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A Systematic Review on Treatment of Female Precocious Puberty with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ou Guangshun1,2 ,Wang Shuya1,2 ,Chen Hong2 ,Ye Xinhua2 ( 1. The First Clinical Medicine College of Lanzhou University,
( 编辑: 王乐乐) ( 收稿日期: 2015-04-08 修回日期: 2015-05-18)
doi: 10. 13407 / j. cnki. jpp. 1672-108X. 2015. 09. 004
欧光顺1,2 ,王舒雅1,2 ,陈 虹1,2 ,叶新华2 ( 1. 兰州大学第一临床医学院,甘肃兰州 730000; 2. 兰州大学第一医院,甘肃兰
的实用价值分析[J]. 中国实验诊断学,2015,22( 1) : 53-55. [5] 张秋霞. 降钙素原与 C 反应蛋白检测在小儿感染性疾病诊断
中的价值[J]. 中外医疗,2011,32( 6) : 72. [6] Murakami K,Suzuki C,Fujii A,et al. Intravenous immunoglo-
有国内外有关中药治疗女童性早熟的随机病例对照研究 ( RCT) 相关文献并进行 Meta 分析。结果: 符合纳入标准的文献共
12 篇,合计 921 例女童性早熟患儿。中药治疗组在总有效率( OR = 1. 14,95% CI = 0. 19 ~ 3. 13,P = 0. 51) 、子宫发育水平( SMD
本次研究为分析 PCT 检测在小儿感染性肺炎诊断 中的应用价值,共选取 96 例感染性肺炎患儿和健康儿 童进行血清 PCT 检测,结果显示细菌性肺炎组患儿的 PCT 含量明显高于健康儿童、病毒性肺炎患儿、支原体 肺炎患儿以及衣原体肺炎患儿。治疗前,细菌性肺炎患 儿的血清 PCT 检测结果明显高于正常值,经过治疗后, 细菌性肺炎患儿的血清 PCT 检测结果明显降低,治疗前 后比较差异有统计学意义 ( P < 0. 05) 。儿童血清 PCT 的正常值为 PCT < 0. 5 μg / mL,因此以 PCT 含量 ≥0. 5 μg / L 作为阳性标准,细菌性肺炎组阳性率为 90. 7% ,病 毒性肺炎组阳性率为 26. 9% ,支原体肺炎组阳性率为 23. 5% ,衣原体肺炎组阳性率为 20. 0% 。提示 PCT 在诊 断细菌性肺炎时阳性率较高,在与其他感染性肺炎鉴别 诊断中有一定价值。
Gansu Lanzhou 730000,China; 2. The First Hospital of Lanzhou University,Gansu Lanzhou 730000,China)
[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the effect and security on treatment of female precocious puberty with traditional chinese medicine ( TCM) . Methods: Computer was used to search Cochrane Library,PubMed,Web of Science ( ISI) ,Chinese Bio-medicine Database ( CBM) ,China Journal Full-text Database ( CNKI) ,VIP database ( VIP) and Wanfang database. All of the randomized controlled trials ( RCTs) at home and abroad about TCM in the treatment of female precocious puberty were collected and carried out by Meta-analysis. Results: Twelve RCTs were included and totally 921 patients. There were no statistic differences between the TCM group and Western medicine ( WM) group about the total effective rate ( OR = 1. 14,95% CI = 0. 19 ~ 3. 13,P = 0. 51) ,the uterine development level ( SMD = 0. 16,95% CI = - 0. 56 ~ 0. 88,P = 0. 66) ,the ovarian development level ( SMD = - 0. 24,95% CI = - 1. 02 ~ 0. 53,P = 0. 54) ,the breast development level ( SMD = 1. 02,95% CI = - 0. 12 ~ 2. 17,P = 0. 08) ,the follicle-stimulating hormone ( FSH) in serum ( SMD = - 0. 