语言学第六章Grammar and Text ppt

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• The first term refers to “that which is known or at least obvious in the given situation and from which the speaker proceeds”, and the second “what the speaker states about, or in regard to, the starting point of the utterance” (Danes,1974)
• The new element in the clause is foregrounded by a high pitch as we speak. • More technically, the new element contains a tonic syllable.
• -Which one is Mary’s boy? • -He is the tall one.
My research in Discourse analysis fields
• In order to explain how human language works, contemporary linguists turn to texts (sometimes called discourse) to study the relationship between language and context and functional linguists are very active in this type of research .
• In the unmarked case, the tonic syllable will fall on the lexical in the tone group, which will generally be the head-word of the constituent containing new information and carries the main burden of the pitch movement in the tone group.
Foot, Tone group, Tonic
• Foot: a unit consisting of one or more syllables. • Tone group: the unit of information. A high pitch (tonic) is contained in the tone group.
Information structure
• While theme uses position within the clause to organize information into an initial orientation followed by the rheme, the system of information uses intonation to highlight what is particular newsworthy in the message.
• The clause in 来自百度文库erms of message is thus:
• Theme + Rheme
Thematic progression
• 1) the continuous or constant theme pattern • 2) the linear theme pattern. • 3) the split rheme pattern.
Theme & Rheme
• Theme is the point of departure in a sentence. • The rest of the clause is called rheme. • Once you have identified the theme, rheme is just “everything else”.
• Vilem Mathesius, life-long chairman of the circle, held that apart from the analysis of a sentence in term of subject and predicate from the formal point of view, there may also be a functional analysis in term of theme and rheme.
• If we summarize the basic type of information structure, we can see themes and given information precede rhemes and new information. • But actually, in texts the given and new information by no means match so well with the theme and rheme sequence. • The discrepancies and manipulation involved is exactly where the textually meaning lies.
The functional approach
• One of the main ideas of the Prague linguistic Circle is that a sentence may be analyzed from the functional side as well as the grammatical side.
• By cohesion we mean the elements that bind a text together or make a pile of sentence a text or an effective component of a text.
• There are four kinds of cohesive resources in the English language: • • • • 1). 2). 3). 4). Reference Ellipsis Conjunction Lexical cohesion (Halliday,1994)
• Foot is the rhythmic unit, a phonological constituent, while tone group is an intonation unit, a unit of information.
• //Tell me// when he comes//
• // Tell me when he comes//
Grammar and Text
What is text?
• A text is sentences of any length put together, with texture. • Texture is what binds a text together, intrinsically and contextually.