 九年级英语试题卷第2页(共14页)


九年级第四次月考 英语试卷 考试时间:90分钟满分:120分 20分) your English practicing more. B. with C. of B. in C. on )3.Your foreign teacher Miss Smith us English since five years ago. B.is teaching C.has taught )4.The more you smile, the you will feel. B.happier C.happily )5.-The boy can speak both English and Japanese he is only ten. B.because C.although )6.You will fail the exam you work hard. B.not…until C.as soon as B.makes C. make )8. Could you tell me the library? B. how to get C. how get to )9..He used to to school late, but now he doesn’t. B. going C. went write their own music. B who C which -- It __ ___ be Marry. She has gone home. B.may C.can’t )12..My grandfather preferred __ __ to __ __ when she was in her thirties. B.walking, running C.to walk, run B.dancing C.dance to your hands in the USA. eating with B eat C eat with B. study, studied C. studied, study ()16.We should speak to the old . A. polite B. politely C. impolitely ( )17 Both you and I good teachers. A are B is C am ( ) 18. Are you ________ to go out at night on school nights? A. allow B. allowed C. allowing ( ) 19.What was I to do ? A. expect B. expecting C. expected ( ) 20.I will call you as soon as . A.she come back B.she will come back C. she comes back 二、完形填空(共20小题,计20分) A Mother’s love is true love . It gives 21 everything. When you are still a baby, mother looks after you as 22 as possible. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about 23 , When you are growing up day by day, she feels very 24 When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. 25 cold winter days, she always tells you 26 more clothes. She always stands in the wind27 you to come back from school every day. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always 28 about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you 29 at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face. Mother is always ready 30 everything she has to her children, not to receive. What true love it is in the world! We will remember mother’s love forever! ()21.A. we B. us C. our ()22.A. much B. many C. few ()23. A. others B. herself C. you ()24.A. tired B. worried C. happy ()25. A. On B. In C. For ()26. A. to put on B. to have C. to dress ()27.A. looking for B. searching for C. waiting for ()28.A. is sad B. gets afraid C. feels worried ()29.A. do well B. feel well C. do wrong ()30.A. giving B. to give C. do B There is no quick and easy way to learn English well . But there are some simple and good 31 . Speak English as much as you can . Speak English 32 your teacher and your classmates . Speak English with them while you are in class and 33 class. Speak and listen to English as much as you can . Listen to your classmates 34 they speak to