89,95% CI = - 2. 15 ~ 0. 37,P = 0. 17) and the content of estradiol ( E2 ) in serum ( SMD = 0. 22,95% CI = 0. 00 ~ 0. 44,P = 0. 05) . Between the two groups,the therapeutic effect was better than treatment before on the bone age difference / chronological age difference value ( SMD = - 1. 83,95% CI = - 0. 22 ~ - 0. 68,P = 0. 002) and the content of luteinizing hormone ( LH) in serum ( SMD = - 1. 36,95% CI = - 2. 60 ~ 0. 13,P = 0. 03) ,and there were significant statistical differences between them. There were few side effects in the two groups. By symptomatic treatment or stopping drugs,almost all of the side effects in the two groups can be recovered. Conclusion: It’s safe and effective to treat female precocious puberty with TCM. [Key words] Traditional chinese medicine; Precocious puberty; Children; Female
shock [J]. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther,2011,9( 1) : 71-79. [3] 中华人民共和国卫生部 . 小儿肺炎防治方案[J]. 中华儿科
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( E2 ) ( SMD = 0. 22,95% CI = 0. 00 ~ 0. 44,P = 0. 05) 的疗效与西药对照组比较差异无统计学意义。两组在骨龄差 / 年龄差( SMD = - 1. 83,95% CI = - 0. 22 ~ - 0. 68,P = 0. 002) 和黄体生成素( LH) ( SMD = - 1. 36,95% CI = - 2. 60 ~ 0. 13,P = 0. 03) 的疗效合
州 730000)
[摘要] 目的: 评价应用中医疗法治疗女童性早熟的有效性及安全性。方法: 通过计算机检索 Cochrane Library、PubMed、Web of
Science( ISI) 、中国生物医学数据库( CBM) 、中国期刊全文数据库( CNKI) 、维普数据库( VIP) 和万方数据知识服务平台,搜集所
儿科药学杂志 2015 年第 21 卷第 9 期 Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy 2015,Vol. 21,No. 9
感染性疾病诊断中的临床价值中报道,血清 PCT 是鉴别 细菌性感染和非细菌性感染的重要指标之一,细菌感染 的严重程度越高,在血清中 PCT 的含量越高。
在本次研究中,病 毒 性 肺 炎 组、单 纯 衣 原 体 肺 炎 组 中血清 PCT 水平没有明显变化,而细菌性肺炎组,其血 清 PCT 的含量明显升高,这一研究结果证实了血清 PCT 可用于鉴别细菌性感染和非细菌性感染,且其敏感性和 特异性均较高[6-8]。除此之外,对血清 PCT 进行动态监 测,可以作为判 断 抗 生 素 疗 效 的 重 要 指 标,避 免 抗 生 素 滥用的现象,减少细菌耐药性的发生[9-11]。
结论: 中药治疗女童性早熟疗效确切,安全可靠。
[关键词] 中医药; 性早熟; 儿童; 女性
[文章编号]1672-108X( 2015) 09-0008-06
作者简介: 欧光顺( 1985. 10 ~ ) ,男,硕士,主要从事儿童保健工作,E-mail: ogs20050504@ 126. com。 通讯作者: 陈 虹( 1961. 10 ~ ) ,女,大学本科,副教授,主要从事儿童保健工作,E-mail: CH701@ 163. com。
儿科药学杂志 2015 年第 21 卷第 9 期 Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy 2015,Vol. 21,No. 9
= 0. 16,95% CI = - 0. 56 ~ 0. 88,P = 0. 66) 、卵巢发育水平( SMD = - 0. 24,95% CI = - 1. 02 ~ 0. 53,P = 0. 54) 、乳腺发育水平
( SMD = 1. 02,95% CI = - 0. 12 ~ 2. 17,P = 0. 08) 、卵泡刺激素( FSH) ( SMD = - 0. 89,95% CI = - 2. 15 ~ 0. 37,P = 0. 17) 和雌二醇